Recs for art hoes

Good movies to impress art hoes, I'm trying to get some early twenty year old pussy. Help me bros I'm a uneducated hick and this girl keeps using words like 'perforate' and 'supplement.'

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My recommendation is to stop being such a faggot

Go perforate her pusy, retard.

my recommendation is to stop being such a simp

man you really don't want to bang those type of girls. they've all got problems and end up being a nuisance

please sauce lady in op

i dated bipolar chicks

Can confirm, every girl who seems to have art hobbies also has BPD or schizophrenia. They'll make your life a misery.
Find the dumbest attractive cunt you can get, it may not be obvious to you but the type of girl who only likes Netflix and shopping is the real girlfriend material.


Have standards, dating crazies is way worse than being single.

Heat, Mulholland Drive, Any Wes Anderson film, Drive, Place Beyond the Pines, that Banksy Documentary, Enter the Void, Twin Peaks, Any Tarantino film, Any documentary on music, Her

t. Had Arthoe GF for three years.

Donnie Darko
The Color Purple
The Mirror

Mal Malloy aka fertility goddess

Why is a girl like that best gf material? You can't bond with a girl you have nothing in common with.

if you cant handle it
dont date them

they are great in bed
plus their" love" is so intense
it never lasts thats the good (and bad)part

men and women have at least one common interest. fucking.

>You can't bond with a girl you have nothing in common with.
You don't need to bond, she isn't supposed to become your best pal. What you share is sexual attraction and eventually the desire to found a family. Everything else comes from the fact that you have not enough friends. You should try to make real friends, I mean it, it's almost as important as getting a girlfriend.
As I said before, the problem with the kind of girls who could eventually share your hobbies is that they're mentally ill. A well-ajusted girl receives too much attention to develop hobbies out of the blue, it's a sign of something wrong. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I have a schizophrenic mother who thought she was an artist for the most part of her life and I had to reject five art hoes who were into because of my mom in the last two years.


>if you cant handle it
>dont date them
I've handled my crazy mother for all my life. I wasted enough time and energy with her to waste myself even more with strangers. I don't know for you but I'm not a basic coomer, I use my brain to pick the women I date. A brain damaged whore who fucked every other guy in town and ready to ruin my life doesn't interest me.

>man you really don't want to bang those type of girls

Arthoes are terrible. You build up addiction to them and it's only ever one night stands they want. After you fuck and talk all night with one until the morning arrives and she leaves and you see her again on campus and she ghosts you it fucking stings. Sure you get another one but then it's just sex and any slag will do for that.

Enjoy your fucked up insect-brain procreation and miserable fucking life once you’re too old to hang out with your friends multiple times a week.

yeah i would never marry a crazy chick, just 3month relationships
im just so fucking bored at everything
i need a crazy girl to fuck my life from time to time
they are my only drug

And how are you going to do better? You'll get married to a BDP crazy? You think this will end up any better than a marriage with a bland but mentally healthy girl? Once you're that old, you'll need a mother for your friends, not someone to watch David Lynch movies with.
Also, regular women are very impressionable, it's fairly easy to date a bland girl and make her like what you like after a few weeks.

I was born rotten. Not much I can do to fix it. Might as well get my dick wet.

What is this bodytype called?

I see Jonah Hill has once again deleted himself from this list.

>"let me ruin your life daddy!"
also rolling

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brap unit

Love - Gaspar Noe
Great Expectations - Cuaron

Yeah I understand, my dad was like you. Every woman he dated including my mom went into a mental institute at some point. He was also a violent alcoholic bastard himself. I guess growing up in that context made me dream for years about having the most normal and boring lifestyle possible.

2 or 5 get

By the way it's literally easier than ever, just say let's watch Parasite. It will work in 9gtmnhy67uj.ol,8ikp; 9.óó

It's even worse when they get addicted to you. They want to ruin your life at all cost. It's hard for most men to imagine that girls into art are that crazy but they truly are.

same, bro. but then i realized it was impossible and that my life was completely worthless, meaningless trash and that no sane person would ever even want to hang out worth me, let alone love me. now i'm just waiting for the proper moment to die. hopefully it happens soon.

Fertility Goddess

maybe someday i will get there

Elon Musk promised ventilators. These are BRAP machines

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Any Studio Ghibli flim
V for Vendetta

mother for your children*
kek I'm getting tired

gib muumi


kek. someone shop it.

>t. small dick

Lmao what a fucking freak you are, i have a normal mom and i'm from a normal family and i've almost always had loads of friends. I've been around many girls and the most fun ones were the ones i felt we had something in common with. I've felt no remorse after breaking up with girls who were hot but who felt boring to me. Yas Forums is just filled with these fucked up losers giving you advise like they have the whole world figured out.

dont do it bro
life is unfair
that means that a good girl (that u dont deserve) can love you, that also means that a good boy can die alone.

u got nothing to lose

>not even fat chicks, arthoes, or nerdy types like me

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2 6 or 7 let’s goooo

>u got nothing to lose
which is exactly why i have no fear of dying.

>no sane person would ever even want to hang out worth me, let alone love me
How could you be sure of that? If you're already aware of how it works, it means you're already on the good path for redemption. A true fuck up could never doubt of himself like you do.
Anyway, I would rather die as an incel than dating a young version of my mom, I'm very lucky to be born without any mental illness, I won't reproduce the curse I've lived as a kid with my own kids.

>I've felt no remorse after breaking up with girls who were hot but who felt boring to me.

in my case i can have 2 or 3 dumb whores at the same time
but for some reason i cant cheat on "interesting girls"

oh geez I can't believe I didn't recognize her. thanks man.

>i have a normal life and a stable family and never dealt with any adversity, take my advice instead of advice from people who are as fucked up as you! just be yourself!

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>8-9/10 latina chicks are putting forth thirst for me
>I know they’re hot and I’m a virgin but for some reason I would rather wait on some 6-7/10 white girl

What do you mean moomi?

You're looking for a way to destroy your asset of being born in a normal life. Smart move, retard.

just watch bojack horseman

that 6-7/10 white girl is expecting sexual experience


good man.

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>Yas Forums - Television & Film and pathological liars who date 5 girls at the same time.

I know, i guess biology just made humans to be faithful to those we feel similiarities with.



People under 25 shouldn't be allowed on this site, fuck you are dumb.

Pretty sure I'll get 9 or 0.

I'm a seer and my future is with 6.

im not talking about 3 gfs
im talkin about 1 gf and two sidechicks
its pretty common just lower your standards and live n a thirdworld shithole like me

I was the guy he replied to idiot zoomer. Whh else would i told him that he was idiot for thinking i don't have friends?

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Do you idiot really think you have to be dumb and bland to have a stable life?

>lower your standards
Can't do that, my dick doesn't get hard with anything below 6/10. Unless I get rich, polygamy will never be for me.


>1 gf and two sidechicks

sounds like not fun work

Ylu don't even need to live in a third world shithole, just lower your standards.