Well, Yas Forums?
Well, Yas Forums?
None. Into the bin they all go.
I've only seen Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight and Inception. So, there we go.
What the fuck.. this is so easy. Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and Dark Knight
Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and Jurassic Park.
Is this supposed to be a tough choice?
Goodfellas Pulp Fiction and Empire Strikes Back
empire. toy story. jurassic
Pulp Fiction
Space Jam
Only ones I want to keep are Goodfellas and Space jam
I would have picked Toy Story but Toy Story 4 left such a bad fuckin taste in my mouth.
Jurassic Park
Space Jam
Three copies of Space Jam please
>Toy Story
>Space Jam
Only one I wanna keep is Infinity War. I guess Toy Story is alright too.
Goodfellas, The Dark Knight, Space Jam
everything else is shit. Empirefags need not reply, we can only imagine a world without SW faggots.
Pulp Fiction
only right answer so far
Infinity War
Empire Strikes Back
Space Jam
Jurassic Park
Pulp Fiction
Toy Story
Space Jam x3
Infinity War
Empire Strikes Back
Space Jam
Jurassic Park
Pulp Fiction
Toy Story
trash em all
Jurassic Park
Empire Strikes Back
Jurassic Park is the only thing on there I care about.
Goodfellas, Pulp and Empire. JP is a book anyway.
everything else is trash
>Infinity War
Space Jam, Toy Story and Jurassic Park
empire, jurassic park, the rest can go in the trash
toy story and empire are easy picks.
space jam is a joke
batman movies all suck.
inception and goodfellas are ok but hardly worth saving
pulp fiction is good but removing it means removing tarantino and his fanboys so thats gone.
so the question is, one amazingly blah avengers movie or an overrated dino flick that gave birth to lots of sfx.
i guess id keep the dinos if i have to choose but id rather keep my 3rd for later
>Infinity War
>space jam
>space jam
>space jam
beat me to it
Empire, dump the rest
>t. redditor
Empire, Jurassic Park, Toy Story
why are we acting like this is a discussion
came here to say this
This is the post lads
They all suck
Diagonal, from top left to bottom right
nigga watch Jurassic Park and Toy Story and Goodfellas wtf nigga damn nigga sheeeeit
that outfit is based as fuck, especially because it matches the colors of the event.
Ok Zoomer
lmao this was some decent bait
Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and Jurassic Park. Shame to lose Empire since it's the only good SW film.
Middle 3. Easy as shit
Tarantino? More like Tarankino!
Poop Fiction
YourAssLick Park
Toy story, jurassic park, dark knight rises
Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Empire
Losing JP made me pause but spielberg is a pedo jew and without it his career would've stagnated.
pulp fiction
jurassic park
space jam
Haven't even seen Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction, but I know that deleting all the others would make the world a far better place.
Pulp fiction, empire strikes back, jurassic park. Ez pz
Inception and Dark Knight, the rest are so yboy trash.
reminder Bodega is a prequelchad and shit talks the sequels regularly
>Pulp fiction
Haha no
I prefer Batman Begins, TDK was soulless
Grew out of Star Wars
>Space Jam
Never saw it
>Toy Story
Aged poorly anyway
>Jurassic Park
Goodfellas and Jurassic Park the rest can fuck off
Goodfellas, Empire Strikes Back and maybe Inception or Jurassic Park
Jurrasic Park and GoodFellas. Fuck the rest.
Toy Story
This is the patrician choice
I'd say pulp goodfellas and toy story
only reason toy story over ep 5 is that 5 by itself would just feel weird
Goodfellas > Pulp Fiction > Jurassic Park > Toy Story > The Empire Strikes Back > The Dark Knight > Inception > Space Jam > Infinity War.
I just look it like this; which movie the world could go by without existing. Well, the world needs kids need lighthearted movies with emotional tones that the family can watch together and thus Toy Story. The world also needs philosophical movies that deals with juxtaposition, grey areas of morality, justice, etc and thus TDK. Finally, the world needs mind-bending stories that deal with the irrational and fantastical and thus Inception. My reasoning cannot be refuted. It is perfect.
Goodfellas> Inception> Pulp fiction>TDK>Toy story> Jurassic Park> The empire strikes back>Space Jam> Infinity war
you don't like chili bass at your crib?
All soi wars films including the original trilogy are incredibly dated. Drop your nostalgia glasses. It's cringe watching them now. The only things one can appreciate these days are.
1) The direction and
2) The music
There are many films from that era that aren't incredibly dated. Alien looks and feels much better and it was released only a couple of years later.
IW, Empire, and JP
Space Jam
Toy Story
I don't know how you could pick anything else.
Jurassic Park
Pulp Fiction
Keep Jurassic Park, Space Jam, and either Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction. Wanna say Pulp Fiction but I feel like as long as we still have Reservoir Dogs we're okay. Rest of the movies and suck my dick, fuck 'em.
Dark Knight
Empire Strikes Back