What shows does he watch?

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tranny story-time hour

rick and morty

>fragile white man being outraged by fragile while men

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the latest A24 slow-burn

Definitely a fan of all things Harmon

why is he racist

it was pretty mediocre honestly
I mean I get why he released it now since he can't really work on it anymore thanks to kung flu, but still

dont bring community into this

Rewatching HBOs watchmen

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wait a second are you saying this dude is projecting and not aware of it?

shows - CW capeshit and dr. who
movies - harry potter and disney stuff

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Why do people think out loud on Twitter?


whatever the bull wants to watch

why does he hate mexican jews?

Community is more reddit than Rick and Morty.

Bought the special last night. Looking forward to watching it. It'll be good just to see him again.

>Cuck King

Dear White People

I mean that's the point of it basically

objectively false

when did he become racist?

The Cuckold

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I'm black and (stereotypically) would love to beat this faggot to a pulp.

le six seasons and a movie! xD

>being a double major
>being a double major in creative writing and political science
>having a minor
>having a minor in gender & women's studies

How much time and money is he wasting to have no marketable skills?


why would anyone?

Why do all these fags put their pronouns in their social media bios now is that a new SJW dog whistle or something?

I would assume this is a troll account if there weren't so many pictures of his face.

Yeah so you know their preferred pronouns

>gender and women's studies

Forever pussyless and unemployed

>>How much time and money is he wasting to have no marketable skills?
all of it

>is that a new SJW dog whistle or something

It's to "normalize" listing your pronouns so trannies aren't immediately identified as such by listing their pronouns.

>louis 'cuck king' ck is now a white supremacist
honk honk

So that way I can disregard the bullshit they typed much easier.

He's an "ist" now? I thought he was just a serial masturbator.


oh, thats why

Oh, they're ALWAYS immediately identified.

I've always liked the Cuck King, and he became extremely based when he admitted he jacked off on chicks.

>dog whistle
Its a foghorn

What? Are women and non-whites unable to watch the special? What's the problem here?

In real life. Pronouns in bio trannies never leave the house and live on Twitter. Too bad for them that they don't realize they're immediately identified as such on there too by having anime avatars.

>the left turned on Louis CK so now his fandom was ALWAYS muh whitemins boogieman
I don't get it

Bojack horseman, archer, rick and Morty, steven universe, gravity falls, community, brooklyn 99, the office, the mandalorian, game of thrones, all netflix originals, all prime originals, breaking bad, better call saul, master of none, friends, altered carbon, shameless, weeds, the walking dead, westworld, ozark, fargo, suits, madmen, american horror story, the list goes on.

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>fat, bald söybeard talking about fragile white men

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>during this turmoil

lol we're not even at war yet faggot pussy.

>Joe Rogan saying it's not his place to judge but he won't watch Louie's special 'on principle'
I hate that faggot so much

>the requirements for gender and women's studies minor
>Chicana Feminist Theories
>Queer Theories

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Did he really?


How? The dude is basically the spitting image of what liberals want white men to be except for the jerk-off thing. I could see him being a retard and bitching about sexual harassment or some such nonsense, but how is Louis racist or sexist?

>how is he racist
He's white
>how is he sexist
He's male

thats cringe what episode?

>bailing out on your friends when they need you the most

i wonder how many times louis lied and told him he was funny.

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>being that fat and that pale in tuscon
my two years in arizona turned me into a skinny leather carseat

Is Tuscon shit? I lived there for three months for an internship and it seemed based and cozy as fuck.

>college will be one of the many societal casualties in the wake of the chink flu

pretty easy to get fat in phoenix/tucson actually since 8 months a year going outside can lead to heat stroke

put it this way: the only people who like tucson and UofA are people from tucson or went to UofA

Come on, a show about a powerful New York add executive fucking a bunch of women and making big deals with clients? I understand why female feminists would watch it (it makes their baginas tingle!) but why would a male feminist watch it? Wouldn't he think it was evil and sexist?

>We are star stuff.

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>put it this way: the only people who like tucson and UofA are people from tucson or went to UofA
I'm originally from upstate NY but had lived for 5 years in Orlando. How quiet it was, how cordial everyone was, how white everyone was, how peaceful the traffic was, it all reminded me of back home. From what I experienced, Tuscon is my number 2 choice after upstate NY for where I want to spend the rest of my life.

you picture is pretty racist user you afraid we gonna take over?

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thats the thing is you just described arizona in general. and there are far nicer parts of the state.

But they don't have tech jobs aside from Phoenix which is cucked to shit.

You're probably right I was just listing shows that people at university used to talk about.

well then luckily for you all the californians are flooding over here and before long tucson and phoenix are going to be one giant city

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God fucking damn it.

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This is definitely a phenotype