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Other urls found in this thread:

prove it.

He talks about jerking off in front of others in the last 10 minutes.



Link? Torrent?

On his site. Haven't watched it yet cause its too late. Gonna pay for it tomorrow and watch it this nigga deserves my money





god damn i missed him
he's the best
ended up just paying the 8 bucks for it
i dont mind supporting /ourguy/

Attached: 10398868_1078070721281_2239287_n.jpg (604x453, 29.35K)

is this the one where he rapes his daughter?

Louis and Bill Burr are our guys

He does talk about fucking teenage boys.


Attached: Louis Cuck.jpg (559x505, 102.65K)

If he wasn't fat and bald this wouldn't have been a story

It will probably be taken down boys so download it now.

Attached: 1571815197487.png (704x692, 861.73K)

Is it better than his previous unwatchable Netflix special?
I grew out of Louis a long time ago but that one was particularly juvenile

Both of them are nigger loving cucks

He'll have a hard time topping this special

Attached: cuckking.jpg (480x360, 22.21K)

This. I'll only watch it later when I can be comfy in my room and smoking weed.

Attached: 1579922355957.jpg (1080x1027, 64.21K)

download it then

>extremely hacky joke about terrorists and 72 virgins (which you can only fuck once)
>such a shitty joke that I've heard it over a decade ago from a German comedian
>copies Bill Burr's joke about rescuing a dog, including a gay voice
imagine being this unfunny

Yikes I'll still give it a try but adulthood really is realizing that Louis is Dane Cook tier

>I'm not attracted to teenage boys, but I get it

I see we have a man of culture and refinement.

yes but also the only alive comedians that are funny. rip in sneed Carlin :(

(also lol they put Luis J Gomez in one of the "outraged" tweets when him of all people is 100% in support of Louie)

Looks like it's already down.

fucking hell its good

It's down.

mind uploading it for us /poorfags/ , ill suck your cock and lick ball(s)?

It's actually really good. If you were a fan of his earlier specials, it's a lot more like them than the last two. He's not very apologetic about the jerking off stuff, either - he just says he should have asked if they were REALLY sure it was okay.

I'll eat your ass while he does it

ill eat your ass while you eat my ass while he does it

He's joking about islam.
This guy has nothing else to loose, he has no fear.

>Louis ck makes easy money while everyone is seething at home jobless


>He's joking about islam.
He was joking about God

He was also joking about Islam and how jihadist get 72 virgins

The joke was centered around the virgins and God's involvement in it, not Islam or the terrorists
Also making fun of Islam isn't even controversial, so he really isn't going to "loose" anything

How will he recover?

wow, brave.

Noooooooooo not Leslie Jones!

do I share this to my normie friends or is he still a persona non grata?

can I get a link please...

Found it:

thanks :3




23F very left leaning here, sick of hearing from rich white women that he 'traumatized' them. they're bitching and moaning about it for visibility and for their dull careers. AFAIK all of the women complaining are rich and old. if he did this to a teenage girl i would be upset but everyone knew that he's into weird sex shit. he always asked them. his life shouldn't be ruined.

why did you just link everyone to an hour of 2 horses fucking?

why isnt it funny?

tits or gtfo

based, thanks. gonna be interesting.

>watch me jerk off or your standup career is over
Based cuck man

can someone please post the webm of him clapping at an awards show to interracial couples

imagine pretending to be a woman on Yas Forums just to defend some needle dicked ginger betamale. Kill yourself fatass

find me a source where he said that. sure they may have felt pressured but if they were such empowered white cis women they should have used their #pussypower to stand up for themselves.

>23F very left leaning here,
you could have omitted that at least

>they should have used their #pussypower to stand up for themselves.
They did

i'm posting my opinion in response to someone asking if normies still liked him. imagine jumping down someone's throat for contributing to a conversation. i hate rich white women as much as every man on this board does, i'm just not misogynistic

Stop advertising your awful shit here Louis

Just finished. It's honestly 12.5/10. He even talks about the situation with jacking off and he's 100% in the right. This is literally what lefties would call "kink shaming" and he's advocating for their retarded rules where you ask women for consent every 5 seconds but liberals will never watch this so they're gonna call him a rapist on twitter.
This is fucked up

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i've been in a situation where someone in a position of power over me made things sexual. i said no thank you and left the room. that doesn't make me a victim of sexual abuse. it's weird and bothered me for a few days but i got over it

>Louis is Dane Cook tier
He peaked with Beacon Theatre
been a slow decline since and unwatchable since Comedy Store


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That was fucking great. Thanks for the heads up.
Now compare it to that unfunny cunt, Pete Davidson's special, had to turn that shit off after 8 mins of pure cringe

i think that in most circles i pass as a normie. i should have read the room a bit better before posting. sorry everyone!

This is a 6/10

*Catholic amigo

Just stop

ITT: Louis CK posts very positive "anonymous" reviews of his shitty new special to make money Fuck off, rapist. You should be in jail for what you did to those innocent women.

>just let me finish

you can tell how bitter he is but it's not translating into particularly witty jokes

the only stand up specials that actually make me laugh are Louis CK, bill burr and Norm MacDonalds

stand up in general fucking sucks and people have to force themselves to laugh. but those 3 are actually funny

>Luis J Gomez
Nobody with a working brain gives a fuck about that simpleton.

pete davidson's special was pretty bad. he was very obviously stoned out of his mind. IIRC he had everyone who bought a ticket sign an NDA before attending

He strikes me as more of an Yas Forums poster

Does he talk about his kids in a demeaning and ''shocking'' way?

>you know my kids...*light laugh at himself* fucking kids

i don't say this often, but you might be the one. will you marry me?

He references fucking children for like 20% of the special. No lie.

bill burr is good. i love his bit about being at an airport in like texas or st and seeing a woman eat a mcmuffin in one bite.

Thanks user. You're still a faggot, though.

Louis CK's routine is always like this : Yes, I'm a really bad person, perverted, I fucking hate my kids, my wife hates me, I wish people would like me more (but fuck those who already do). Also I'm a real fat piece of shit who just jacks off all the time!

sorry i have a bf. but i hope that you find someone. thank you for not being mean to me

Yeah I can't find it on Google, wtf. Nobody has posted any greentexts yet. Louis Cuck posting was the best.

Ethnically Jewish


You should open for him. You're funny.

those are the only 3 comedians i watch

While laughing at his own jokes

is it any different material than his leaked set from a few years ago?