What a fucking waste of time. how is this considered one of the greatest movies ever made?

what a fucking waste of time. how is this considered one of the greatest movies ever made?

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>how is this considered one of the greatest movies ever made?
By being one of the greatest movies ever made.

but its not
i could barely keep my eyes open as they spent 2 hours doing wacky antics on a boat

kys pls


based ADHD sufferer

I hope you get corona

zoomer here, OP is right, it's a snore fest, I almost fell asleep when they visited the french people and of course they had to put boobs and big boom-booms
Book is better


haha! it's not master and commander, you know!

>not being entertained by le epic surfer guy who likes to surf in a war zone or le epic sexy playboy dance scene or or le epic selling petrol to let your nigger friends fuck some white whores in what is basically a glorified 3 hour long road trip movie makes me adhd
liking whatever ebert tells you is good doesnt make you smart fyi
i know, because master and commander was an actually good film

>war bad!

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>Le epic
Fuck off back to redit, kid.

You're too stupid to understand, sadly


>a movie without constant entertainment
you mean like hour we spend with the epic helicopter guy who wants to surf during a fire fight and epically sends 2 of his guys out into the water to surf while they're being fucking shelled by artillery?
if you're entertained by that then kindly end your life you fucking troglodyte


you must've watched the redux version - its fucking terrible. you'll never be able to appreciate the film even if you watch the original cut now. im sorry OP

What did I say

watched original
it's pseud:the movie

found the zoomer that can't make it through a film without a distraction

You’re pseud: the person

someone doesn't love the smell of napalm in the morning

>its a "In 10 years time I'll look at what I said on the internet and realize I was a fucking moron" thread.
still a bit to go on your brain development OP, be patient.

fact: no zoomer likes this movie, it will be forgotten soon

wow YOUR an idiot

Help me anons, I am running out of movies.
Can I just hook my lap top to my TV?
Where do I get some movies?
Thank you

How does this movie even end, I only remember there was that fat guy MC had to kill and some peasants killing bull or some shit but nothing more, I must have fallen asleep

this movie is fucking boring as hell and everyone knows it.
seriously, what's special about this one? and don't give me anything about the production or the actors. what's so great about this movie?

How old are you? Go watch capeshit.

It's exactly like Taxi Driver, it's boring as fuck and actually quite dogshit

Wow. Tell me, does getting filtered that hard cause you any physical pain?

yeah the same way i got "filtered" out of capeshit by not being 10 years old

It's considered a good movie by people with an IQ of 110+.

Stick to reality TV, it's probably more to your intellectual capacity.

>Can I just hook my lap top to my TV?
>Where do I get some movies?

t. the nigger in the window

I saw the one time only IMAX directors cut back in September, man it was something else to witness

Thank you user.
Be safe brother.

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You are a part of a generation that has never had to fight for anything and therefore the furthest removed from facing the soul crushing hardships of war. This is why you lack the understanding of the struggles that are presented perfectly in this film. It is one of the closest depictions of a reality that you will never understand because you are too far from removed from this reality. Your reality is consumed by digital distractions and no real threats to your humanity because most of your humanity goes unacknowledged. Apocalypse Now presents a man who’s soul has been darkened by war. A man left to deal with his reality and yet still under the constant threat of losing his humanity from trying to adjust to this reality.
The movie shows us two types of people that come out of war; one who has lost all their humanity and the other who is only a nudge away from becoming the other. Consumed by the horror..the horror of war..

Here is your One ticket for Captain Marvel, sir.

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nice blogpost
seeand the superior original wasn't even about war

...a thousand centuries ago

I hated it, too. It was dull, all the likeable characters die & the message was just so blatant & overdone. Really, the bad guy went crazy because "WAR IS SO MEAN, YOU GUYS!" ? Yeah, no duh. Also, the animal cruelty with the cow at the end made it lose points for me.

top tier cretin


>t. Brainlet

Thank you, friend! I think you're amazing, too!

>You are a part of a generation that has never had to fight for anything and therefore the furthest removed from facing the soul crushing hardships of war.

Yeah, we all know that war is not very nice, my dude. That doesn't change the fact that Apocalypse Now is dull, preachy & overrated.

>he watched the director's cut

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You watched the wrong version OP.
Theatrical is the kino version, redux is understandably boring.

Literally filtered

Perfect way to end my week, knowing you've felt like you've wasted your limited time. I couldn't be happier.

It's one of those movies that everyone pretends to like because everyone else pretends to like because of how smart it is and how smart they are for understanding it. In truth, there is nothing to this movie. It has no plot, it has no message. It was just a practice session for cinematography tricks and such.

Based Ebert BTFO ADHD zoomers

Oh so the problem with us is that we've never fought in a war so we can't appreciate how bad wars are? I guess the solution is for us to go out and start a war so we can understand it too!

>and the superior original wasn't even about war
It’s about the darkness within man. War is a fitting backdrop for such a story.

Projection. People appreciate different things.

No, it's a shitty backdrop because it's a moralized and meme'd setting where everyone is forced to think whatever they think about the movie by outside forces, as seen by everyone in this thread indirectly trying to get good boy points by thanking vets for their service like faggots. It's a medicore movie and if it wasn't for the moral pressure and 'emperor's new clothes' effect you'd all see that.

What is this now, what's with this trend of zoomer shits mocking every good film or show that exists? Sopranos had one, then Come and See, now this? Do they think that makes them special?

I hope you die.

They’re just ADHD faggots with terrible taste and no attention spans.

Platoon is the superior Nam kino

>apocalypse now

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It's because it gets replies.

I rest my case, Mission Barbeque patron.

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>if you don't have nostalgia googles like me it just means you are zoom zoom trying to be special


for israel