doesn't she seem like she was raised by the wisest most well-balanced indivdual
Mikhaila Peterson
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Every richfag who spoil his kids will end up with a whore daughter no matter how his beliefs are.
yeah i'm thinking he's back
Looks literally brain dead. Not the biggest fan but poor guy.
She’s so annoying, but goddamn she makes me hennnng!
All women are whores. It’s in their nature.
I would cure her arthritis in no time if you catch my drift
He may have become wiser over the past decade, well past the point she became an adult.
this is so wretched and she posted it like teehee look, cute. He's like the fucking infantile guy in one flew over the cuckoos nest
Didn't she have some sort of illness growing up?
how fried is his brain bros
autoimmune disorder, she fixed it by eating nothing but beef
She eats nothing but ribeye steaks. Imagine how absolutely rancid it is underneath her bedsheets.
try to listen to this from the start and tell me this person is wise
I'm also on a carnivore diet. You fart way less when you stop eating fibre.
it was getting crispy from the time he started blowing up as a name. Listen to the account of one of his patients how he suddenly turned into this rambling fool at that time. Also, try to listen to one of his, even old, lectures and see if you can identify one single fucking point.
Did he come out of his coma into the pandemic? That's some zombie movie shit
all women are whores
right, less volume and much more concentrated. like instead of a gas, verging on being a rotten meat liquid
jeremy irons to play him in the convertible biopic
she's a scammer just like her dad
There's an adjustment period when you start where you'll get the runs a lot, but once you're fat adapted it's smooth sailing. I have small solid poops ~3 times a week.
did she use his fame to her advantage and then sucked the soul out of him?
>haha women make peepee feel good
She'll scam her dad in the next months, you'll see. Now that he's braindead, she will write shit books and sell them with his name on it.
I had no problem understanding his 2017 lectures on personality.
She seems like a typical Western femoid to me.
Nah everyone from toronto is despondant and depressed just like him and her
Yea, and his tour lectures are even easier to grasp.
the thing about op pic is it's not even just what a whore, it's like, what a fucking disgusting looking pose. I can't get the slightest sexual tingle off that ugly shit
mmm.. plane go fly
try to listen to the first 20 m of him speaking here and tell me the rest of it could possibly be worth the waste of time
this was 2019 though
>Hits pipe
Imagine having a son who cant get laid, women are such whores they will suck your dick and balls for a bag of hot cheetos, but here is my son, in his 20s and having never seen a vagina. Imagine being so cucked you give birth to someone to continue your genes after you are gone, but you watch your offspring fail time and time again, and you cant help him since whenever you try to talk to him about it he repeats the same copes about women being whores, and chad this stacy that blah blah blah over and over again, and starts to cry like a little bitch
top fucking kek
>*hits pipe.
Nobody said it was fucking complicated or obscure, dickhead. The point is that he doesn't have anything important to say but he spends an hour trussing his (what his actual supporters will say is "basic advice" or "standard advice") in endless digressions like someone who thinks their "intelligence" is entertaining in itself, which it is not
well no it's in the post i pointed to but yes, i was unclear. It is here:
Is there actually something more cucked than having a daughter?
has she done porn?
why does peterson make you people seethe so much? are you this obsessed with other ostensible self-help gurus fleecing their supporters?
I think many anons in this thread are being luddites. It might honestly be that you don’t have much of an active social life (which I don’t mean as an insult), but you have to understand that many young women across a whole spectrum of personalities like to have silly fun on social media, especially instagram. This is just a pretty, confident girl making a silly face in the mirror, it really does not go much further than that and there is no need to be triggered by it. Women are just different than men and you won’t always understand why they do a lot of the shit they do, but this is pretty ordinary.
why do celebrity gossip threads get more activity than threads discussing TV & film? Is this board entirely populated by stereotypical bratty teenage girls? How the fuck is there even ONE "man" who likes to gossip, let alone hundreds right here.
>Peterson's condition was so critical, doctors were forced to transplant his head onto the body of a 14-year-old Russian boy who had recently died when a brick came free of a construction material transport truck on the highway, striking the boy in the face.
wow, this is so sad for that boy, but i'm glad something good could come from it at least.
Every woman craves attention and are therefore nothing more than a whore
>or obscure
Odd thing to say. Those digressions are just him expanding on the ideas in his book, and people seem to think his ideas are important, at least for their own lives. This isn't a difficult thing to grasp.
>peterson is a junkie
>daughter is a coalburner who left her husband for a black guy who does cringy pua videos
great family
for me it's because i had some of the same problems as him and i fixed them simply by being open to things that he isn't because they're not compatible with his brand. So i'm enjoying the fact that someone who would dismiss my approach has fucked themselves up so hard because of that.
What are you talking about?
yes, under different name though.
>Giving himself brain damage to own the libs
Based retard
lol is she really dating a camwhore pimp?
Mate men love to gossip
He looks mixed and like his head is fucked up
>a difficult thing to grasp
cool, you only have one concept you can maintain in your mind
hm? anxiety etc. The personality and mental habits aspects the managing of which is what he fucking studied and preached about his whole life, and yet what he didn't have the slightest hope against when these things actually arrived for him
Another odd comment.
What's your approach?
>as i emerged from the bathroom after my morning shower wearing a towel, hair wet and pecs glistening, the smell and sound of sizzling bacon downstairs graced my senses.
>"it's time for breakfast, bucko." i said, "but not before a quick benzo, bucko!"
>after i popped a few pills, the wafting bouquet lead me by the nostrils down to the kitchen, where i found Mikhaila in nothing but an apron. i wasn't surprised to see her, being that my wife was away for some chemotherapy, but i was surprised to see her so scantily clad.
>she hadn't heard me come down the stairs, as her attention was completely focused on the searing meat before her. she was salivating at the sight of it like a wild animal. my baby girl was a true carnivore.
>i hid in the shadows of the stairwell and watched her continue to prod the meat as it ripened. she was biting her lip now. bloody hell, was i really doing this, was i really watching my daughter cook meat? i couldn't believe it, and the meat in my own pants began to animate and shift, just like that bacon did as it curled up beneath her hungry eyes.
>as i looked at her watching the meat sizzle, my cock swelled up and pushed the towel off my hips. the sound of the towel hitting the floor startled mikhaila and she turned around with a squeak.
>"daddy!" she said, "what are you doing up so early?!" she was instinctively covering her breasts with her hand, even though the apron provided enough of a veil already.
>i looked up at the painting of lenin beside me for a moment, then looked down at the ground and began to softly cry. i thought about my sweet baby girl, whom i loved, and Our Carnivore Diet.
>as the tears basted my meat before her innocent gaze, i stepped forward and said, "thats the thing about Our Carnivore Diet, Mikhaila. you can eat all the bloody meat you want."
basically meditation but not the fully stripped western 10 minute mindfulness shit, you need to keep some the attitude and perspective stuff that comes with it when keeps some of its context
its one pic who the hell cares. hes going to probably come back full force talking about how to deal with psychology of being isolated during pandemic.
NOOOO this is REAL i thought this was a fucking great meme
I had trouble finding his point on this. he should have talked more about Chris' problems growing up.
its a video, try watching it and reconciling it with her chipper description. Misery shit