Reminder that 2020 Reddit and 2020 Yas Forums are identical

Reminder that 2020 Reddit and 2020 Yas Forums are identical

You’re all faggots who just use different sites

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You need a therapist

Go back to fucking reddit, faggot

why did you censor the names?

Maybe reddit isn't so bad, either way you should go back there.

Not true. Reddit is way better.

>omg you have to censor names!!!
Die faggot

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So long as reddit buries posts that are unpopular by default it will remain different from Yas Forums.
You can go on any board and say anything as contrarian as you'd like and every single person by default is forced to look at it. It's a fundamental difference between Yas Forums groupthink and reddit groupthink.

It's not that Yas Forums is reddit, its that Yas Forums right now and forever moving forward is packed full of redditors and normalfags.

>go back
I don't comprehend

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The Last Jedi is the best star wars since episode 5

>gets downvoted
>you need a therapist
That would just be treated as another normal post here. Also reddit will never be like Yas Forums unless I'm allowed to say nigger in there.


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There's faggots on every platform, but honestly the average IQ on leddit and twitter are staggeringly lower
Still, all anyone here does is argue with strangers using cartoon faces

user did not say that
Practice comprehending what you read during this quarantine

Define who is and who is not a "normalfag" right now.

>bunch of downvotes
>sitewide permaban in 3...2..
>just like Yas Forums

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>he said, after proving that he was a faggot who uses both sites

I only go on reddit for boob reddits like bustypetite

But the guy who sounds like he's from Yas Forums is getting downvoted to hell..

The Reddit way ultimately results in better and freer speech than how it is here.

Yas Forums is worse. Way worse

Why would you block out usernames? It's not like it's a real identity anyway.
>phonefag reddo
Peak fucking sòy posting.

then stay there, libshit

go back to plebbit cuckold

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The entire political spectrum except for the far right (who aren’t humans in morality or intelligence) benefits from decent moderation.

#2: You or your faggot mom. You're both #2. As in shit.

think Yas Forums is the worst of 4channel, Yas Forums is pretty irrelevant

you dont know about the back rooms then ?
all get the pic .. But listen Guys what was the last Moot Bread say it now if not you dont get back rooms /real chan .

awww wickle babby cwant pwost hwis bwillie ewish fweds????

>/who/fag is a redditor

There’s no way anything is worse than tv. This board is nearly as stupid, immature, and mentally ill as pol

god i fucking hate dichotists

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>This board is nearly as stupid, immature, and mentally ill as pol

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Thanks for proving that /who/ threads are infact, the worst threads on Yas Forums next to STD/voyager discord threads.

>t. too emotionally fragile and stupid too defend his views
the entire spectrum of simps, cuckolds, capeshit fans and npcs.

>Thanks for proving that /who/ threads are infact, the worst threads on Yas Forums next to STD/voyager discord threads.

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>normal wojak
You can't even shitpost properly, go back

it's like some autistic calling card from an impotent joker

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The most common views on this board/site are the least logical ones, so there goes your claim. What a retard.

>You can't even shitpost properly, go back

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>not using filters

>censored speech is freer speech

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Star Wars should've ended in 1983.

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Remember when "lurk more" was commonplace?

Unironically disappointed no one pointed out 123 Movies or Counter Currents. I put a lot of work into that.

God I can feel your absolute SEETHE from here.
Shouldn't you be advocating impeachment on reddit now?

anyone who says this is guaranteed a redditor. it's a buzzword redditors use to deflect criticism of their shit taste and wrong opinions

I am not. I still don't know how reddit works desu. I can't see any images.

>Remember when "lurk more" was commonplace?

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It's clear you're the normalfag cancer molesting this site for even having to ask the question.

I'm unironically a contrarian though. I pretty much just sniff out whatever the prevailing view is wherever I go, and try to push the opposite.

>brainlets incapable of even slightly abstract thinking
You have to ban idiots because they’re far louder and far more numerous than people with valid or worthwhile things to say.

hasn't been relevant since ed and archives which is way before most of the faggots on Yas Forums got here

what is moot bread?


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>It's clear you're the normalfag cancer molesting this site for even having to ask the question

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fuck off to wizchan

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

Or maybe you're just a band wagon newfag desperate to fit in?

>incapable of even slightly abstract thinking
But you just described redditors who come here and complain about the board, calling everyone "contrarians"

all me

>phoneposter calling me a redditor
Wew lad.

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This tbqh. Shill can't be downvoted here, and rather than being range banned they actually moderate the board.

All but overrun by normalfags thanks to tards like you telling them where to go

Yeah, Yas Forums has its problems but the vast amount of shitposting at least keeps the shills to a minimum since they can't keep up with it. Whenever I go on Yas Forums it feels like I'm watching an advertisement "but the new hot game, only on whateverfuckingsystem!", it's awful. Also I'm pretty sure most of the posters are actually underage, if not then they certainly post like they are.

Doesn't minus points mean that they disagree with the guy who disliked The Last Jedi?

>than people with valid or worthwhile things to say.

Says the tranny of r/women while he dilating his wound

>desperate to fit in?
another redditor give away? fit into what exactly, anonymous? it's an anonymous image board there is no fitting in, just a culture that you're blatantly foreign to

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The average redditor is probably 2x or more smarter than the average poster here. A lot of people here are definitely contrarians. Of the little tv related discussion here, the majority of it is mindless contrarian attention whoring. Constant posts about how objectively flawless media like the LOTR trilogy or true detective s1 are “shit.”

lol no. the format literally filters out shitposters, and i don't even post there, just browse sometimes.

>it's a Yas Forumseddit thread


You sound incapable of abstract thinking

who exactly is "me," redditor?

Is your brain missing? You’re saying people on a video game board talking about video games are shills?

The only shills on this site are far right political astroturfers.

I can't imagine being over 14 and sill caring about console wars so I'd imagine a lot of them probably are

Whats beautiful about this whole situation, most 30+ year old Star Wars fans have moved on. The ones remaining are typically younger ones (high school through undergrad) and literal retards like Eric Butts. Enjoy interacting with these spergs.

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