>yo dawg hit this shit and then let's watch a movie. You're pickin tonight!
What do you put on?
>yo dawg hit this shit and then let's watch a movie. You're pickin tonight!
What do you put on?
cannibal holocaust
avengers, best movie of the 20th century
killer clowns from outer space
Stoners are so fucking disgusting. I'd rather fuck a meth addict
shallow hal
I put on my shoes then leave. Goddamn nasty ass potheads.
Stoners are degenerates
Klute. Haven't seen it and dying to watch it. Will watch it after work today, which I still have to sleep for lol.
>tfw no stoner gf to watch with me
Nice things about meth addicts is that since they have no teeth you get a second hole for the price of one!
Nothing, you'll just fall asleep 10 minutes in like always
Notice how her face is out of focus to hide her disgusting stoner skin.
das ding, and she banned it from movie night.
sex when you're high is fucking amazing
i despise stereotypical stoners tho
Has anyone here actually dated a stoner chick?
I feel like it wouldn't be that bad as long as they don't make it their entire identity
milk truck arrive
Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2
yes, i have. think of it like this- they are friends you can fuck but they don't want to kick in for the shit.
yeah most of my ex's smoked. none of them defined themselves by smoking. sex was cash.
>tfw blowing a hit into their pussy and having them queef it back at you
Haha what the hell
w-why am i in a teenage girl's bedroom smoking weed? i need to get the fuck outta here!
watch this with stoner bitches and you might get laid
>he never had a pussy puff
this poster is a virgin
i've dated girls that would occasionally smoke weed, sex was always great. the term stoner chick already implies that it's a big part of her identity tho.
my current gf doesn't smoke because she hates the feeling of losing control of her body which i can understand, but she has no trouble with me smoking in the weekend every now and then.
Weed gives me terrible anxiety. You can hit it while I leave the room, and when I come back we can watch Big Trouble in Little China, Clueless, Renaissance Man, or anything you want really, at my discretion.
based femanon
thanks babe
I still haven't seen Doctor Sleep so I'd probably go with that.
>Oh alright, it's cool. We can chill another day.......geez that guy really killed my vibe
Cum Fart Cocktails 4
>ywn cut class in high school and hang out with the hippy girl and smoke weed again
"Most marijuana smokers are colored people, jazz musicians, and entertainers. Their satanic music is driven by marijuana, and marijuana smoking by white women makes them want to seek sexual relations with Negroes" - actual quote by Harry J. Anslinger, 1st Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
>no papers
>no tin foil
Netflix, gaming and fast food summed up my relationship with a stoner girl.
>but user i always carry a bowl in my purse silly
>screen blocked
>gives me green hit
Smiley Face
say no to drugs
nope sorry. I'm not a degenerate
get that away from me filthy drug user
>gf has to smoke before every single fucking meal
>gf smokes right away upon waking up and right before bed
>cant sleep thru the night without smoking, will rip a grav at like 5am and go back to sleep
>gets fucking anxious as fuck if she doesnt have weed
>spends all her disposable income buying weed from me
>even gets her parents to pick up ounces at a time since they are boomers and roll nothing but joints, then bogart the joint while they watch channel 5 news
It was based at first, but it got really annoying after a year or so. I love to smoke, but I have been trying to limit myself to once in the morning and a big bowl at night after work and the gym. Her smoking all the fucking time is getting annoying desu because I always feel like joining and it fucks up my productivity
It's just weed lmao. What's the harm
That room must smell like absolute dogshit
No thank you. Marijuana is a drug that makes you stupid and lazy. It is also illegal. Furthermore, films are not intellectually stimulating enough for my fully developed adult brain. Why don’t you go watch some cartoons while I reread The Great Gatsby?
The original BBCposter
he was hearsts cuckboi.
its far more powerful and potentially damaging than commonly understood
it can pull you into a vortex from which you never escape
ever seen serious old hippy stoners who have a far away look about their face and eyes all the time?
part of them went into a vortex
It’s not your girlfriend’s fault that you’re a drug addict.
does she have medical problems that require it or did she just turn to it for whatever? it's beyond recreation it seems.
>ever seen serious old hippy stoners who have a far away look about their face and eyes all the time?
that's from being on all the drugs for years.
Quite based too
I feel like that it should be treated like alcohol in which you do it every now and then socially or just to to chill. Most alcoholics are retards after a long time as well.
As with everything moderation is key to enjoying the fruits of life.
Retard. Obviously end game was the best movie ever. 20 years build up. Epic time travel ending.
The iconic line "I am iron man"
People will be talking about infi- I mean end game for years to come
Careful, they might actually get laid.
>none of them defined themselves by smoking
>tfw blowing a hit into their pussy and having them queef it back at you
something doesn't quite add up.
i dont smoke weed because weed is for niggers
Every alcoholic I’ve worked with also thinks that they’re one of the “moderate drinkers” without a problem.