Movie has a dog

>movie has a dog

Attached: dog.gif (368x368, 1.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck dogs

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>Horror Movie
>Family has a pet

Fuck this.

>movie has a heckin' pupperino

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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Based and kot-pilled.

Where is that dog that hates trannies? I like him.

>movie has a cat

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Dogs are disgusting and dirty like their white owners

>Dogs are disgusting and dirty like their white owners

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>Woman has a dog

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>movie has cool rats

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Literally for Big Chinese Mouth.

you just know

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>literally for chinese mouth

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Fuck dogs

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Fuck off, mohammed.

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Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they're doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten. And whether they're 10/10 or 12/10, they're all heckin' good boys and girls.

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The Graveyard Shift

I hate this so much.

You just KNOW

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he looks comfy but most dogs dont like being enveloped like that

>one of the family members gets possessed or goes crazy
>is violently threatening the others
>they kill the dog instead of one of the family members diffusing all tension because they weren’t “that” far gone

Happens too fucking often

Maybe for your dog since it knows you're a huge faggot.

I dislike the fact that we're stealing pasta from reddit now.

labs always look worried about something.

rude but most dogs don't like anything that could be seen as dominating like being held in a hug, it's why they prefer being scratched on their bellies or their chin over being patted on the head

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This is the sort of low-IQ shit which causes dogs to have sub-par lives.
Your dog is not a human. Dogs have a natural flight response which means they particularly dislike having their movement restricted. Dogs also have different physical language than humans, and smothering is used as a form of aggression to establish dominance. Your dog tolerates you because it has no choice. It does not like being hugged.

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Rofl how shitty is your life?


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What movie should my dogs star in?

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why are cats so based. dogs act like faggots when they play fight. cats go all out

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dogs know it's play
cats are niggers

i dont

we already share the same users why this high and mighty attitude

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I didn't know gators did this, do they normally move their food like this? They're apex, so I assumed they ate wherever they kill.

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Not as shitty as living in the desert

>immediately know it’ll either die or a man will get hit in the balls with something

ducks >>> dogs

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Birds are the absolute shittest of animals

Especially water fowl. Fuck ducks, swans and motherfucking horrible cocksucking GEESE

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>t. petrel

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Ducks are nice but they shit all over place like penguins, A male and a female duck couple used to use my pool and they always made a mess before flying away.

Cats are quite much dumber than dogs. They're really simple creatures which mainly work on pure instinct level. Dogs are much more complex.

I used to be a cat hater, I fucking despised cats. However, recently my friend asked me to take care of her cat for a few days and I did so. What a lovely and chill creature, so low maintenance. Cats and dogs are both cool in their own ways.

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>tfw like both cats and dogs for different reasons
youre all fags

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holy shit, that thing on the left looks just like the amerimutt meme, jesus christ

My wife fucked a dog.

Her mom walked in on it.

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Tell us more

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>Cats are quite much dumber than dogs.

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shut up, rata

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u vmad, black boi?

He's so pleasant to look at, what a fine example of a male. Oh my.

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They objectively are

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Reminder chads own dogs.

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He didnt swim so good

kek imagine being such an incel that you are now jealous of dogs because even these animals get more pussy than you

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what are some iconic dog appearances?

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While s)oyboys own cats

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There's quite many studies to prove that. Cats are actually less intelligent than mice, when it comes to cognitive abilities, which is quite ironical. It's a common delusion that somehow cats are smarter than dogs because they don't give a fuck about anything. When the simple explanation for this is that they really can't fathom much, therefore they simply can't give a fuck.

you're have to dominate your dog, they're not a human. don't be cruel but you are the boss

Fuck dogs

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just taking him for a swim, so calm.

Would fuck the one on the right.

>It does not like being hugged.
mine does

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giv white cat PLS.

If you honestly prefer cats over dogs, you're more mentally ill than faggots and trannies

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Enforce yourself as the boss but there's no need to intentionally make the dog uncomfortable
You should establish a natural dynamic if you do a halfway decent job of training the dog (which a majority of retards don't)

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Holy shit

>reddit animal

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Fucking love doggos
Truly man's best friend

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>movie has CGI dog instead of a real one

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>that skinny pants wearing piss boy who's read a few sentences online and tries to tell men how to treat their dogs

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Cavill is a goddamn chad of the highest order.

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