What do we think of them?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They are genuinely worse than the old /mlp/ posters
every single board they start feeling "welcome" on has turned to shit

Filthy spics that shit up this board, guarantee that they’re behind all the awful twitter screencap and "kinos for this feel" threads

Obnoxious manchildren.

only manchildren, actual children and people with issues play vidya

Video games are for degenerates.

Literally manchildren
Them and Yas Forums are incapable of adult behavior

they don't actually play video games they just want to scream about politics and start flame wars to try to justify whichever console they own
Yas Forums isn't much better but the average age here seems higher and it can be funny sometimes

and me

Reddit and discord tranny board

filled with leftists that now raid here incessantly

how did consolefags manage to run off the old pcfags that dominated the board and you couldnt talk about cod and halo?

I like video games

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Literal underages

Yas Forums is just Yas Forums sprinkled with /h/ actual video game discussion has move to /vg/ and /vr/.

literally Yas Forums's little brother, the worst board with the worst taste in video games.

also Yas Forums is best board

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Board became overran with normies like 8 years ago

some brave soul make a what do we think of Yas Forums thread in Yas Forums so we can laugh at them

I think Yas Forums scum are behind the whole
>let's make movies in 60 fps meme

99% crossover with this board but a little worse because of all the anime posts.

say no more senpai

All they do is complain.

they literally recycle reddit opinions now it might as well be called /r/gaming

possibly the worst main board on 4channel and I use Yas Forums regularly

fucking canadians

capeshit wars is more embarrassing than console wars but seemingly 99% of their threads devolve into it

Vidya is probably my favorite medium but Yas Forums is legitimately one of the dumbest boards on this whole entire site and that's saying something since this place is generally pretty fucking stupid. I will say that Yas Forums is almost as bad though, so it's not like we have a leg to stand up on.

we are funnier

Yas Forums has a better sense of humor, there's a higher chance i'm not talking with an actual retard

that's what you think

Yas Forums is worst

me to but not to the point of brain damage and emotional support

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The level of blandness on that board is so high it makes me sick to my stomach every time I browse it in hopes of finding something interesting. They're so content wallowing in their own shit covered insect tranny games

>kino kino
>chad chad
>cuck cuck
>meme meme

mememememememem meme meeeeeeeeeee

Yas Forums doesn't have sneedcat tho

I am so "lost" in this shithole Yas Forums that yesterday I found myself on /an/ - Animals & Nature just watching the birds

Full of disgusting coomers and weebs thinking that their childish hobby is a serious business.

better than Yas Forums marginally I have seen them discuss video games with some sort of knowledge
most threads still relate to the given topic as opposed to Yas Forums where at any time at least half (usually ~70%) of the threads are off-topic or shitposts

obnoxious board full of AGP fetishists and erp'ers. they claim to hate trannies but always have threads where they roleplay as horny anime girls

30 fps is super noticable when you're used to 120


Complete retards.
It would be like if Yas Forums only had capeshit, reality TV and cartoon threads.
It's filled with normies and redditors, who all have absolute dogshit taste in video games.

It was always populated by autistc shitlords, but at least they used to be good at vidya.
Now all the threads are nothing but weeb trash and kids games.

60% unerderag&,10% zoomers, 20% disgusting queers and 10% manchildren

You realize that describes Yas Forums as well, right?

filled with trannies, redditors, and spics that inevitably migrate to this board


>go to Yas Forums: what are some games that [insert off-topic subject]

>go to Yas Forums: what are some kinos that [insert off-topic subject]

Literally the exact same shitposting on both boards.

Filled with contrarians and sexual degenerates.

you just gone full queer for Yas Forums

ok snowflake


wow arent you hard

Yas Forums is just Yas Forums without a t


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They have better moderation, and therefore, their threads are more on-topic than Yas Forums. Pic is proof.
Yas Forums, though, is filled with sissy posters, and that's embarrassing, specially whenever there's a happening:

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...this. With reddit also having the dual meaning of cucks and loser teenagers

Yas Forums has that fag that goes into every thread to call actors “relentlessly handsome”. Just as bad.

They have more shills than Yas Forums thats for sure.we get seasonal shills:the obvious netflix and hbo shills and then with every other big movie that comes out

off-topic threads are genuinely 100% better than Yas Forumss shit threads like ">game does a thing" and some autist making it impossible to discuss a new big release because they decided they hate it

>off-topic threads are genuinely 100% better than Yas Forumss shit threads
This is also true. The generation of OC on Yas Forums is better. Yas Forums off-topic threads is just porn and shitflinging, with occasional good ones

these faggots on Yas Forums are delusional

Looks up fikod
it'll explain why Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums are all shit now

That’s different from Yas Forums’s frogposter trope threads and shitting on every popular movie how? Face it, they’re the same boards.

I haven't posted on Yas Forums in like 6 years so I have no clue
I rarely play video games

redpill me on fikod

Yas Forums is basically Reddit. I have Redditor friends irl that use Yas Forums and say they won't use any other part of Yas Forums.

>actual video game discussion has move to /vg/
/vg/ is just another containment zone board for faggots

Yas Forums fucking sucks dick. retarded weeb kids

Video games are better

If Yas Forums is reddit then Yas Forums is anonymous twitter.

worst board is Yas Forums you faggot.

There's maybe 0-5% game discussion, I stopped posting a few years ago. It's a race to the bottom of who can chide with the most animosity. Not even about games, just about life and loser-dom in general.
At least they're very self-aware.

Literally every single negative post about Yas Forums itt also describes this board.

true but Yas Forums is literally 100% soijacks and the OHNONONO meme, they dont even have a overused meme that's video game related

Yas Forums is a boogeyman.
Waifufags and husbandocunts/homolusters are the true menace that shitter board quality.
That's why Yas Forums is still the worst media board. Coomers are legitimately board ruining in a way Yas Forums or /leftypol/ can only dream of.

>what do we think of Yas Forums board in Yas Forums keeps getting shutdown (twice)
>what do we think of Yas Forums board in Yas Forums still up
that's pretty telling

Basically yes

I've literally only ever browsed Yas Forums

That's because post-2014 Yas Forums is Yas Forumseddit

He's a zoomer shitskin that has Yas Forums, /vg/, Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums as his "favourite" boards

Yeah, jannies pretty much dabbed on Yas Forums.

Yas Forums improved a bit in quality after all those capeshit and GoT threads. I think a lot of those posters really did go back to /r/eddit