Reddit: The actor

Reddit: The actor

Attached: Ezra_Miller_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1688x2504, 1.87M)

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He beats up women. I think he's pretty Yas Forums.

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Destroy All Women

howso? he's played nothing but school shooters and chronic masturbators/coomers/schizos

>homos are crazy violent psychopaths
checks out

I like these threads cause it brings out the tranny cabal, OP is based today

Why is Ezra Miller choking out a woman in a street fight?

I hate roasties and more than anything I hate celebrity hound roasties
And I hate the two basedboys at the end who white-knighted

how many womens could Ezra beat up if he had the powers of the flash?

More than the zero he can now
He didn't hurt her at all, but the chick cried "OW MY NECK AFTER THE FENDER BENDER" of course.

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why did he beat that whore bros

He can do whatever he wants with a cute butt like this

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just get naked again Ezra, all will be forgiven

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>ow muh throat
Yeah I’m sure he really did a number on her.

Mmmm I want to massage his cute little tits

She's the evil FaggotRustler from the new The Flash Movie.They're having a superhero brawl and The Flash is saving the world from her translamophobia by throwing her to the ground in this climactic finale. I almost cried it's so poignant.

Attached: flash vs gorilla grodd.webm (720x1280, 1.45M)

I love you
That bitch is fat

I've never wanted him to pierce his nips IRL more than after he posted that pic

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Not even Reddit know that guy. You’re giving him too much credits

>smiling the entire time he's moving her around

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wtf I love jews now

This is so dumb, she wanted him to manhandle her so he did.

Chris Pratt is the most reddit actor.

Fake and gay. There is no info anywhere on this

He's being rude. He needs to leak a sex tape already.

it just happened 3 days ago. The person who recorded it quickly deleted her post before it got noticed.

Ezra Miller and Grant Gustin and Andy Mientus and Logan Lerman and Johnny Simmons are relentlessly handsome.

Why is not even being talked about on Twitter or anywhere? Never seen such a thing

this tbqh

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because the people who discover it first are the first people to talk about it on twitter.

So go talk about it on twitter

he's a good guy but there's no denying it at this point

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Because you can tell the video is 2 people playing around. Not a big deal.


Interesting part of this particular SJW 4D Chess match is that Ezra Miller doesn't identify as male, so it could easily be woven that three tourists saw some drunk queer celebrity and tried to get a reaction out of him to make xir look bad.

I think LGBTQ overpowers in this instance in terms of cancel factor.

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1. Why is he in Iceland
2. If he is spitting at people during covid19 he could get felony charged

You just KNOW he is a bottom. Would LOVE to see him getting railed hard with a deep creampie leaking out after.

He's been filled with so much cum desu. He's gonna get a stomach ache

Nobody knows why he is in Iceland
Last time he was there last year he just spent time with randos and some Soundcloud rappers, so I don't know why he's there this time

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Honestly can't tell from watching the video how serious it is. They are drunk and play fighting i know I saw the tweet above, but they could be lying

He has a bf or something underground there

I want to see him push out the loads from his ass after a gangbang, into a wine glass and then watch him drink it.

I'm watching interviews of him you can tell he's an artist who probably goes on here. He also is medded up as fuck I bet

Ezra Miller is a legitimate narcissist psycho.

Wow, shit may get pretty serious.

So he's like a wild pokemon. I really respect him not having social media because it's cancer, but I wonder if that's a good business move

The discord tranny is samefagging again watch the first minute and also other interviews hes in he shows off knowledge of history and people. Is he a 4channer nerd?

He should be taken for a detox and rehab, then sign up for a psychotherapy. That reaction was disproportionate to the circumstances. He visibly felt attacked, drugs combined with alcohol could’ve magnified that feeling to a pathological level. Don’t cross him out yet, he just needs some guidance and feels probably horrible after that incident.

oh no you can't post negative news on ezra. now jannies will delete the thread

Someone claiming to be Ezra is actually partially responsible for the Classic Paul Dano meme:

Haven’t seen it. It’s so sensuous


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Yeah I can't believe it either

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I wish Ezra nudes would leak. Ffs.

I want to have sweaty disgusting gay sex with him

When he was a teen, he played a lot in schizo movies where the screenplay made him lovey dovey choke an onscreen girlfriend. He’d also appear overdosed and raging against his classmates with arrows so that must’ve left some deep traces in his psyche. Rumours been, he also got harrassed on sets as a minor. I feel sorry for him a bit, but that doesn’t justify him choking anybody in an act of personal defence against (likely) exaggerated threat that girl posed.

Same. I am fat and ugly so it'd be even nastier.

What gross shit would you do to him?

he's a good lad really. everyone makes mistakes. probably had a few too many sherbets and got a bit carried away. we've all been there.

for me, it's Amy Schumer trying to have sex with him:

>she was asking for it
yikes homos are victim blaming as well

Anything and everything imaginable.

I thought he died but I just checked and he's still alive. Fuck.

I'd fuck him until I blow inside of him, and then stay in there soft and fill him with my piss too. Then he can crawl around on the floor like a faggot dog and try to hold it in and if he can't he has to lick it off the floor.