GOAT cinematography thread

GOAT cinematography thread

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looks like what would come up if you search "space" on deviantart

>GOAT cinematography
coronachan has brought out more underages than summer

theres no way this is real oh my god.

Holy fuck is this real?


>mixing infinity/endgame screenshots
absolute pleb

move aside, capeshitter

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lmao the timing

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I asked my dad if this was real and he's fuckin angry right now. What the hell is happening?

>itt: dishonesty


kys pleb

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all i see are 3D renders
not cinematography


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DAMN look at all that! What game is this?

Seething DCuck

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A modern day Citizen Kane.

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>any superhero move past 2011
>""""""""""""""""GOAT"""""""""""""""" cinematography

reconsider your life

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I really davor cinematography and this is one of my favorites too
he overuses the wet street thing Michael Bay stole from him and it's self indulgent in places
still a beautiful film

this is pure cinema, absolute master class, thanks for saving the thread

>wet street thing Michael Bay stole from him
tell me more

Every single frame is CGI.
kys zoomer

Your Dad is actually moeposter and you've ruined his day.

Bay is notorious for shooting street scenes at night and hosing the streets down with water first
The water reflects light and color and flares with movement, creates a ton of atmosphere in the shot
It's considered a Bay visual thumbprint but he stole it from Mann in Thief
piv related is Bay 2007, Thief collage posted is from say 1980 or 81 iirc

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OK I'm an idiot, will just embarrass self and ask
Is there a sight to throw together collages of screen shots like this everyone uses, or do people just make them the hard way?

>Actors are cgi
>implying they needed to go to space to shoot the scenes for them to be considered

is this real?

>anything Marvel
>having any cinematography at all

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>Bay is notorious for shooting street scenes at night and hosing the streets down with water first
link pls

I posted a pic of one?

>bay is NOTORIOUS for...
>posts ONE pic
take this seriously

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Take your inability to perform a simple google image search seriously?
OK, I'll get right to work on that

That's all CGI moron. Do you know what cinematography is?

dude holy shit they dressed up a cat, somehow made it dance, AND they have Littlefinger AND Tom Hardy!!!
bros.... this... is.... EPIC!!!

Those are all from Endgame.

what exactly am I supposed to type into google you fucking idiot?
also, are you seriously hypothesizing that Michael Bay stole the idea of reflecting light and color?
if so, you are beyond retarded
pointing a camera at something and capturing it is not stealing you absolute plebian

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>Michael Kino: 14 Oscar Nominations, 2 wins
>Avengers saga: 3 pity vfx nominationa aka the incel Academy branch, lost all to a CGI tiger, Based spaceman and a war flick

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>are you seriously hypothesizing that Michael Bay stole the idea of reflecting light and color?
hosing streets down with water for night shots
learn to read
and seriously, not knowing about Bay and wet streets and calling someone else a plebe?
holy shit dude

if you could teleport back to 1920 with one hdtv and one movie, would Endgame be the best one to show to truly fuck with their brain and cause mass panic? in terms of "holy fuck this magic box is scaring us"

Back in 1920 tech wouldn't be able to reproduce it. Maybe if you had a film can of it but even so stuff like sound settings would prevent it from being able to be reproduce.

holy shit this is stunning

It almost looks good on the thumbnail, but then you click on it.

Fuck Marvel and FUCK Hollywood.

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hella fuckin based

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this movie is shit and i have no doubt in my mind that welles would never have wanted it to be released like this.Also fuck n*tflix for fucking calling it a netflix production jesus christ.
unironically Yas Forums users like these are no better than capeshitters, taste wise


Imagine getting filtered by Welles mocking poseur cinephags like you who clinge on muh critic scores! when bashing Bay filmography. Yes indeed, you're no different than a capeshitter but at least they embrace the fact that their brains are full of shit

What movie is this user? I see James Caan

also how do you do this frame mosaic?

Alright Black Rain is real kino. Hate the people that hate it.

If you can't recognize bay's grasp of color and movement and dismiss zahler's high-gravity realism you have no right to talk about cinemtography or welles
You're probably one of those studio faggots who like the cut of Touch of Evil where they shopped out the credits from the opening sequence, despite it being Welles' gag on the "importance" of film

yeah? and whats the title?

Black Rain

Goddamn quarantine and the underage influx. But hey at least you know the actor, that's Thief btw. Best film of the 80s no matter what manchildren say