Murders wife

>murders wife
>murders two children
>murders unborn baby
>what compels a man to do this?

Movies or KINOS for this feel and or subject???

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I think he was retarded in a specific way where he not only had no empathy but couldn't even process how other people have emotions and desires of their own

the funny part is this guy probably fucked more women in his life than all of Yas Forums combined. Women love sociopathic men.

But he’s a manlet so I’m still winning

ok retard

Unless there was abuse behind the scenes somewhere, I think he was just a fucking retard with a lot of insecurity who was trapped in a loveless marriage. Furthermore, I bet the wife was emotionally abusive given that she would constantly pull him in on these facebook streams even though he obviously was uncomfortable with it and he absolutely did not want a third child. Look up 'thecoldpodcast' for similar kino with Josh Powell. He's also a special kind of retard but the circumstances were far more obscene in his case.

roastie deserved it

Grow up short stack

His mistress would let him do buttstuff. His wife was a nagging cunt who pretty much lost everything in a pyramid scheme. That's enough to compel any retard to commit murder.

>he had sex so he gets the last laugh

imagine simpin like this

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>his face when the police shows up with the dogs

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clearly he couldn't cope with the fact this wife was a white lady named 'Shan'ann'

stayvun would have never done this

Literally who?

he was sick of his wife's shit and then he realized he didn't want to take care of the kids by himself

>Movies or KINOS for this feel and or subject???

white people are fucked up. their crimes are never simple. they always have to take it to 11. they love it

Literally true. Being taller, and having a full head of hair makes everything better,

>falseflagging white kid
Stop trying to start shit you faggot

under promise, over deliver

No wonder they hired him to be a manager at a oil rig.

>spotted the reddit cuck.

anybody have the fetus skull webm?

You guys are dumb as fuck. His wife was getting self-help books and actively trying to save the marriage. It was him.

You guys are literal fucking retards. It's not always the woman's fault, I admit it mostly is, but not this time.

This shit wouldn't happen if the fucking divorce courts didn't ass rape every male that goes into them. A lot of guys would sadly choose this over being slowly drained and being a wage slave to their ex for 18+ years. When you think of it that way I can see why he did it.

chris watts is based for killing his roastie wife and his future roastie daughters
slightly unbased for killing his unborn masculine child though
all women need to die

>what compels a man to do this?
Sociopathy. Killing your family and then yourself is motivated by extreme depression, but killing your family and trying to start anew is sociopathy, pure and simple.

>thinks saying any "kinos for this feel" gives you a pass to trick anons into thinking this isnt off topic shit

>self-help books

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Can I get a run down?

>Movies or KINOS for this feel and or subject???
i got a QUESTION, why do you type like a fag???

Did he win?

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the only way he could

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>A lot of guys would choose this
No user, most men would not kill their children

I'll check that podcast out. Thanks.

Her spending and MLM 'jobs' had bankrupted them once. Was about to bankrupt them a second time. They were living in a house they couldn't afford, behind on payments. Sending the two girls to an expensive preschool. Despite the fact she was pretty much a housewife. That's not even going into the Munchausen shit with her an the girls. He's obviously a monster. Absolutely wrong. Irredeemable. But, she wasn't the perfect wife and mother she's portrayed as.

imagine because you haven't gotten a whiff of pussy, you think others haven't, lelz.

That body-camera and interrogation room footage is more cinematic than the majority of movies. Release it in theaters, it'd get a 97% on RT. At least.

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Sounds like he was a weak bitch and just kept his frustrations inside until he sperged out on his family.

I don't know.

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The "he she/never developed empathy" thing is such a load of bullshit. This dude was just a middle of the road selfish faggot who got sick of his suburban life but wasnt man enough to either deal with it because of his responsibility to his family OR tell his wife he wants to go fuck another woman and deal with a lot of immediate emotional pain in order to live a more honest life.

I only by the no empathy thing if someone is on either far end of the IQ spectrum where they dont even identify with other people. Or someone like Ted Kaczynski who was a genius and a retard at the same time

He wasnt can still separate or get divorced. He was just too much of a bitch to go through all the bullshit and pain. Whats the worst case scenario, your kids (that you dont want) and your wife (who youre already cheating on) get mad at you? Thats not "trapped"


I can understand killing your wife, but I don't get how you could kill your little kids one at a time like that. Scary stuff.

This. I have a daughter and I literally can't imagine harming her in any way. Guy needs to be put down.

>Ted Kaczynski

yes that is better than his life now

>going full retard

I'm not saying he made the right choice, just that you're retarded if you think he could have left his marriage with only minor issues.

Id harm your kids with my cock if you catch my drift


i'd rather kill others, ESPECIALLY children, than commit suicide. if i'm going down im taking others with me

Do you know what they do to child killers in prison? Dudes life is going to be a living hell.

it's too late, you already posted like a retard

Do you know what he did to his daughters? That's zero empathy. This dude didn't feel shit.

My daughter already knows how to put disappointingly tiny worms on hooks to fish.

What I'm saying is you should be careful.

>commercial of pregnant woman/fetus plays
>immediately followed by a commercial showing a skeleton being submerged in oil

Absolute pottery. It's almost as if there is a god, and he wanted chris caught.

>can’t imagine
That means you’ll likely kill them than not. I always imagine scenarios, even though I have no wife and am a virgin I put myself in the shoes of people that do this crap. It’s called attaining knowledge and expanding wisdom.

In prison it's ok to kill children
it's ok to beat children
it's ok to sell drugs to children
it's ok to sell the children themselves
just don't touch the children

That's literally called being a sociopath

>My daughter already knows how to put disappointingly tiny worms on hooks to fish.

>What I'm saying is you should be careful.

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>even though I have no wife and am a virgin I put myself in the shoes of people
You are too pure user

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And the kids did they abuse him too you fucking retards

it was money

his dumb ass wife was literally bankrupting him multiple times and STILL spending all his money he didn't have

It honestly makes complete sense when you realize he did it to avoid her getting more money from a divorce.

You continue to be you bb don't let anybody tell you otherwise
>mfw thinking of you hurting

I love going to the army surplus store and looking at shirts like these. I would never buy one but I like to picture the boomer wearing them.

>newfag is just now catching on to this "x for this feel" or "x like this" shitpost openers

Jesus how fucking new are you? Also this isnt exactly off topic, the case was highly televised and was national news for a long time. Documentaries on the subject etc...

Tldr kill yourself newfag

It doesn't make sense to kill the kids.

Little shits had it coming

There was no good way out of his situation desu. He was cheating on his wife and if he had asked for a divorce he would’ve gotten raped in court.

and now he's getting raped in prison

>wife obsessed with facebook
>wife gets into MLM pyramid schemes
>dept piling up, pyramid schemes getting worse

He was already in prison. Probably enjoys the one he's in now more.

>He was already in prison. Probably enjoys the one he's in now more.
He's got getting any poontang. His entire family thinks he's a fucking piece of shit so they're not putting anything in his books. The other prisoners without a doubt think he's the ultimate scum of the earth and probably beat the shit out of him whenever they get a chance assuming he's not in maximum security lock down where he'd be in solitary for 23 hours a day for the rest of his life. Simply put I don't think he's doing well.

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