Tell me Yas Forums, where do you place on the Kinsey Scale?
Tell me Yas Forums, where do you place on the Kinsey Scale?
6, i bite off the soft end of the bone too
>eating the gross chewy bits
gross, I'm not a dog or a hobo
one through three should be illegal.
I go to 4, I hate the chunky stringy parts
When i was a kid I was a total 1 though, I would take like one bite and stop
4, sometimes i'll bite off that cartilaginous bit on the top right, too
tendons suck
>not liking cartilage
Or at least make a stock out of it to get the nutrients
OP said Kinsey Scale you absolute faggot.
i eat the bone marrow
what the fuck is that real?
I eat the bones too, but that's because I was a wolf in my previous life.
Like a 3.5. Sometimes that meat just isn't very good.
Usually 5, but 4 if I'm drunk or at a party and I'm just ballin. Might take a big ass bite and throw that shit to the dogs.
Ah yes, I too saw that thread on /ck/. It's great to see it again on Yas Forums.
4 because I'm not wasting my time on getting every stringy piece of shit off the bone
4 mang
my mom does it, fucking nasty
DUde how do they do that ? can my cats do that too
0 (ordering boneless instead)
second this, dig out the marrow too if I have a fork
4 and I'm not a homo
I really like cock, like just aesthetically I really want to suck one or take one up my ass but I have no physical attraction to men's bodies or faces. I don't really care where my dick goes though I just want a warm hole to stick it in. I wouldn't suck a dude's dick if I thought he was ugly though but I'd fuck an ugly girl.
4 if there is company, 5 if I am alone, 6 for when I am drunk and literally eat the soft bones at the end.
literally the only person that has answered correctly so far
7 I break apart the bone and eat the marrow
Your mom sounds hot
dos anyone know what is those 2 whites bits in pork ribs, it is not bone cause it is soft, I hate that shit too fuck
why is meat so tasty but nasty and the same time
>Kinsey Scale
>all these high numbers
look at all these faggots itt
3, I'm not an animal
>complains about not meat
>blames meat
I will not stand idly by, you son of a bitch.
I've done it multiple times and always end up with X. Idk why.
no, it is fucking disgusting, she keeps telling me I shouldn't slurp when drinking or make noises when eating but I partially do that cause I have nose problems and I can't eat and breath and the same time
but the pig will eat literally anything, when she makes oxtail you be be prepared to a horror show, when there's pig leg she will eat the fat chunks like it is cotton candy
fucking disgusting
This is entirely dependent on my level of hunger. My baseline is 4 but when i'm particularly voracious i'll max out at devouring bone if soft enough.
Cartilage that holds the ribcage together?
it's cartilage.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
8 I throw the bones in a food processor and inhale the powder
>tfw my sister does literally 1 or 2 depending on her mood
why the fuck are women like this
i wish i had a friend i could show this to
it is disgusting, the meat around it is so tasty I want to shove it all in my mouth but these nasty things makes me want to puke
I'll teach your sister how to be a man so I can get totally gay with her.
9. I fuse the powder with concrete and inject it straight into my bloodstream.
anyone want to change their answer? Not sure why you're all talking about hot wings
Fucking 5. How can anyone eat less?
12. I scream at the chicken until it dies of a broken heart
Your mom's a slampig and I wanna be this week's stepdad user
Lowest test post I’ve seen in a while.
I used to work with this German woman who would eat the bones like it was nothing. She told me it was a German thing.
Yas Forums is filled with faggots, what a suprise
>eating chicken
>wondering why you're balding and have bitch tits
I only eat the soft part of the bones.
how did this alphachad mom raise such a faggot wimp
Why are whitoids like this
Projecting much
>date a stupid white girl
>assume her dumb ass is the how all white people act
This is actual racism.
Pic related, how a real man eats chicken
Because we thought it was a chicken wing scale obviously, retard.
This. 4 or 5 are for poorfags and fatties.
lurk more simp
4 to 5 on the wings what the fuck is the Kinsey Scale?
i was going to say 2 because i rubbed a few ones out to traps but somehow the 2 looks gayer than the 3 and the 6 combined.
also does this scale imply that all chads and brads have had their fair share of "fun" with the bros?
Humans gained sentience and our level of intelligence by eating bone marrow, retard.