Let's make our signaling as obvious as possible in case anyone doesn't notice our virtue

>let's make our signaling as obvious as possible in case anyone doesn't notice our virtue

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Bruh youre how old and youre still watching cartoons?

Man, that background has some wonky ass perspective issues

only kids stop watching cartoons because they think it will make them look more mature.

are you one of those insecure kids?

why don't those shirts say, "we're both gay faggots that suck dick penis" ?

Weird how gays love daddy roleplay. It's as if they were abused as kids or something.

because you gotta make kids more accustomed to gays and if possible, to make them think being gay is really wholesome and that they might wanna become gay too in the future

only redditors type like you do and believe a show aimed at LITERAL four year olds is as intellectually stimulating as something like Twin Peaks or Full House

American cartoons speak down to their audience like they have down syndrome, past a certain age that gets tedious.

The Groomers strike again

>intellectually stimulating
>twin peaks
>full house

oh god you're one of those losers

i wanna do a physiognomy check on you

> ducktales is thought provoking

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dumb ass bitch yogurt all over

THAT’S what the remake looks like..?

What a fucking downgrade...

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>Purple one is obviously the bottom
>Make his butt big
What the fuck

LGBT has just become so accepted by normal people that it's become a new potential market, nothing more
The content, the stories, have not changed
It's all made to teach children and manchildren to consoom and conform to labor and consoomer expectations

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ducks have huge dicks so he's gonna need some padding

That's a new Ducktales? That is some dogshit ass drawing style.

The quality of animated programs across the board are awful nowadays. Just like everything in entertainment, it seems.

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Kinda hot desu

LGBT movement was taken over by corporate sponsorship. It's not a real movement anymore. It's just a marketing campaign for big brands to associate their logos with social movements. There's no legitimacy in the LGBT movement anymore.

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>UK gay pride parade still going on despite virus

They hijack and sterilize any social protest/struggle
And erase any hint of actual discontent/class struggle in the background as well
They turned Marx into a fucking succdem in Asscreed Syndicate

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Ask me about pronouns. Don't *ever* ask me about fucking adverbs.

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There is a weird as fuck advert on tv with 2 gay fathers here in Australia.
The 2 gay guys (a pajeet and the bottom an effeminate white guy) stand over a baby crib in the dark singing. Sounds normal but when you look at the context of it all its pure creep.
2 Fags luring over a baby in the dark, acting like 2 children singing into their smart phones while the baby screams.

>despite virus
You'll have to be more specific.

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I was laughing that the gays are willing to march despite the Coronavirus and they'll die from their HIV'd immune system

Castros's killing of gays doesn't even compare to Reagan's willful inaction during the AIDS epidemic lmao

Let them march. It will piss normies off and turn them on their shitty movement.

Wtf I love subliminal messaging now

how hard is it to not let strange men eject bodily fluids into your asshole when you know severe health issues are mainly floating around the community of people that let strange men eject bodily fluids into their assholes?

how its subliminal?

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Farmer 1 and Farmer 2 were already a beloved gay couple from 20 years ago. No need to act like this is something new. As the saying goes

What the fuck went wrong with the Ducktales reboot? I thought the first few episodes were pretty good, but never watched further.

How do we know if they're really gay if they don't have sex on-screen?

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does chuck fuck sneed or does sneed fuck chuck?

what happened leafbros? I used to think you were cool

>uses bruh unironically
Opinion disregarded

It didnt look that bad when it first came out what in the world happened.

>I used to think you were cool
t. larping leaf
nobody thought those dogfuckers were cool

user you need to stop letting your identity politics run your life. Your misuse of virtue signaling IS virtue signaling btw.

Shits like this is why this place is an awful place for any type of discussions.

All you had to say was that they are trying to normalize being a faggot.

>nooooo don’t talk about the obvious pandering

best girl

Only manchildren are insecure enough to keep watching cartoony, safe content forever, feeling save from ever being taken seriously.


This is correct, thought not for the reasons you doubtless imagine.

Only one lewd though but it's a compilation

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why arent the 2 dads raping the child?

>Castros's killing of gays doesn't even compare to Reagan's willful inaction during the AIDS epidemic lmao

AIDS epidemic was caused by the rampant promiscuity of homofaggots. What was Reagan supposed to do? Stop them from fucking each other in the asses?

This is your brain on reddit. The AIDS epidemic was entirely the result of the soulless, mindlessly-indulgent lifestyle homosexuals live. What was he supposed to do? It could have easily been avoided if faggots stopped having unprotected sex with random strangers.
>im gonna go the bathhouse and get railed by 20 dudes raw, yass queen!
>*gets HIV*
>N-no, this isn’t fair! Le actor man bad

>pride parades in Cuba

Why is he smoking with his nose?

In the 60s the left traded workers rights for gay rights and now neoliberalism rules the West.

holy fucking based fpbp

But that show in particular is written specifically for children.

>triggered by pixels
may I suggest ending your own life?

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Aren't you also being triggered by pixels right now?

What the fuck? Why does everyone look so happy? What kind of oppression is involved to produce this?

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