Who would win? Brock Samson or

Who would win? Brock Samson or...

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jonas venture sr. would beat brock.

(X) Doubt

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he's the greatest adventurer of all time. as tough as brock, and much smarter.

John Wick.

Jonas surrounded himself by people who were much more capable than him in various fields/skillsets to help him accomplish his goals. Jonas' only real strength was charisma. It's reasonable to claim that Jonas Venture Jr. was even a better scientist than his father because he did most of his work solo.

Not a fucking chance. Brock single handedly took out the entire venture team by accident, sure they were senile but Dr venture Senior isn't a fighter he's a scientist adventurer. Brock is the greatest fighter in the venture bros universe.

Would Brock win against his Wonder Woman lover? Doubt it.



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It's not a matter of "if" Brock would win, it's a matter of when. Brock is a relentless murder machine incapable of losing. Maybe you can beat Brock once, maybe even twice, but he's just gonna come back twice as hard, twice as pissed.

killinger would wreck brock's shit without breaking a sweat
killinger is at the top of the ladder in the venture universe you silly billy

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This. He's a cat playing with a mouse. With everyday henchmen and villains he's constantly toying with them because he likes the fight to last. If someone gets the upper hand and Actually beats him it's only going to be a fleeting pleasure.

Nobody knows who or what killinger is. Magic is some off the walls shit and it's constantly underestimated by everyone except the order of the triad. Killinger is too meta to discuss because we don't know anything about him still.

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can we all agree he is either still alive or has clones that are?

You better just kill me!

this show takes so fucking long to come out that by the time there are new episodes i have completely forgotten what the fuck is happening. i guess i'll have plenty of time to rewatch the whole show now

I'm a new fan that just marathoners the entire things for the past 2 weeks. Definitely my favorite show but the long ass time for new content feels like berserk.

based Hunter would smack Brock around

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venture bros is reddit

Brock is the ultimate commando

honestly there is not really any site that really talks about venture bros. it's hard to even find people who have heard of it in my experience, or they only know it exists but have never seen it.

Killinger wipes the floor with him, the investors probably magicfuck him as well

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Killinger has only been seen fighting his brothers. And they are of unknown power levels. They resorted to using cheap magic to take someone out and that's it, they were shapeshifting ghosts, not exactly super powered Demi gods, just powerful tricksters.

Killinger has talked his way through everything. In all honesty he really isn't a fighter, he's a diplomat who's trying to alter the meta surrounding the story. Give Brock some prep and I doubt killinger would have much up his sleeve besides see magic plot device to escape..

The great waiting fandoms of East and West. We didn't get a boat at least!

>the investors
what was the point of them again
what did they even want

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they would immediately just fuck and produce the god emperor of mankind

reddit.com/search/?q=venture bros&sort=top

I had a moment of relief with the final of season 7
I misunderstood someone's spoilers when I was in the middle of season 4. I thought some user said Rusty dies, because I confused him as "venture Jr". I sat with that all throughout season 7 because rusty gets feted to as junior multiple times. Not remembering Jonas jr

so is hunter trans?

Idk apparently they were messing with the course of things so killinger had to put them down. I think they're the same thing as killinger and they're all supposed to guide people to their true selves
The investors were pretty much invincible before killinger took them out

that subreddit is literally just the same as every single other subreddit it's nothing but image macros and surface level references, nobody is having discussions about the actual show there

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he's won every confrontation he's been in effortlessly
including giving orpheus an aneurism without flinching
he seems to be above everything and only displays the amount of power necessary to win, but has never been beaten
including the investors who were the main villains

how did he measure his dick against phantom limb when he apparently had his chopped off?

>The investors were pretty much invincible before killinger took them out
They did 2 things, they killed that inferno guy and then fucked with O.S.I intelligence. You can't call them invincible when all they did was LARP as Loki in avengers and kill 1 guy. I bet the order of the triad could have taken those bitches out since they only flex using magic.

Which brings us back to killinger. He's hasn't proven himself to be an extraordinary fighter when all he did was kill 3 magicians. Brock killed the best assassin's in the world, he's the single most powerful man in the series. We're arguing about the unrelenting force against an enigma here for crying out loud!

Son you don't know DICK! He had a very impressive plastic surgery to give him the APPEARANCE of a woman's genitals. He still had his cock!

You guys need to marathon the series again. These details are all out there!

21 matched him in combat
your argument is invalid

Highlight of later seasons?

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it's an absolute crime that people mindlessly consume ugly pedophile garbage like big mouth, or toonboom knockoffs of R&M, and think "THIS is western animation!" and then a western show like VB, with actual fucking animation people put actual fucking effort into, is almost completely forgotten and overlooked

the show looks great and does not get the credit it deserves

dr zin visiting action jonny in rehab comes to mind

the warhol happening at the venture loft as well

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I think they're vampires or something?

those were prostitutes


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>incapable of losing
>you can beat Brock once, maybe even twice
proper retard

The six million dollar man fucked him up

You're grossly exaggerating what happened. Brock was approaching him like he was a level 4 henchman. Not knowing 21 did training and pumped himself up into a level 10 henchman. As always Brock toyed with him because he likes to fight, but he was knocked senseless when Brock decided he was done.

Wait I honestly forgot which episode that is.

if you are a woman capable of putting up a fight he will fuck you
if you are a man capable of putting up a fight he will use more than 10% of his power

I forgot but it's when he goes into a forest and finds the six million dollar man in a gay relationship with bigfoot

Want to know why Brock never complained about being Rusty's bodyguard? Because he was unauthorized to used a lethal firearm, and was only issued his Bowie knife, and to him that was a challenge that he cherished.
And even after being given the authorization to carry handguns he still keeps his unloaded at all times because he loves the thrill of gutting his enemies up close. Brock will make a fight last as long as he wants if he sees a real challenge.

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The return of Dr. Dugong.

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Wait I forgot killinger opens his murder bag and instantly vaporizes 3 people just from opening it, and the triad couldn't do shit because orpheus tried to use his powers on killinger and they didnt work

The only claim to fame that Jonas Jr has was rebuilding gargantua and he was working with the investors and other super scientists as well.

>it is revealed in All This and Gargantua-2 that the Investors are the brothers of Dr. Henry Killinger and are respectively named (from left to right in the captioned photo) Lips, Caecius, and Skiron, which are references to the Greco-Roman gods of the southwest, northeast, and northwest winds, respectively. This also implies that Killinger is Apeliotes or Eurus, the god of the southeast wind.


they were a bad underused plot device that got tossed out

The warlock tried to read killingers mind but killinger is clearly a vessel of a higher power that's potentially Eldritch considering his prophetic knowledge. Warlock is also considered an amateur.

What even is the plot of this show at this point? Like is there some kind of goal we are actually moving toward here?

There's too much primal energy between them for this to not happen

>Man seeks a good time, but he is not a hedonist! He seeks love, he just doesn't know where to look. He looks under the beds of whores and in the hot stem of a crack pipe. But he should look to nature; gentle aquatic mammals have all the answers!

i think you've totally lost the point here. it's a character driven series, no one's trying to get off gilligan's island or get samuel beckett back home

feels like they were trying to set up yet another "big bad mysterious group of villains" but more serious this time, then got bored of it and swiftly killed them