Things that only happen in american movies

Things that only happen in american movies

>Alright class today we are stabbing frogs for science

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we did that with squids

>nigger main character

Did you Yurofags not do this? We even dissected baby pigs ffs.

boys using hand lotion to masturbate, who the fuck does that kek

we dissected grasshoppers, worms, frogs, pigs, and cats in high school biology.

majority of male population in burgerland is circumsized

I made moonshine in biology class too

I did that with a dog, but it was not at school

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and owl pellets

>majority of male population in burgerland is circumsized
what? is that another Yas Forums meme like penis inspection day?

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Did your commie shithole put a man on the moon and win two world wars?
Then shut the fuck up and go pay for your TV license

We dissected sharks in my bio class.

Sex Ed videos on the dangers of STDs and why it’s better to not have sex when you are young. Euros have sex Ed videos on why it’s ok that refugees assault their women and that instead of complaining you should appreciate their culture.

We did this with frogs and rats. Some girls cried

>Did your commie shithole put a man on the moon and win two world wars?
>No? Then shut the fuck up and go pay for your TV license

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I'm snipped and I never use lotion.

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I went to a science magnet school and dissected
fetal pig
at least 3 fish(marine science school)
all before high school

They only do that at veterinary/biology colleges.

Canadian, did this in grade 11 biology with rats

It's true

i had a high school teacher openly tell class that men should be circumcised because apparently when you're old you forget to clean your foreskin
this country is jewed as fuck

This is just a meme like americans wearing shoes in houses. It should be obvious they're just troll posts because it's so ridiculous no one would ever do that

Did this with kangaroos

Insane cope


>Did your commie shithole put a man on the moon and win two world wars?
neither did you

Never liked lotion despite getting cut. Shit's too spicy for my dick, just buy lube.


How would some Euro fags even do this? Basic cutlery is for 18 or older with show of ID. These niggas cant even own spoons.

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We got to dissect a human leg in high school. Was real old and wrinkly.

Circumcising was invented by the Hebrews 4000 years ago because their Big Jew Cocks (BJC) were too thick for their foreskin, so they suffered from phimosis. When they came to the United States people started to copy them since Americans also have larger dicks then the rest of the world, and it makes people think that they had the same issue with size.

Deep South here, did this with a kang

and after I was done dissecting it I poked it's eyes out
man those squids smelled fucking bad

american education in full display right here

European here. I would like to thank America on behalf of the entire free world. Every free man and woman in the world owes their freedom to America

Not true, dissected a mice in middle school, another in highschool, aswel as a fish eye and a cow's heart

Believe it or not my high school actually dissected cats for anatomy class. If I remember correctly they were donations from a vet or shelter or something where they had been put to sleep. Then halfway through the semester a retarded spic decided it would be funny to decapitate his cat, the teacher found out, freaked out and took away everyone's cats and made us learn out of textbooks only.
Then in college we used pig fetuses, that was more fun.

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EU existence in full display right here. Theres a reason pee yew rhymes with EU, because you stink. Get absolutely fucked on.

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used to in the 80s but they banned because of hygiene or something

People like to shit on America's public education system, and increasingly they're right, but it's still true that in most cases an average American public education is far more complete and rigorous than most people's.

Depends from country to country then, maybe school to school.


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so why are refugees allowed?

You’re welcome. For your gratitude I’d be happy to fuck your sister if she’s hot. Maybe a green card is in it for her if she can cook.

yuropoors got annihilated itt lol

Of course it depends of each country. "Europe" isn't a unified thing like the US, the EU is mostly just an economical agreement between nations.
There is no "European" identity, i feel as close to a Norwegian as I do to an Australian or a Japanese

>That retarded fucking kid in every class who thought it would be funny to eat the frog organs
Kids who do that should be culled

We had pickled frogs so they were stiff and boring, I pulled all the skin off mine.

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They want to show the stupid Americans that you just need to give savages hugs and money and they will become just like the native population. So far it's not going very well

Well... assuming you value the useless shit being taught. We looked at plant cells in biology class and learned out of books about anatomy, never had to dissect an animal luckily.

>win two world wars
Except Soviet Union won the second WW, and Murica didn't win the first WW

It's not like that. I like jazz, but I would never talk to a nigger

i dissected dozens of frogs as a child. my family has a mountain house near a lake.

fetal pig and cow heart here
I remember wearing gloves for the pig, but for the cow heart my teacher said it was optional.
>entire table of 7th graders with bloody hands all laughing and high fiving
To reminisce.

We did that with giant fucking rats that smelled.

And who beat the soviet union...?

Most American states are gigantic. Regional culture differences can vary pretty wildly from state to state.

You missed out, user. A decent science education should be hands-on.

Yes but we dissect the French

catched, killed and dissected. unlike you mutts and your walmart pre-prepared frogs.

We did that with a cow's eye

Same, except we did rats instead of cats, and then we did starfish and clams.

I hope you ate the frog after that, if not it's a big waste and you should be ashamed

The soviet union did.

cow eyes, cow heart and pig lungs here

In Sweden we dissected niggers to teach us that we are all the same on the inside

We did both in american school, the frog thing was like a special event, sort of to reinforce the reality of all that was being taught I guess. It's one thing to read about it in a book but another to see it in action. Also a good way to introduce reality to those squeamish faggy kids who thought they would be vets or doctors when they grew up

Kill yourself, Xiu. This is how we get shit like coronavirus.

we did pig heart and lamb lungs

Do people really take a bath every day

we just had mussels. People would whine if they had to dissect anything more advanced.


And made spears with its little frog bones, and tents with its little frog skin. Be more like the Native Americans. Be one with nature.

Then you guys extracted their seed to inseminate your women, right?

the value of knowledge is intrinsic. It's not the school's fault if the students don't figure out what to do with it. The purpose of a public education is to provide a foundational basis for as diverse a skillset as possible. The idea being that by the end of high school you'd pick an area to specialize in and go to college.

I don't remember ever doing anything like it, no.

>being this much of a pussy

We did flatworm, sheep heart/brain, and fetal pig dissections. We also got the option to shadow a medical professional of our choice so I went and shadowed a PA. Got to see about 4 honest to goodness autopsies (5 technically but I passed out during my first one) and the rest was preparing slides for the Pathologist and learning intermediate cytology. And this was a burger public school. I'm currently an EMT applying to a Paramedic school through fairly well known Ivy-league.

Not necessary to artificially inseminate them. The raping is more than enough

>I'm currently an EMT applying to a Paramedic school through fairly well known Ivy-league.
The fuck kind of Ivy League university has a paramedic program?

>eating an old raw frog covered in formaldehyde

Did you went insane

*did you GO insane?

Earthworm clam squid and some small shark. Teacher kept a glass box filled with dead cats.

So that's why the USA is a low IQ shithole.

I got snipped(not doing it to my son if I have one still argue with my dad about it) but I never use lotion smells weird more often then not even if you use lavender scented lotion or something like that

Lots of them. It's a bit more expensive to go to than traditional Paramedicine programs but you gain more experience and a direct career path working with the University's hospital/expedite about a year's worth of RN schooling.

they do love cashing in to splurge on the fields that actually matter

In high school, we dissected Cthulhu, a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. Fortunately, the most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

American schools have animal dissection as part of the large scale effort to desensitize the population from early on. Why? Well, let's say certain people want americans docile and ready to die for them.

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You have a link? Sounds pretty interesting.

Frog legs, sheep heart and mouse here

No. That's because of all the niggers

Uh, i dont know what to say to that, never knew the feeling since i never dissected an animal.

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This also goes without saying that if you want in on the big-dick EMS programs (fire-medic/neonatal transport/flight medic/flight nurse) companies/hospitals/stations DO look at where you got your schooling and check your transcript to make sure you didn't scrape by with a 70 from some darkie community college.

You think that's crazy? At my school the advanced biology kids dissected cats

>amerimutt education

Fucking Americans

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>accidentally drop the frog's liver on the ground
>"Haha woops, hope the teacher didn't notice."

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Seething europoor countries

As I have said, I moved in on 16 July 1923. My household consisted of seven servants and nine cats, of which latter species I am particularly fond. My eldest cat, "Nigger-Man", was seven years old and had come with me from my home in Bolton, Massachusetts; the others I had accumulated whilst living with Capt. Norrys' family during the restoration of the priory.

ah yes the problem is that current people are insensitive

Princeton University.
Harvard University.
Columbia University.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Yale University.
Stanford University.
University of Chicago.
University of Pennsylvania

Uhh...Oxford, I guess?

>scene cuts to a high school math class
>calculus on the chalkboard
>bell rings and everyone rushes out

Buttblasted western countries