maybe in another year or two it'll be okay to like him again. but now is not the time, we still need more time to heal from the pain he has caused to all those millions of people harmed
Close it up guys. the woke crowd has spoken, we're still not supposed to like Louie!
I dont care
I dunno... i think we'll just have to trust the Jews on this one.
there's only one Steiner I trust and it certainly isn't this dumb broad
when did the AV Club turn into the most homosexual comedy news site in the universe? i cant believe i used to sorta like that place at one time. their comment section used to be great until it turned into a bunch of fags trying to out-virtuesignal each other
>whips out
I bet they had that zinger sitting on the shelf for ages.
i bet you constantly need to let people you notice obvious things
notice me senpai
The special was funny. He addressed the masturbation but not the fucked up part about blacklisting female comics. So its not like he really gets it. Either that or hes gonna ignore that aspect because of liabilty or legal exposure. He didnt address or deny the blacklisting.
He also insists that he asked every single one of his accusers for permission, though iirc some of them claim he went to town right away
>the Jews
So we're trusting Louis then?
>nobody wants to see
why do fags do this?
Yeah but i've seen people do it here so you're a hyporcrit.
Is what i would say if i were a fag
What if I want to see it? Will I be punished for wrongthink?
Don't give a fuck. They won't be happy until he's dead. He obviously did something retarded, but to expect him to just languish and die is silly.
Hack culture writers like this aren’t trying to portray fact as much as they’re trying to frame a narrative. When they say things like “nobody wants to see this”, they’re actually trying to paint wanting to see it as being morally indefensible. That nobody “should” want to see it. Basically, they’re treating their blogging as if it’s more important than it actually is.
>i've seen people do it here so you're a hyporcrit
haven't done it since i was a kid
keep on sweeping janny :)
The writer sounds like a cunt. I hope Louie beats off on her.
The eternal CK
what? i distinctly remember them being shit at least seven years ago. they've had sjw faggots on their review staff for years and the comment section is the most sensitive place i've ever seen outside of like hipinion forums or something.
Is it not common knowledge that the guy literally got consent to do the shit he did?
they're also just terrible writers. you don't write a persuasive opinion piece by immediately stating how the reader is supposed to feel with a command. this is how ALL "journalism" is now. there's a reason "and that's a good thing" is a meme. media people should be rounded up and executed.
I do want to see this but I don't want to pay for it. torrent where?
>nobody wants to see
>by chelsea steiner
so a dumb bitch jew is trying to tell people what they want
Do we really need three cuck threads? Go to fucking sleep, Louis.
the idea of socially ostracizing someone for sexual misconduct is fucking horrifying. Like if you pull the wrong move in the bedroom then that shit gets leaked out into your professional and personal life to haunt you forever. Literally what the fuck is wrong with liberals? They should all be castrated with a blunt axe.
I have a dl, but since you're a torrent cuck I won't give you a link.
come on man, don't be like that.
Literally half the population does this. You aren't special for pointing it out retard
lmao for years Yas Forums hated this motherfucker and now they defend him see how Jesus works
>whips out
Jurnos cum when they make puns
>lmao for years Yas Forums hated this motherfucker
Well, I did some searching on 4plebs and found the link, thanks for nothing
Are you trolling me op? Cus if this is real I really want to watch this
>hates him so much
>advertises for him for free
odd choice
holy shit the comments. these faggots have no life
Worth my 8 smackers. One of his better specials
>years Yas Forums hated this motherfucker and now they defend him
Louis can be a huge faggot for the reddit crowd AND be unfairly treated by shill lefty media who were huffing their own farts on MeToo.
BTW, remember when two of the big MeToo actresses got exposed as child groomer and rapist respectively? No? Crazy that. Instead of focusing on the massive amount of hypocrisy and termites in their woodwork the media wrapped most of it up as bygones and then declared victory when Weinstein got arrested.
It’s over! Sexism and the old boys club were defeated thanks to MeToo and heroic journalism.
This is the most hilarious headline when you consider Louis only advertised it through his email list and these people are actually the ones announcing it.
Thanks op I’m watching this right now it’s 7 bucks off his website I’m getting stoned and doing that instead of starting my grad school homework
>remember when two of the big MeToo actresses got exposed as child groomer and rapist respectively
Mercedes Carrera the porn star?
little does this faggot know that if he wouldn't have been on the internet bitching and moaning like the dumb sjw cuck he is, i wouldn't have even heard about my favorite comedians new special. so keep it up you dumbasses. the Streisand effect is real.
this fucker pandered to the reddit sjw crowd for years until he jerked off and they dropped him. fuck this ginger faggot
He should have never apologized or acknowledged it in the first place. He 100% did it and he was 100% wrong, but any time someone accuses you of doing something and they have no proof it actually happened, you NEVER acknowledge it, it's always the worst possible thing you can ever do.
Should've pulled a Spacey and started "disappearing" his accusers
Incels really like to go out of their way to support mediocre comedians who occasionally tell a shocking joke
Kike journalists adore the quarantine because it gives them more power than ever.
They were one of the first sites to go woke. They've always been pretentious pricks, and it was only a natural development.
I'm watching it now. He's doing anti-religious jokes that sound like they're from 2007. Pack it up, he's done.
>le lefties are hating him? that means now I have to like him!
amerisharts were a mistake, but do keep this free entertainment up
maybe this will was the bad taste out of my mouth from segura's latest special. i remember when he was funny. hopefully louis still is.
At least this retard understands that he's not one of you. I laugh my ass off at you people flocking to suck his cock without realizing that he thinks you're all dumb cunts. He's not a nazi like you just because he pissed off people who actually have empathy.
>the retard bit that is the same as his gay bit a few years ago just switching one word
He's not even trying.
who cares if he likes us? im paying him to entertain me and make me laugh. what is up with some of you no-joy shills? "I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING SO YOU CAN'T EITHER!!!" get a life loser
>not the fucked up part about blacklisting female comics.
That thing that didn't happen?
Made me wish I didn't listen to the leaked sets so I could have enjoyed the retard bit more.
>a new comedy special nobody wants to see
Sounds like Netflix to be honest desu famalam.
how can you watch it?
>remember when two of the big MeToo actresses got exposed as child groomer and rapist respectively?
I remember, but funny that never ever comes up
You'd think it would be huge news on every site everywhere, but nope
Strange isn't it?
Watch me jerk off?
is there a rip out? i've been waiting for his latest material.
with your eyes.
theres a working link in this thread retard
jesus christ. talk bout being on the wrong side of the bell curve. read the thread you absolute pillock.
Why does every comedian have a raging boner for mic stands?
Every single one
Yeah, we get it; you're on stage and you see them a lot
Wasn't Louis C.K. an SJW himself before he got MeTooed? If so I have no sympathy at all. Leftists always eat their own.
Isn't it a good time to redpill him? Never too late.