Will they ever make quality boatkino again?

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is there more boatkino such as this?

not really in the same way but there's the hornblower tv show and various mutiny on the bounty movies.

No, because it's too expensive and doesn't appeal to wammen.

I started watched Master and Commander at the advice of Brit/pol/

Are all British Captains this fucking retarded?
>let's enlist children into our navy
>let's put the children directly into battle
>let's not evacuate the children and other wounded back to England for proper treatment
>let's intentionally kill our own men while chasing a bigger and stronger ship that we have no business chasing

You see, America's navy does it right. We have evacuation crews, backup ships, and we CERTAINLY DO NOT allow minors into any of our military squadrons, no matter how bad we're losing (we literally don't though...Rule Americannia, not Britannia, bitches).

On top of this, the British currently give ultimate sea power (still behind the US) to an Admiral who brags about how many creampies he's taken in his asshole over the years.

The US needs to end its "special relationship" with the UK because I won't allow my country to be associated with a bunch of child labour causing, retarded captain hiring, gay admiral appointing lunatics.

>You'll never experience Das Boot upon release How to cope?


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*kidnaps you and forces you to serve in the British Navy*

I can really see how going into the fifth hour of the movie your inability to piss would cause a mood that would make you able to relate more to the increasingly desperate boot crew

>He thinks those little boys were for fighting

user, I..

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They did.

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I dunno. I was hoping for one based on the Blendon Hall.

Hopefully this

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This was okay by Asian standards

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based pedo hanks

Tom Hanks was too old in SPR, now he's a fucking dinosaur.

Watched this a few hours ago. Pretty good.

>Pic related and Master And Commander are the two best movies I’ve ever seen in my life

Why are brave white men on boats such a perfect recipe for kino, you guys?

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>not giving the young lads discipline and a bit of the ol' cock now and then

This looks potentially good.

Based on a nook by the C.S. Forester who wrote Horatio Hornblower

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Not until The Modern Ocean gets made.

You're comparing a contemporary navy with an early 19th century one.

What a fucken retard.

isnt there a new ship kino coming out? i think its a show about an expedition but i cant remember

I'd say bad bait but people fell for it so congrats I guess.

Brave white men on boats made the modern world.

Nailed it, same reason there's no chance of Napoleonic kino, huge crowds of horses are much more expensive than you'd think.

lol, you literally have to have zero knowledge of the Uboat war to even THINK this looks good. It's going to be God awful. Pearl Harbor grade trash.

This is the answer to most kino. No forced drama. My buddies both thought when watching Master and Commander it would be ruined by that brown woman making eyes at the captain. She would of course come onto the ship and tell him how to run his ship and be a better captain than he ever was. Meanwhile doctor bro would just be pushed to the side and not even a part of the movie.

Isn’t there some cool boats movie coming out? With Tom Hanks or Willem Defoe or something in it?

Honestly really excited for this, I love me some WW2 Naval battles
If it's at least as decent as that recent Midway movie I'll be happy

Wait...... it’s a WWII movie.....? Fuck that. I’m out.

please help im losing my mind because i cant remember it

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Based on that recommendation I'll watch it tonight. if the thread is still up in a few hours I'll get back to you but this isn't starwars/marvel/netflix so I doubt it will be up much longer.

What the hell did you think it was when you saw it?


Boats Boats Boats is surprisingly not that common compared to what women think it is.


the terror

I would also like to know now

It's the best ww2 film ever made

Bump for boats

>boat kino
The Terror season 1 was incredible. Season 2 was cheap trash and not related to the HMS expedition at all.

I'd let him Fitz my james, if you know what I mean!

AMC Terror

What the fuck are you on about?
You just described parts of a movie that you imagined but didn't actually happen in the movie.

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HMS Pinafore

He mentioned a somewhat common trope that they thought might happen and said it would have made it worse? Howd you not get that?

This looks like shit, like that recent Pearl Harbor movie

post boats

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About to start it right now user.Be back in a couple hours.

Are you retarded?

Make sure you get the directors cut version with subtitles. Look up the different run times to make sure you have it. Theres like 5 different versions of the film. Secondly, make sure you have english subtitles and not the english dub audio track. Do as I have instructed you

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>1 million views per average episode
not bad
maybe boatkino isn't as niche as people think

>watching comfy boat documentary
>the ship's cat name is Nigger

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>On top of this, the British currently give ultimate sea power (still behind the US) to an Admiral who brags about how many creampies he's taken in his asshole over the years.
Buggery is a proud tradition of the Royal Navy and I won't have you denigrate our traditions!

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because it's such an obvious outlet for your homosexual cravings

Just a reminder that there were supposed to be five aubrey/maturin movies but they thought they couldn’t go up against Pirated of the Caribbean. Just imagine how better it would be if it went the other way.


>a couple hours
Make sure you watch the original, 5 hour version.