Any movies with this kind of feel?

Any movies with this kind of feel?

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how do you lads cope with the fact that you will probably die alone?

Everyone dies alone user...

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I don't.


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born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne...


Any movies with this kind of feel?

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jesus christ that is a god awful voice right there

I don't have to. I'm engaged and about to become a father.

I'm deep by sound alone, caved inside, 1000 miles from home

Just wait a few months, user...

Eh, I don't much care these days.
>it doesn't matter, none of it does

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I get angry about brown people on the internet

imagine paying to see some chick whisper and dance around like she's waiting to use the restroom.

>that ingredients list

w-what do you mean?

My biopic

Do normalfags really sleep like this

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bred for bbc

OMG the feels... so relatable

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Sauce on the gif?

Memes+genes is the only way you'll live on user.

i always wondered why do dogs like humans petting them. But now i realize that its like if a female touched my skin with her soft hands... god, they must be so soft....

amelie isn't a normalfag, she has autism.

I've slept with girls but only my current gf of many can i sleep in the proper spooning position, with my arm under her neck. I am now convinced that the proper height difference is 8 inches and she has to have a very small neck and head.

I don't know user; sorry.

name one mammal that doesn't like petting

No. That gets hot really fast. My wife and I sleep on opposite sides on the bed. Only contact is when her feet get cold.

Is having sex really like this?

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There was this JAV with first 10 minutes of it was just pov of a girl sleeping next to you and talking to you. Never have i been able to find it again.

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Sometimes yeah. I love when my gf ruffles my hair or when she sleeps with her head on my hairy chest

What about conjoined twins?

5. You leave the house 3 times a month.


my cat.

4 but I only attract mentally ill physically unattractive girls. Hard pass.

they just die

omg dae?? this is so true

Jokes aside, is anyone else really losing it without sneedual intercourse?

I've hit on my housemate (who has a bf) so much she flat out refuses to talk to me now and we used to be good friends before the outbreak

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I attracted no one except my gf

His cat

Just fuck fat girls bros. Pussy is pussy and it makes them so happy.

My life until last July. I'm pretty lost now

So I just looked up facebook and saw this girl I had a crush on in high school. With this fucking guy.

Back than I thought it was literal destiny because of that one moment when I met her coincidentally during some work experience but I've never talked to her because I thought I would be made fun of.

I would have unironically felt better if he was 9/10 chad. God I fucking hate myself

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dont worry, shes probably fucked at least 20 men already and then settled on him

That would be so hot being quarantined with a girl. I'm just stuck with my dumb flatmate and we're even really friends

Windshield wiper fluid is unironically better for you.

god why does it have to be 3 with me

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I'm in prison

What did you do?

I am terrified to look up past crushes on facebook for this reason.

We all know that feel bro.
I haven't even looked up my high school crush because I know that as long she is alive someone would have snatched her up.

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This is true. Tbh I've had a slew of fat girls come up to me at work over the years and basically outright tell me that they're attracted to me It would like to go out, but eat despite being a virgin my ego prevents me from taking them up on their offer. I'm extremely lonely and horny but the truth is I probably deserve to be alone.

she fucked like a dozen guys before she landed on this schlub, who is now subservient to her and financially encumbered with her bullshit.