Could the regular Joe Schmoe handle the violence in an adaption of this?
Could the regular Joe Schmoe handle the violence in an adaption of this?
The violence would probably be fine in the current climate, the rape and the fact that every other word in the book is nigger would make it financially untennable.
Is there actually a narrative or even a climax? I'm like a third into it and I don't want to read any more.
I also disliked the Road if that's anything.
no, it would be the ultimate pleb filter.
How come Tarantino can say nigger?
Shit edgelord schlock, has no literary value whatsoever and is also a chore to read.
It's an anti-western, it shows a different side to the romanticised ideal of the west that we came to understand from TV and Hollywood.
I hated reading it too but the ending is worth it.
because he's "just kidding lol I love letting niggers fuck my wife" fuck that commie sympathizer
>commie sympathizer
Cast him
because he's a notorious anti-white shabbos goy. google "quentin tarantino unrealized projects".
If you read for the plot you're a brainlet
Fuck yea time for a comfy Blood Meridian thread
>pic related, the only man who can adapt this
70s Robert Duvall
I would stop reading it
wtf is worng with both of you, it's beautiful and fluent
The guy who acts as Wilson fisk in daredevil
>three times i have walked before the barrel of your gun, why do you not shoot?
>there is a false place in the fabric of your heart, did you think I could not know?
what the fuck did he mean by this
Hes calling him a pussy
The Kid is the only person in the gang who ever shows a shred of decency to anyone. Things like volunteering to help pull the arrow out of the guy's leg, refusing to kill the wounded guy they leave behind, etc. And the fact that during the big slaughter scenes the Kid is never explicitly mentioned by name which seems to suggest that he's going along with the killing but he's at least not gleefully reveling in it like everyone else (except maybe Tobin, I guess.)
The Judge knows he never fully gave himself over and that's why he destroys him at the end.
both equally true interpretations
based and /lit/pilled
The amount that nigger was said in his last two westerns was already enough to cause a stir at the time, even in the last few years things have accelerated. I don’t think it was used once in Hollywood. The current climate would not take kindly to the word being used flippantly by a white screenwriter, as strange as that may seem. Culture writers are getting more volatile and sensitive by the day
Yeah people are fine with violence it’s the racial slurs they’ll freak out about
I find the prose beautiful to read
>you can scalp an man for no reason
>just don't call him an injun
Glenn Fleshler shaven bald
it's a hack opinion but i agree
>15 runon sentences
>15 more runon sentences
I don't get it. I hated the book. It feels like Yas Forums loves it because no one here reads, but it's a difficult enough book to get into. It's like Blood Meridian being a Piavolo flim.
no, it's too impossibly violent for normal people who never think about violence. unlike me. I've seen horrors, horrors that you've seen. but you have no right to call me a murderer. you have a right to kill me. you have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me. it's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror. horror and moral terror are your friends. if they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. they are truly enemies.
What other kinos would be 'unadaptable' or 'unpalatable' for people?
House of Leaves is too meta for it to be adapted, it couldn't exist as anything but a novel.
It is a difficult novel to the prose, and it can jump from 19th century slang, to Mexican Spanish, back to modern English. The way McCarthy describes the desert so vividly is like a mirror to the cast of characters.
Couldn't get through it. It's a slog.
American Psycho would have qualified. The book has some genuinely disgusting sequences, and other parts of it intentionally drag on into tedium. The movie did a great job of capturing the more satirical elements without the excessive rape and gore and hour long phone conversations about restaurant reservations.
Is the novel worth the read having already seen the film?
>still bitching about "muh run on sentences"
it's a fucking thematic choice you absolute pleb
It’s still a fine book, though a controversial one. It communicates all the same things that the movie does, just in a much, much less reserved fashion. Genuinely funny at times, disturbing at others.
>Is there evan a climax?
You're not ready
Bone Tomahawk is blood meridian esque in violence
>tobin is the most likely to have survived
>becomes preacher from pale rider
I think the Indians being portrayed as just as violent as everyone else wouldn't fly in a mainstream movie today.
what else would you read a fiction novel for?
the prose
The prose is absolutely incredible
I dont think the usual gangs of idiots would handle natives scalping random people and shoving the severed genitals in the mouth. they would be ok with all the child rape though.
It's incredible how The Judge was never able to transform him completely.
What exactly is The Judge? The descriptions and supernatural aspect make him resemble to an angelic creature, not Satan but someone of similar nature. Like an Archon, some type of fallen angel.
>""""thematic choice""""
so is this what people call dearth of adherence of basic grammar structure? are you from /lit/? is this what you retards actually discuss, that misuse of the rules of a medium is "thematic choice"?
The shit-eating and smashing babies heads over rocks would probably have to go but other than that it could probably fly.
>I don't understand how No Country (the film) is specifically conservative? Isn't the films whole point that romanticising the past and assuming things are getting worse actually pretty much a delusion? I haven't read the book, but we're talking about the movie so be careful in appealing to Cormac's words over the screenplay.
Yes, but it goes both way. The world isn't getting better either. As a matter of fact it won't ever get better and there's nothing that can be done about that. Progress is not possible.
Also the only refuge Bel finds from nihilism at the end is his marriage, trying to be a good man in spite of everything, and the hope that his dead father is waiting for him.
Now to be clear the movie isn't reactionary. The message isn't that everything used to be better. But the movie is critical of the notion that society can be improved. Evilness is inherent to the world and can't be corrected. There will always be death and violence. But at the same time the movie proposes traditional values as a way of finding meaning.
This could only work if it was written and directed by James Franco
The Judge as Vincent D'onofrio
The Kid as Dave Franco
Toadvine as Danny McBride
adapting blood meridian into tv is a meme
its just every western trope set in every biome of the southwest
beautiful as prose and but little substance of story
he would unironically be perfect as holden
You sound like a fucking faggot.
??? What you saying dummy? Franco? Why?
I think Holden may be a personification if manifest destiny, and the encroachment (and this isn’t meant to be sjw bullshit) of the white man on native lands. He’s an embodiment of technological advancement, a sense of “ownership”, it’s reflected in his appearance, and he preaches some fairly archaic tenets that link back to what motivated American frontiersman. Basically he’s The spirit of conquest.
I just realized you’re joking.
The dead babies hanging in the tree reminds me of Berserk. tbqh
Michael Bay directs, Vin Diesel as the Judge.
The Rock as the Kid