How many careers are not going to be the same after the quarantine and Hollywood taking a whole year off?

How many careers are not going to be the same after the quarantine and Hollywood taking a whole year off?

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No one's will be "the same", you're probably asking who's will get ruined.

so many "hot" actresses are gonna hit the wall during this time.

Probably anyone who was on "the rise" but hadn't actually nailed down the major roles yet is screwed, all their momentum will be gone and they'll have nothing locked in.

wish i were that stair lads

she'll be fine if that's what you mean, she's uncommonly hot

They said I was a fool to reincarnate as a pair of stilettos, but who's laughing now?

Why is she always so smug?

it is making a lot of them realize how unimportant to peoples lives they would actually be the second that they stop entertaining people for a couple weeks

She's seen a mirror?

She's very delicate looking. Very refined.

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how many people are going to just kill themselves when they realize there's about to be a massive dry spell of pop media? a good number of folks seem to literally subsist off of hollywood and pop media, 2 weeks into a stay-at-home order they are all burnt out now despite having limitless internet at their fingertips

>uncommonly hot
I don't get this. She's cute but she's not some great beauty that only comes one a lifetime. I'd hesitate to call her beautiful desu...she's just cute.

>All of those actresses that look like shit without professional makeup people who either have to be shut-ins or show what they really look like online when they livestream or whatever to their horny "fans"
Fucking kino.

>tfw one of my favorite YouTubers finally got his pilot airing on Adult Swim and this might fuck him over.

I think a lot of people are just watching old shit that they haven't seen.

This, and she's already getting less cute with age.

Could you imagine just giving her a good slap and seeing the bruise or her cheek and jaw the next day? her slight body recoiling in fear, scared you'll do it again...


that's not going to last them 6 months to a year, and the only major upcoming Disney release is.... Mulan Live Action, something they changed to the point everyone was shitting on it including normalfags


By six months they can release stuff that was already done

ive fucked girls as hot as her and im no Chad. Shes neighborhood hot but once you leave your block shes just regular.

Nah, she's very beautiful, and has a lot of sex appeal in her features and how it comes together

Normalfags are probably going to have to develop more obscure tastes then.

What he said.

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hello based department?

sounds like a monumental task for the porg-pajamas wearing consumer crowd

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Her facial structure is far from ideal. Far too small and round. It's gonna go south real quick. In fact, it's already started.

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Is this achievable natty?

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For them, it's either that or go insane in their house-prisons.

I miss prime Moner

is what?

Why? Cos you posted one bad pic?

Isabela finished shooting a Netflix movie with Jason Momoa right before quarantine. It will come out like normal and bridge her career to the other side of this virus.

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I'd love to get hard stats on what % viewings of The Office have gone up since the quarantine. 4 digit increase would not surprise me

What's she been up to lately?

What career? She can't act.

Impressive lips

Yes she can.

I posted a pic that's not slathered in makeup and photoshop. You are deluding yourself user. Moner's facial structure is bad. Very bad. Uncommonly beautiful? No, mon ami

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>heh heh heh they're all gonna have to cam for rent money and there'll be a new fappening i can just FEEL it

Weird how certain folk try to force this narrative. Moner is pretty good on screen, she has charm and charisma beyond just being hot. It's why she gets singled out in reviews for movies she's in.

She's fucking coated in makeup in that pic you posted. It's half the reason it's a bad pic, cos the colors she picked are all wrong for her. Are you retarded?

yikes. I can already see the fat middle-aged spic coming out. in a year she'll be done

Yas Forums meme

a cute

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Really the main problem with her face is that its very squat and cant handle any weight at all. She gains 5 pounds and it all goes straight to her cheeks

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That pic is like six or seven months old. Idiot.

Yeah, that's all some of these normies watch anyway.

she had been doing more music stuff

Attached: Isabela rehearsing.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

I've got a feeling that the hot woman celebs that are already millionaires already have enough money to never work another day in their lives unless they're absolute retards with their money.

well then she only has 6 months to go dumbass

i miss alison brie. times sure were simpler back when community s3 was airing.

You retards have been claiming she'll "be fat housewife very soon" for years now. You keep moving back that supposed date she'll magically not be hot.

What charisma? The only thing she had going for her was her youthful looks but those are already going, otherwise she's a block of wood.

>unless they're absolute retards with their money.

why would you assume the chances of this are low

This logic makes no sense. So six months pass and poof, by magic suddenly she's 15 years older and "fat"?

dont be jealous tran

You're completely wrong. You're forgetting the big belly she's developed. Unless you didn't know

moging Yas Forumswaifus for a living

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thats usually how it happens
after the wall comes a sharp cliff
6 months is being generous

this is an anonymous board you idiot. and you can tell she's getting fatter

>you can tell
prove it

>if you dont like this shitty actress i waifued you're a tranny!
Get a hold of yourself.

Everytime I watch reruns, it still hurts knowing that I'll never get to live my fantasy of fucking prime Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs as their characters at the same time. I want Britta to be a mean feminist and ride me and spit in my mouth and then bully Annie and insult me while I fuck her and then spit in my mouth and stuff her titties in my face and then I lay down and she rides my face with her pussy while Annie rides my dick, and then in the next session we do all of that except in the end Annie rides my face while Britta rides my dick.

That would be pretty kino.

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>s-s-she will be fat
>s-s-she will be fat
>s-s-she will be fat
>s-s-she will be fat :.(

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So you're admitting she's the same as ever now, and are just claiming she'll magically not be hot overnight

this shit won't last 6 more months. USA will reopen before 6 months have passed

I mean I'm not the greatest with my money but I'd like to think that I would be fine having a modest living off of dividends from literal millions.

>USA will reopen before 6 months have passed

he still doesnt realize communist state has taken over

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You've spent a lot of time watching the Christmas special, I take it?

I wasn't until I saw this Maybe she should try doing actual exercises instead of just being a whore on camera, she might lose the gut then.

More recent

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God imagine hiding under those stairs while shit stands on tope and pisses herself ahaha

not working it seems

based dilator

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