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Welp, he's finished.

The Flash movie is cursed

Thank god, i'm so sick of this putrid fuck.

I'm putting together a team

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>roastie beater
some gays we can trust

Can't wait for this pretentious faggot to fade into oblivion

what a fag, I'd beat the shit out of him

you know its your fault Ezra spammer you clearly made that one user go mad and now Ezras fucked

Based Diego. Ezra is done.

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Lmao youd completely freeze and he'd fold you up faggot

Literally who? Are you retarded user?

I'm a purple belt in jiu jitsu lmao I'd tear his leg apart lmao

but who was Dam?

Good, fuck this generation. They all need to be torn down publicly, because they never got torn down otherwise.

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Fags are super narcissists. I wonder how this will harm his ego

who was in the wrong here

Mel's career was ruined because he said the nword and called out the jews, this guy will be fine cause he's a fag

And conveniently the next 20 seconds where she's laughing her ass off and hugging him for being such a goofball are missing.


If I got choked by Ezra Miller it would've been the best boner of my life.

He even strangles like a faggot

ezra being the epitome of "this generation"

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You mean when she panics and begs for help and the camera guy pleads for Ezra to cool off?

>ezrashill has entered the thread

he has done what incels couldn't

Except Mel had a career and talents. This tranny jew has none

he's the epitome of it's worst

>don't know the whole story
>don't think I have to
Fuck this faggot

It's for the best. He was a shit Flash and the Ezraspamming was really annoying.

In the original reddit thread, the person who took the video claimed that Ezra behaved like a thundering asshole all the way through

I love watching this, it's so kino

Mr. E. Rogetr would like a word with you.

He has a talented mouth

>dude she told me to choke her to the ground so I actually did it!
it was stupid no matter what fag

oh yeah?

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We made it my fellow discordtrannies! Ezra is trending at #1! bet you finnfags have never even been trending lol

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if you don't immediately marry and do what you want to a submissive woman you're a disgrace to white race, imagine missing an opportunity of the rarest form of white woman, who actually acts like a female should and doesn't fuck black guys

lol he perceived that as a threat?

>goes on to make a movie that people are begging for a sequel of to date by the masses
Fuck outta here roastie.


Watch out guys he'll North south us to death

if all of this shit is fake, what will happen

Cringey Ezra violently assaulting a woman.

Based Mads softly erotically choking a cute asian.

>Don't know the whole backstory but I don't think I have to.
millenials, everyone

He was truly perfect for the Supreme Gentleman biopic all along

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what if she called him a faggot?

She'd be right

wtf I love him now...

That usually makes them cum

Kojima looks weird without his glasses

We need to talk about Ezra: the Life of

watch the media not report anything about this because they can't say bad things about the alphabet people

He let her down really gently, and they're both smiling and standing close to each other beforehand. His body language isn't aggressive at all.
I'm convinced this is playful horsing around that the media have jumped on because the shortness of the clip leaves it ambiguous

Exactly. That's why kevin spacey still has a great career, right?

>bugchaser gets rabies

Where were you when Ezra Miller got cancelled?

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The disease always use that. Their "listen and believe" dogma depends purely on it.

Kevin Spacey only came out as gay when he was caught, it was an open secret but plenty of normies didn't know he was gay and he didnt go around saying IM GAY. Being fag is all Ezra is known for.

aaaaa I'm in so much danger!!
Someone please cancel him before he kills again!

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why are trannies so violent?

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He’s going to be fine, screencap this

the audio plays way different

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Deleting on-topic and relevant threads multiple times didn't work to suppress this story?! WHAT

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lol the tranny mods are working overtime but they have to dilate you know


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>people who get shit on all the time have the highest rate of suicide
hmm weird uh?

touch a girl?

God I wish that was me.


This is different because it's hot. It really shows how context is important.

get a life loser

He unironically strikes me as a degenerate

hot middle age crisis

Perks of Being a Wallflower was good

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Yas Forums is worst compared to Yas Forums

WTF i like Ezra Miller now

i would have fucked him in that and if he had become a tranny then he'd probably be okay but he looks like shit now

I don't understand your point. Mads Mikkelsen is attractive.

That's it? Holy fuck, this is nothing, the roastie is laughing her flaps off the whole time.

WHY isn't he Geralt again?

They shit on themselves though.
>let's just cut off our dicks and drill a hole instead

Actually what's really sad is that movie had gone to Netflix for the first time only just days ago so all the zoomie Twitterlettes were talking about it and him for the first time, including my little sister until I realized she was talking about school shooter Kevin.