She's absolutely correct. Why is Louis CK exploiting the crisis?
She's absolutely correct. Why is Louis CK exploiting the crisis?
How could one man be so controversial yet so brave.
says the fragile twitter faggot.
I explained to a girl why what Louis did is kind of fucked up, but also nothing criminal and nothing he deserved to be blacklisted for and at first she refused to listen but I actually got her to agree with me
he never locked the door, he never forced any girl to stay and watch, he talked to them all beforehand to let them know what was going down, etc. THe only shitty thing he did was allegedly threatening girls that if they told anyone he would blacklist them but there's very little actual proof of that
I'm starting to genuinely delight in these people's anger
there is literally nothing wrong with being racist or sexist
What happened ? The show is good ?
Yea whens the ppv. My body is ready.
hmm last time i checked, from the white men point of view louis is a cuck, a jew, a male feminist etc. and they're like, no he's your guy you love him? huh
>fat person
opinion disregarded
this wagie is mad because mcdonalds won't give him a day off for the ppv
is he? or since we don't like him he has to be every bad adjective now?
It's so dense.
where are they getting racist from? he jerked off so hes racist now too? i dont get it
Wait is lowie racist? Also isn't he half mexican?
racist/sexist people just truthtellers. everyone else is just too much of a pussy to admit the stuff they say is true
"racist" is just something you can throw out there without evidence now, especially with people like Louis who have been unpersonned. If anyone tries to refute the racist suggestion then they must be a racist because why would someone defend a racist?
>'Sincerely C.K.' is available to download or stream via the comedian's website for $7.99.
Louis C.K. unveiled a new stand-up special on Saturday, titled Sincerely Louis C.K, intended for "those who need to laugh."
>In a press announcement, the comedian indirectly referenced the coronavirus pandemic by noting that people need to laugh when things get "shitty," or when they are facing situations that are particularly dire, dark and terrifying.
>"I feel like there are two kinds of people in this world," C.K. wrote. "One kind needs to laugh when things get shitty. In fact, the shittier things get, the more serious, the more dark the more terrifying, the more dangerous and dire anything is, the more important it is to laugh in the midst of it and often directly in its face."
I think the entire point of the "red pill" is realizing that harmful stereotypes are almost always true
Well now I have to watch it, thanks faggot.
>THe only shitty thing he did was allegedly threatening girls that if they told anyone he would blacklist them but there's very little actual proof of that
seeing as how what he was doing was essentially a humiliation fetish, you'd think he'd want the rumor circulating around about him, and by most accounts it was.
I might be wrong but I feel like this guy is literally blind
>um, ok. I mean, that's a hard pass from me, but...
This is almost like a parody of how SJW usually write. It's almost too perfect. It's like writing "this toxic behavior is problematic".
spite is a pretty great motivator for me these days
Louie has always been funny and the fact he was cancelled for fucking jerking off in front of some roasties is just evidence to the decline of our civilization.
So he's unemployed?
I cringe that I went to the same university as the retard. BEAR DOWN regardless
>Creative Writing
>PoliSci w/ focus on Ideas & Method
Imagine thinking that these are two different things
you mean why are ALL celebrities exploiting it?
everyone on twitter talks like some black teenage girl
>hmmm, that's really a lot to unpack there, sweety
cultural appropriation right there, somebody should inform him
FRICK YOU, LOUIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was mainly very bad timing. People were looking for the next big name to drag down and some cunt mentioned that she regretted watching CK masturbate. The narrative at the time doomed him. If that had come out today, or 2 years earlier, nobody would give a shit.
who is that fat neckbeard soiy?
It probably is. There are so many satire accounts that are just dry boring larping like a wokefag like this
Can anyone who has watched the show explain how it "validates privilege"?
another literal who twitter screenshot and Yas Forums gets baited hard
jannie, please automatically delete these
See on YouTube Patrice o'neal discovers Louis CK is Mexican
>exploiting the crisis
Every Jew is doing it
unironically i agree.
fuck this racist cuck.
disgusting bbc fetishist
Check the bio and his history, it's real
>double-majoring in two subjects that are each worth less than half of a real degree
never gonna make it
>and a new gofundme
Dude just get a fucking job.
i thought with the giant economic and public health crisis the woke twitter faggot brigade would have disappeared but here they are again!
I definitely recall seeing that rumor online years before it became a story and was then confirmed.
Would you delight in the anger of an ant? The opinions of these peons should mean nothing to you.
The contempt I have for these people sustains me
>double major in creative writing and political science
He's gonna be 200k in debt and he wants your taxes to pay for it.
All that time at uni and this dudes just dumber than a motherfucker you can tell
Jannies delete the hunger games thread but leave these shitty fucking threads up?
He's in for a bad case of pneumonia lol
Folks, he's good, yall. You love to see it.
Why are leftists so unbelievably stupid?
>hi chews
based, god-tier candy
The fragile thing in that post is that sexless blob's arteries lmao got 'em
because they hate love, beauty, and the truth
well there goes my hard earned 8 smackeroonies
It's astounding how one person asking permision to pull his dick out can make so many people go mental
>creative writing
>gender studies
everytime I read tweets like these a picture forms of the guy typing it and 10 times out of 10 the profile pic is a spot on match