I feel like Isabela Merced is positioned to hit the ground running when the Coronavirus passes. She's been working out hard and has a great relationship with Netflix. Theaters are truly dead now.
I feel like Isabela Merced is positioned to hit the ground running when the Coronavirus passes...
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She's piling on the pounds.
I have no idea who this is
>Not wanting to fuck the shit out of that body after a workout and cum on her sweat drenched chest
How does it feel to be a homosexual?
I thought you had died from the 'rona, moner poster. It's been a minute since you last made a thread.
>even at home, she dresses like a white just to work out
Ecks fucking dee
nie, tight.
On an Instagram live she said Neymar started following her and liking her posts
She also said in school the kids made a song about her name (Moner) that was really embarrassing
>have VJ/Emma Stone tier feet
>never show them off
Why are some women like this?
Stop posting meme exercises
All footfags deserves a bullet
>meme exercises
Post physique
Imagine the smell
shut up dyel
you can see her physically fighting the urge to turn crotch on to the camera, christ underground
Her feet are extremely mediocre.
t. footfag
>already getting fat
damn she has 1 yr left
Are you implying that I'm not?
You're one with pedestrian taste, clearly.
Why did she post this online?
she was still underage when she posted that
reddit went bananas that day
why would she not
i just hate her so much
I know nothing about her but she seems ok.
I hate the autistic faggot who spams her daily though.
I feel like I wanna bury my nose in her asshole
Thats a really shitty looking apartment
i'll trust the video over some instagram pic. she's fat
ywn be a woman though
I've made much better threads than this.
She's not exactly, she just stores all of her fat in her face.
It's why she looks like a chipmunk. Body is fine though.
look at that gut
What does working out have to do with acting?
I'd love to cover her in peanut butter, have her run for awhile so she gets nice and sweaty then lick her clean.
Coronavirus isn't going to pass for at least 2 years. Even if the vaccine came out in 1 year from now the logistics of supplying it to the entire country or world would be insane. It would probably take longer before the faggot government allows us to not be social distanced, that is if people will even go back to normal. People won't go to theatres ever again.
That's just one aspect really, the economic fallout is going to be biblical. We are heading for a great depression and there is nothing we can do about it. Hollywood is dead and good riddance, capeshit is dead, and film is dead (this sucks), every show you watch is not getting a new season for at least 2 years. So this board is basically pointless and may as well just be used to actually talk about film now.
Marvel is fucked, DC is fucked, netflix is fucked, all streaming services are fucked.
lol she kissed a nigger on tv
We'll all have immunity or be dead in 12 months.
We can't have immunity to 8 strains. Not possible. And we can't have a vaccine for 8 strains, so even that is cope.
Go back to your containment thread
Prove anything I said wrong, unless you just haven't been paying attention, know nothing about basic medical science, are in denial, retarded or a combination of all 4.
I'll wait.
I already got COVID and recovered. I have the antibodies. I've been skateboarding down Michigan Avenue every night. My life is a movie.
Prove it. Besides you can still get reinfected lol.....it's already been proven.
All that's been proven is false positives happen a lot. I'm in the clear. I'm hooking up with strangers on empty beaches. My life is a movie.
Go back no one cares
Show me the documentation that you tested positive, you won't. And no retard, it's not false positives, these people were very sick, got discharged, and got infected again.
Nice argument, guess you were retarded.
>Scientists in and outside China agree that reinfection is a highly unlikely explanation for the patients who retest positive. They say testing errors are more likely to blame — either false negatives that resulted in patients being discharged too early, or false positives when they retested and were taken back into hospital.
I've already started marketing myself as a personal trainer a lot of fat thots are gonna come out this desperately needing the gym and cock and will take anything
what do you think her feet smell like?
Show me who these people are or fuck off, post a link, study, anything documenting this or fuck off.
And post your coronavirus positive paper, or fuck off.
It's Isabella mona, she just changed her name like a retard.
lol dumbass you're the one who posted the article in the first place
Yeah but again it's literally nonsense considering we have no source for these claims.
People made fun of Moner. It was too much baggage.
Yeah girls are going to be rushing towards you once we get out of isolation in 1 year. Youre going to get mad pussy bro.
Lmao if its nonsense then why did you link it as supporting evidence? Holy shit you are dumb but thanks for the laugh
She changed it because her mom got cancer and her dad divorced her, moner is her fathers name.
Because the patients retesting positive is real and that's not the only occurence of it. Random scientists is not proof of anything.
Here's what we do know, that in every country people have been reinfected after being discharged. This can't all be faulty tests right? Especially when they were symptomatic?