
Was he based?

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I'v never seen a chad with mental illness before.


He was a fucking retard not to mention lazy plot device.

Marty is the only based character in this show. And maybe that kid who fucks a 60 yo woman.

show writers realized the show had literally no likeable characters, and so he was created.

Ruth is ok.

Ruth is awful

the only based female on this show is the crazy old redneck lady.

I really miss Del

What kind of meds did he take to stay sane?

Antidepressants, obviously. That's why he couldn't get hard.

I wish there was a montage of Marty's progressive JUSTing from stress

Marty's networth is literally 30+ millions and he can't just fly away with his family to Ukraine or some place like that to be safe from mexicans?


There is no save from cartels you fucking retard. Only insane muslims from ISIS and russian mafia can fuck with them.

Why did he keep calling the lawyer?

>mexicans can't even figure out how to set up a casino in america on their own
>thinks they're going to hunt people across the world


I just finished watching Episode 9, talk about an awful episode
He gets released from the facility and the FIRST THING he thinks about doing is going to Helen's house to... tell the daughter? That doesn't make any sense, youre mad at Wendy not the fucking Lawyer who gave you a lucky break twice
The writers were smoking crack.

fuck I meant episode 8. But still, the season was going solid thus far now it's feeling very very rushed. Like they needed to find a way to have Erin find out so they concocted this inconceivable bullshit

are bipotards really like this?

The writing was so fucking unbelievable. I was waiting for the big reveal on how Marty ACTUALLY intended to turn that FBI agent. Instead they just inject a victory into Wendys character and he basically begs her to join. Theres no cleverness in this season, no sense to the characters, like they dont have a plan, the fun of guessing what their next move is going to be is completely absent from this season. The only suprise was the end.

And tell me im not the only one who fucking hates Wendy's acting? What the fuck was with that arcade macgine he bought? She unplugged it so it fucking disapeared? Fellas.. this wasn't a good season :(

>lazy plot device.
Yes. The show became boring when they made him the virtual center of it.
Season 2 was amazing.

It’s not about the cartel dumb niggers, think about what the fbi would do if they al just disappeared

Wendy’s acting is purposely bad, the character tries to put on facades for others trying to convince them that she’s something she’s not

Wendy's a solid actor I see nothing wrong with her. Youre right about the arcade machine it came and went for no reason. We got a flashback to Marty's childhood that just served to say he was a smart child, then he plays it in the garage for an episode and it's unimportant.

I still feel the season started off fine though

I just finished the first season and I don't even know if I want to continue. Those retarded rednecks really killed someone over a God damn joke and I want to know if the preacher's wife is dead or not.

Nah that was fine. Theyre extremely proud and racist. It's worth watching the 2nd.

He was bipolar with mainly manic issues so basically lithium.

>Those retarded rednecks
Hey, careful, basedfag

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putting women in their place was based

I don't think you understand just how accurate that kind of retardation from a bipolar person is: you could have a gun to their heads and they'd expect you to put it down because you're being a piece of shit and their feelings matter for some reason.

Yes. Holy fuck, yes. This show had quite possibly the most accurate representation of those medication dodging assholes.

But why should we--the audience--care about Wendy's brother's feelings?

Jacob was literally only based character in whole series up until he started to act like in the middle of season 2

Because they fuck up everything for everyone, just like a bipolar jackass' feelings in real life.

worthless character whose only function is to be the retard

But he wasn't in the previous seasons, he popped up out of nowhere, and we didn't have background of Wendy's family.
It seemed off topic. This wasn't a show about mental illness.

Shit happens, man.

Based character. He was like the cool uncle I always wanted, plus his death was really moving. I think Ben and Helen were the best part of this season.

Fair point

Wendy mentioned him and how crazy he could get in like Season 1. She was worried it was something that ran in the family because of how badly Jonah was handling things.

he was a SIMP

People thinking his actions aren't realistic have never had bipolar family members. The way he loses all common sense and does the absolute dumbest shit after going off the rails is just what my brother used to do. It's literally like babysitting a huge dangerous baby with no impulse control. Doesn't mean they can't be super cool otherwise, but they go off the rails like that.

why did navarro need the byrds to buy the ranch just to cut off a horses testicles?

they could have just snuck in overnight and done it, this made no sense

show me his body

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He was just flexing and reminding the Byrdes they do his bidding. It's a bigger dick move to buy the place and publicly cut off its balls than to sneak in and do it.

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe. Try as he might Navarro is nowhere near as intimidating tbqh

Bipolar people get delusional when they're off their made, from outside perspective they act retarded and/or take a lot of risks

>Navarro is nowhere near as intimidating tbqh
Navarro looks like a faggot who never ever lifted. Weak. No shoulder. No jaw.
Is this how a leader look like?

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>Is this how a leader look like?
Absolutely no leader, whatever it is in government, corporations or illegal drug trafficking, looks like what you describe.

People that lift are the ultimate betas. They exist to only serve the true alphas.

they'll never top mexican clooney

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>People that lift are the ultimate betas.
Shlomo detected. Go back to Israel, fucking kike.

That's why they take their medication.

If they don't, they may as well just fucking kill themselves to spare everyone the trouble of their pathetic existence

yes and the actor was good too. Also is it me or that cunt wendy basically made the decision to kill her own brother just because he bought a phone

his intro is based as hell. he got progressively less based as the show went on, but he was also right about everything. marty is a bitch, he was based in the first season and has become a bitch. fuck marty.

>Is this how a leader look like?
It's "WHAT a leader LOOKS like" you fucking mutt.

it was an incredibly accurate portrayal of a bipolar person. the whole season gave me anxiety. if you've never dealt with one off their meds this is textbook lack of impulse control and retarded decision making. ben was the best thing about the season and the best piece of writing in it.

He was a massive fucking liability that constantly tried to get himself killed.


I really don't understand this complaint tbqh
the reason he does retarded things is because he literally IS retarded and it's not even implicit

the actor is really good too
I almost teared up when he started losing his shit as Wendy got him out of dodge

Mental illness is not cool or based, its an emotional drain, mental ill people are infuriating and you are powerless to help them
Dont EVER try to deal or help mental ill people that aren't related to you, they are black holes that will fuck up your daily life