Warhammer 40,000 Eisenhorn

So what do you think will happen with first official live action W40k project? Will it end up decent or just gonna piss off community knowing single fan can make short CGI KINO like Astartes?

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It's going to be fairly bland, predictable mediocrity that won't even be a fraction as fucking cool as the Astartes short is. I don't even give a fuck what GW makes.

it diesnt have monster studious behind (HBO/Netflix/Amazon) so the production value would be pretty low.

the only question is will that make writers and showrunners pull out great script and make atmosphere authentic like The Expanse creators did, so the average production value wont matter much.

>tfw a "Storm of Iron" series comes out

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it will be shit
they dont have the budget to pull it off properly and the "grimdarkness" will be toned down
it will properly end up as a forgettable space soup opera

I fear it will be dead on arrival after first trailer

biggest mistake would be a huge epic with flying cameras and CGIed everything. That would ensure a contrived plot and would be literally space warcraft.
They should go small and clever.

Astartes demonstrated you can keep things small, but the scope huge with occasional outside scenes.

I think the Expanse does a good job of this as well.

my feeling as well. Warhammer 40k is an extremely interesting setting with huge potential but I fear it will be boiled down to something more digestible for "general audiences".

Cancel this crap already.
WH4OK fans don't want it and the rest of the world doesn't care about it.
Corvid19 is a good excuse to cancel it,.

The showrunner is a mentally ill retard that ruined his previous show.
There's no hope it will be any good.

I wish they were making a Ciaphas Cain series instead. I want to see Blackadder in space banging hot inquisitors and techpriests.

Prepare for female Space Marines and heavily modified Sororitas

it will be witcher in space aka shit

It will be subverted garbage.

>production value would be pretty low.

So you're saying it might have SOUL?

40k is as digestible as a brick the only way this will work is if they lean into the grim-dark, aim for GOT in space. They won't but its nice to dream

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>So what do you think will happen with first official live action W40k project?
It will be pozzed garbage, forgotten within a week with only lingering hints of shame whenever someone thinks about it.

WH40K is just a bunch of old sci-fi themes and religious iconography. You have to be really retarded as a director not to be able to get your audience to understand it, assuming they understand anything at all besides the most recent internet memes.

Even a braindead moron would understand 40k.

There is hope it isnt shit. But its not that big,. Abd frankly, like with everything today....if a seried or movie is very fictional and CGI heavy....why not just make it totally in CGI? Its 2020, and there are non cartoonish movies & series that are CGI, and dont look like shit. Why still use Real Life Actors?
>it diesnt have monster studious behind (HBO/Netflix/Amazon) so the production value would be pretty low.
Bu do you have proof it will have low budget? I mean, we dont even know in which Streaming service it will be, so we dont know what money will it get, either Benzo Amazon, or Soros Netflix, or another. Director worked for Amazon in Man in the High Castle, but Amazon havent said anything.
We barely know anything at all. Maybe this project will fall to Limbo, and never see the light.

>tfw no battlefleet gothic tv show

God please send us producers and writers who were already raised in SJW era of movies and are 100% sick of it.

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even his ancestors were fucking lame

If its going to look as CGI and fake as Star Trek Discovery or Pickard with lame liberal writing, then you can bet its going to sink.

It will be dudebros shooting each other with none of the weight or brutality of combat expected of the setting
Also lots of niggers and females

Almost every video clip of "Warhammer 40K" i see in any game is some marines fighting space orks with swords like its Warcraft set in space.

There's no director, just someone writing a pilot. If it happens its still a good few year away.

W40k is the MLP of scifi universes, it's really nto that hard to get:
Good guys: Imperium, gays, Black womyn, Xeno women, that one necron dude, that one eldar boomer
Bad guys: Chaoscucks, white men
Who cares: everything else

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it is

We will have misunderstood Orks as blacks and evil white imperial humans

But the books are all about lore, characters, politics and intrigue with very little fighting

No one cares about them
>evil white imperial humans
That's already canon

Because it is a setting
A SETTING (with a following story since Roboute woke up but still)
You can make up anything in W40K because it spans one entire galaxy.
Matriarchal society?
Sure, write it.
Planet where gays are flogged?
Planet where everyone is gay?
Alien jews?
Black womyn saving spess marines?
Orks (lol who cares)?
Guardsmen vietnam adventure?
Telepathic houses GOT style story?
Sure, write it.

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The Imperium will be written as evil fascists and the true bad guys as the hack writers try to shoehorn in subverted expectations, not understanding that there are no good guys in 40k.

It would actually be great as a story about some naive guy opposed to the Imperium's strict rule, only to get caught up in a Chaos cult, learning the hard way that the Imperium is nowhere near as bad as what Chaos offers.

yeah. its going to suck because some hack producer/writer is going to want a 100% good guy and the imperium will be constantly shown to be the real bad guy instead of being compared to other forces and shown to just be the lighter shade of grey.

also I bet $5 that there will be lesbian butch eldar

If female space marines would look like male space marines it would be fine. So just a load of muscle packed into armor. Really the only difference would be the lack of a penis. They would look exactly the same otherwise. The lore (inb4 autist fluff) is dumb on this point.

It would be nice if they made use of bigatures and practical effects, but it'll probably be 90% cgi.

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whats wrong with blacks and women. Both are present in the IoM

it will be full of sjw plotical correchtness bullshit.
warhammer lore is to grim for the snowflakes that floats social media nowdays

it will be nu wars marvel cgi trash

>the lore, in a setting people only care about because of the lore, doesn't matter

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I thought they were all dickless already?
Hence all the rage.

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Black racist high ranking imperials would be something normal. Some good guys rebel being all black or latino would be SJW bullshit.

Lots of black people, gays and likely women who kick ass.

Also, bad guys are basically nazis

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

warhammer is trash

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it will be an exercise in failure, resulting in GW never trying to pander to normies ever again.

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holy shit I didnt realise warhammer adventures was actually based

>WH40K is just a bunch of old sci-fi themes and religious iconography.
Its not tho

say it again

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So did he blow off his own hand or was his hand shot off by someone else? I ask because the person firing used his right hand...

>Extremely interesting setting
Maybe if you're a mid wit

There is literally nothing original about warhammer

Its gonna go exactly like every other fucking show. Its gonna piss off the original fans trying to cater to the normalfags,

>Gamesworkshop pissing off their fans
So business as usual?

Golden statue without leg is one of these giants?
