When exactly was the beginning of the end for his career?

When exactly was the beginning of the end for his career?

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He kind of just coasted on snark and irony, it's why he was so popular in the 90s
He's literally useless outside of any late night format

When based Leno dabbed on him.


Even with NBC, his late night show started at 12:30. It tells me his ratings were never that good to begin with

the falling out with Jay

When his fanbase turned 20 and realized they had become too old for his humor

Leno did him a favor taking back the Tonight Show. It was gonna crash and burn on its own. His career would have ended 10 years ago. TBS gave him a show because of all the media hype over him being the victim and they got the super low ratings he always has.

Bullshit he wrote the best simpsons episodes. He should do more of that.

When he went to TBS and did the same thing to George Lopez that Leno did to him.

Hypocrisy was his undoing. He knew it deep down and it killed his spirit.

>end for his career?
It never ended and Haiti was always great!


About a week or 2 after his TBS show is when I realized it was gonna be shit and so did everyone else. If he has just stayed a comedy writer for quality tv shows he would probably be a legend right now instead of a sad, angry, increasingly politically divisive jerk he is rn.

People forget or are too young to remember that Leno tanked the Tonight Show immediately after replacing Carson. NBC panicked to the point where they were seriously considering Letterman to replace him, but he told them to fuck off, so they rode it out with Leno until the show found its stride.

Conan was in the same predicament but had less than a year to turn it around. Except NBC still had Leno on the books and decided to give him a show that aired right before the Tonight Show, which was disastrous for everyone.

His funniest stuff is generally outside of that format
I still think he's funny but gets dragged down by his shitty current year "how-do-you-do-fellow-kids" writers

when jay fucked him over it was over. you don't recover from that by going to fucking TBS of all places. it's either network or a slow death. his show will be canceled within 5 years and then it's retirement. he's got plenty of dough though.

He could have salvaged it but he contracted crippling TDS and now it's too late.

conan dying of corona would unironically be the greatest thing to happen to television

From memory Leno struggled behind Letterman in the ratings for years until Hugh Grant cried on his show after getting caught fucking that prostitute.
Dave was always better. Johnny never once came back to the Tonight Show but he came on Letterman a few times.

he's the only bearable talk show host

Late Night was comedy gold. He should have stuck to what made him great. Edgy low budget bits like the masterbating bear, pimbot, preperation h guy etc. I know nbc owns those characters but he could have came up with new ones. When he went to tbs they started doing cringy shit like video game reviews in a desperate attempt to appeal to young people. It's as if he forgot why people loved late night.

When he pressured NBC into booting Leno.

about 2 years ago

When he lost The Tonight Show. He's come off as a bitter, insecure asshole ever since. Also lost most of the writing staff that made Late Night so good in the first place .

This is the worst era ever of late night talk show hosts. Colbert should have stuck with his fake personality because real colbert is dull and awkward. He relies on "drumpf am i right folks?" for any laughs. Fallon we all know how awful that guy is. It blows my mind that guy has a show. Corden's closeted gay clickbait antics are just the worst. Fuck i miss the old days.

Late night talk shows have genuinely become unwatchable.

This right here. Anyone saying Conan just needed more time to find his audience are delusional, he was never going to get main event numbers. Should've used the Leno deal to leverage himself a longer more beneficial contract where he was.

Sadly yes Leno is peak boomer humor and my parents watched him every night. Canon was more for 20 something

Intellectually he blows every other late night host out of the water and America consequently doesn't have much of a taste for that humor.

Setting aside whether he's a great host, the fact remains that Conan stayed with NBC for years rather than head to greener pastures based on the promise that he would be the next host of the Tonight Show. He was offered a metric fuckton (as in seven times his salary) to move to Fox, but NBC wanted to keep both Jay and Conan so they maneuvered and weaseled to screw both of them over. It came back to haunt NBC since after Jay there was no viable successor other than rectangle face chronically laughing man.

Jay Leno is an actual pedophile

Conan's Tonight Show was kinda junk. I'm not saying it wouldn't get better but man that was hard to watch sometimes. Way too peppery for prime time.

Based on what account did he ever pressure NBC to kick Jay out? He wanted to move to Fox so NBC offered him a chance at the Tonight Show to get him to stay.

His travel shows are great.

Lopez was on the verge of being cancelled already and everyone knew it, bringing Conan brought him off life support for a time and Conan explicitly said he didn't want to move into his time slot without Lopez's support.

Conan put Lopez on life support. He was going to get axed but Conan's show brought him some temporary ratings.

When he had to cut the edge out of his comedy after taking Leno's earlier time slot.

His career will be over when he's dead, which won't take that long anyway.

Source or what have you heard?
Something like him being on flight-records for Epstein's plane or?

>based Leno
I don't think anyone has ever said this before

Here's a couple of videos to summarize the chronology of Conan vs. Leno, I love the politics of late night. Jay Leno would hide in closets to eavesdrop on NBC executives to see how likely it was that he would inherit the show from Johnny Carson, and Letterman is a hot fucking mess in his own right. They're all legitimately barely functioning human beings.




reminder that Conan consistently BTFO of Jay Leno

he's been pretty based since corona started

Everyone ITT is an idiot.
The end of his career was when his top-tier writing staff left. The last good one was probably Brian Stack, but Brian McCann was the bigger loss.

fuck you retard, no one cares about your shitty fucking opinion and if you dont respond to this your mother will die in her sleep i mean really who has the gumption to call everyone in this thread an idiot

>not arguing the point
You know I'm right, bitch.

>Way too peppery

If that were true fallon wouldn't have job.

Dude he wrote for the simpson in its prime. Are you fucked in the head?

when he went against america

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my cock is so fucking hard right now

Didn't NBC have to keep paying him after Leno fucked him?

Hard to say. He was doomed right from the start.

but he's the only watchable late night host

boomer that died with the death of tv

This. He should quit the show and do a Anthony bourdain type show.

Netflix should honestly get Conan to write 'Disenchantment', even if he wants to introduce wacky new characters

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when he began conversing with his fat assssissstacuntt

and then hang himself just like Anthony Bourdain...or let Andy saw his head off with a dull serrated knife that he got from his kitchen and livestream it

>everyone in this thread
your in here too dipshit

>His travel shows are great.
That's true and he's still funny, but in different skits the production level has trailed off... there's nobody around to craft oddball characters or concepts and they can't dip into the NBC vault or have their news-anchors drop in for cameos.

One bit that doesn't fly for me is when Conan puts on a leather jacket and acts like Triumph the insult comic, it's not that he can't pull it off but he's miscast in that role.

when him and his harvard buddy forced leno out

Andy Richter the swedish german

Him and Craig Ferguson were the last good late shows

His podcast is great. When he is in a setting where he can just be himself and be goofy, he's awesome. His new format that they switched to, makes him seem really depressed. I think he honestly enjoys the podcast more than his show now.

when he cheated on his wife started banging his hot assistant

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tunnel vision on the tonight show, ultimately it's just an hour on network at 11:30, nowadays colbert and kimmel pull similar ratings
moving to LA made him feel responsible for moving his staff, so he couldn't quit, fallon ended up getting the show made in new york

he should have gone to fox and had a lot more bargaining power, fox tends to give more leeway to shows than other networks

his nbc contract was guaranteed, so I think he got 60 million that was supposed to be for five years instead for 9 months

When he left the Simpsons writing staff

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Yeah I admired that Conan seems to feel an obligation to his staff. Leno seemed to be a decent boss too but I've heard not so great things about Letterman in particular


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He only wrote a few episodes and they're mostly overrated proto-zombie Simpsons crap.

He was pretty good in the Terror and Chernobyl

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they have a similar style, always going for the easy self deprecating joke

Judging from this thread there seems to be a strong hatred towards him from Americans. I honestly don't understand why. It seems like a lot of rightwing altrighters started hating him after he did his Haiti episode. He seems to be a lot more popular abroad. To be honest, it almost feels like Conan is more catered to people with higher intelligence, which is why not a lot of Americans like him.

Is there a late night host that isn't just so blatantly "we want the Zoomer audience"? I know 18-35 is the coveted demographic but all of the humor is so basic now

Now what's your excuse for the TBS show shite ratings?

>He relies on "drumpf am i right folks?"
That's literally all late night comedy since Trump became president. Colbert used to have different skits when he first took over after Letterman.

I want to saw conan's head off with a rusty spoon

Colbert must have left his best writers at Comedy Central or something, I get that he was playing a character but he has zero nuance now.

As much as I hate Fallon I admired that he tried not to lean too heavily on political commentary for a time, but he realized that he had to when his ratings started sliding

Is there a way we can capture Conan and flay his skin off his body only to crucify him?

I fucking love Conan

Yeah I don’t care about that show but he should do an animated show. He needs something he can work on then have drop 18 months later.