How did he do it? Usually when you see couples like this, it's because man has money. But here it's Cate who is making millions.
How did he do it? Usually when you see couples like this, it's because man has money...
cate is based so he doesn't have to be a gigachad to land her
He's a math professor. Maybe she likes smart guys.
He is playwright and theatre director actually.
He obviously have a big dick that's why she's with him.
He's a math professor, playwright and theatre director? Wow, now I get it.
>Actress with a writer or director
Yeah, that’s never happened before.
He is not math professor afaik
Do you think she lets him watch or is he forced into the cuckshed for the duration?
you're confusing him with this guy
He's a professional hypnotist
The same way you see good looking man with ugly women, love is blind anons
Wouldn't want to be in his place desu, I'd always be worried about her cheating on me.
Insecure beta
Judging by the hair, I'd say he's a dentist. Dentists make decent money.
my gf makes 90 grand a year and i barely make 30 ;)
maybe they have some kind of emotional connection.
You're pointing out why it probably works. He's probably not insecure. Women with money/influence are very attracted to this
Is she mentally ill, ugly, fat, a single mother, or what?
How much does her other boyfriend make?
I'm not him but these posts are peak incel jealously lmao
Big dick or she is a full blown dyke and wants to hide it so her career won't suffer.
Or its her fucking handler and this bitch is MK Ultra. All are possible.
I am about as ugly as this guy. Has anyone found out his secret yet? At what age did he pull cate? Is there still hope for me?
I'm gay. But Occam's Razor says the bitch has something wrong with her assuming that post is true (which it's probably not).
He looks like her dad who she never managed to please
You can be gay and still be jealous of the situation.
I wouldn't feel happy in that situation
Self confidence has nothing to do with how physically attractive you are. She's in a line of work where she regularly films sex scenes with prime Brad Pitt looking dudes, there's no way he can compete.
It's almost like romantic attraction isn't solely based on physical attraction, especially to women, and especially to successful women
Women are often more attracted to personality rather then looks
I didn't say it was, but physical attractiveness cannot be overlooked.
Some women like to know that a cuck is waiting for her in his cuckshed while she's getting railed on movie sets. If you're married to an actress you're a willing cuck. everybody knows they have to fuck for roles.
Unironically wish it was the other way around, theres lots of ways to improve your looks but not much can be done to get a better personality
Alot of projection in this post
He's not exactly a monster. You think a woman just jumps on the first attractive dude they run into? This is where the logic falls apart
Why should bad personalities be rewarded because of looks? Is it because guys do it with women all the fucking time? We're kinda the dumb ones there.
Some of the posts ITT are amazingly incelish
Imagine being Cate in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Brad Pitt, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is go home and fuck her chubby older hubby
Because you cant pick and choose your personality on a whim
Exactly, attractive guys are the norm for her. Sometimes you just want a burger instead of something fancy
>nooo noo needs to be a chad with big penis that's how love works i nkow he can't be ugly he'd be a cuck haha
Women are into all kinds of goofy shit. When you see a physically mismatched pair, it's because he scratches some kind of itch for her. Maybe he looks like her dad. Maybe she's one of the good ones and is actually loyal. Maybe they've known each other forever. Or maybe just simply he can help her get something she wants and continues to do so.
>He's not exactly a monster
Compared to Brad he is.
When are you incels from r9k understand that looks arent everything
Women don't want to fuck multiple men. That's not usually how they operate. She could choose any dude in the world, because of her fame and money, including some super hot dude, and she didn't. It fucking hurts, doesn't it?
Wait, are you saying someone with a bad personality isn't at fault and deserves better? Honestly, why? I feel like you must have been accused of having one a few times and people aren't giving you a chance
Because they don't talk to any women. Looks absolutely help your chances, but women will fuck an ugly or fat guy (per dude standards) all the same.
Only nonvirgin in this thead
In my case it's more of a lack of a personality than a bad one, no I don't think anyone is owed anything, including me, just stating that people shouldn't be so quick to judge someone on their personality since it's not something that's chosen
the man is sporting the JUST haircut on the carpet
that should tell you how many fucks he gives
>Women don't want to fuck multiple men.
Yas Forums is over there Yas Forumsirgin
How many hours per day you stay in your PC instead of doing literally anything else
>tfw there's a chance
I'm gonna make it lads, don't give a fuck what you all say.
if you're above 14 and still a virgin then no, there isn't a chance
Not much, I have a full time job, go to the gym most days and go out most weekends with friends and mingle with their friends
r9k is two blocks down, resume your sissy brainwashing and lookism shit
So lemme get this straight, say you're a really hot actor. Every day you go to work with people who are mostly hot like you. Girls would jump at the chance to be with you and frequently say so to your face. But you don't ever accept their offers because you're married to your high school sweetheart. You go home and pic related is waiting for you.
Are you honestly going to tell me that after say, 5 years of this you wouldn't cheat?
>have friends
>muh i dont have a personality
I don’t cheat because I’m not scum, if im not happy with the relationship i simply break up
She has an ugly nerd guy fetish. I'm the same way about women. I dream of the day I will have my own Heather Matarazzo-looking wife.
Yes? How would having friends suddenly mean I have a personality?
Because having friends means theres people who likes to be around you for who you are aka your personality
No, I wouldn't cheat. Why cheat, when I'd still be married to a hamplanet?
In order to get a woman she has to admire you. Women never date down, they always date up but what "down" and "up" mean vary from woman to woman depending on what she values. As a big faggoty theatre girl, Cate would admire someone with the same level of passion. It's possible when they met, he was a pretty big deal in the Sydney theatre scene which invoked admiration and then attraction and from that an emotional connection. Her career has, of course, vastly exceeded his but that initial emotional connection still remains. Sometimes lads all you have to do is spark it off and you're set for life. But what do I I know.
she's gay. she did an interview with variety whilst promoting carol and accidentally revealed that she likes pusy. been super defensive about it ever since.
seething virgin
This user fucks
why did he lie about being a math professor?
we're all gonna make it to valhalla