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I have no idea who this queer is.

are you the fag that keeps seething about getting kicked out of his twitch chat?

imagine watching other people play videogames on a computer. imagine paying them money to do so

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He got a reaction out of you, you've got to give him that.

he's a classic schizo whos not taken his meds.

Did he turn the twitch chat against ye, aye?


>it's a Limmy has a borderline mental breakdown for 3 hours stream


Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

>think he's pretty funny
>turns out he's a miserable self-loathing cunt who plays video games at 45
never meet your heroes

Brits in general just can't shut the fuck up. limmy is entertaining when he's doing his thing, but like every other uk streamer I've watched, the game and entertainment often gets paused for endless talk about some stupid bullshit.


isn't that literally the point of tuning in to someone like limmy, to hear them talk their brand of horseshit? do you want him to play a game in silence or give it a serious point by point review?

Did he make a new episode or something?
Thought I read about a new show he was doing.

>doesn’t watch streamers for their personality
Just watch a walkthrough then

>miserable self-loathing cunt
That's most comedians tho. Also what the fuck is up with this board and hating video games? Do you seriously think you have superior taste for watching television?

why the fuck are you watching streams to see people play games in silence
just play the fucking game or watch a youtube walkthrough

Scots are much like nigs over noticed. They have this weird sense of pride in their "unique" way of talking and typing. Just look at any Scottish person on Twitter and they purposely try and force their retarded accent into incomprehensible lines of text.

I've noticed*

They also have a huge chip on their shoulder when they were never oppressed by the english. You could make an arguement for the Irish being oppressed but not the scots. They were participating in the shitshow of Ireland and they were the ones, a lot of the time, doing the evil shit in the empire

>noooo you can't just type how you speak!! think about the proper grammarino!!


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>retards on twitter type like retards
big if true. most scottish 'people' I see on twitter type in plain english just like everyone else.

Next Friday and Sunday I believe there are new episodes of the Homemade Show
By then though I'll be at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum for when it all kicks aff

fuck off ya buftie

get it up ye

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That's just the way a lot of them talk and yeah scottish people have a sense of pride in the way they talk, just how you will probably have pride in the dumb ways you speak too. You sound paranoid

>they were never oppressed by the english

Why do you think the scottish wars of independence happened?

lol scottish!!

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>they were never impressed by the english
You could’ve just done a google search to stop yourself looking like a moron

Whats your problem with Limmy?

alright brian

The average scots personality is based on being a drunk/druggie and hatred of the english and edinburgh. They appear to take pride in being lowlife scum. Love Still Game though.

>gets paid taxpayer funds to do vlogs in his house
heh, nothing personal kid

Two pints Bobbie, ye wee bastard

foken... watching a Yas Forums

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bump :)

I like him more since he said Dee Dee was basically him for a few years after uni. nice to see how he's worked his way up from being a brain-dead neet, to successful comedian while still being his weird self and not appearing like not a sell out

Americans actually find this funny


he's pretty funny

it's almost like they were their own country. before the UK banded together for more power since the world became more globalised, while not really merging cultures at all.

dee dee was always too bang on not to come from experience.

I'm Scottish and fucking hate the cunts who type in an accent. It's as bad as inbreds who type y'all or complete fucking morons who type colour without the u.

why is he so scared of frogs?

that wasn't funny at all, get some taste


It's pretty funny

hes annoying most of the time but this was funny

he’s one of the best comedians of the 21st century

Why are the Scottish some on the biggest softcocks on the planet? What do they hope to achieve by being such pansies?


I literally laughed my ass off when he started this fucking story. God damn limmy. He's a genius.

i hope scotland gets pakified to the extent england has
see how liberal you are then cunts

Mate that was actually pretty funny tee bee atch

Was there a more kino sketch than the Yoker one?


They turned the weans against him

He's running away from his true self.

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This is the only one I've watched and I think it's pretty funny.

He's funny

Could someone understand please

Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what many of his viewers want. People are always trying to get him to play their pet favourite game, hoping he'll love it when he's shown dozens of times that he only has the patience for very particular games at his age. I loved Disco Elysium but can't believe thought he would stick with it for more than 10 minutes.
The best part of his streams are when he goes on a neverending tangent, when he's actually focused on the game he tends to get lost deep in thought and it's boring. Winding him up is the whole appeal.

Imagine being this sure about something so historically illiterate.

Scotland (and Ireland) were the prototype for Anglo imperialism, they have a similar amount of landmass yet a tiny population because of the Highland clearances and the fact that Scottish troops were always sent in first in any conflicts England started after the Act of Union.

There is also the small part about Gaelic culture being outlawed, the language banned and Scots banned from carrying weapons and playing the pipes.

You would have to be a delusional Anglo or a retard to think Scotland wasn't oppressed by England. They absolutely were. The only Scots that weren't were landed nobles, who took an active part in Anglo Imperialism, but they had been bred out and replaced by Normans anyway at least 500 years earlier.

Cope. It's too cold up there for most Pakis. Our grandchildren will be brown and their will be white and that's a good thing.

>Scots banned from playing the pipes
God damn I love England.