Just marathoned the first three episodes. How long before it gets good?

Just marathoned the first three episodes. How long before it gets good?

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I've watched the entirety of TNG asking myself the same question

Another 2 episodes or so.

the first few episodes are pretty rough, no sugar coating that but farscape still manages to be one of my favorite series

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Season 1 episode 1, if you don't immediately fall in love with Farscape you're a pleb

However even plebs like Season ,2, watch Crackers Don't Matter and of even then you aren't sold, just kill yourself

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The last four or so episodes of season 1.

Explain how DNA Mad Scientist isn't an incredible episode

I find Farscape to be a bit mediocre in the main story episodes I've watched so far. Personally, I've found the standalone episodes are much better.

Well the story was never the main focus, the appeal of Farscape is the characters and how their relationships develop, from people who hate and distrust each other in season 1 to a family that would commit murder to protect each other by season 3. Every "standalone" episode had important character development that plebs miss

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i just started watching it for the first time, im about half way through season 4. i think right at the end of season 2 i started to care about the characters and what was about to happen.

S1E1 you tard.

there are a lot of pretty bad episodes early on and it takes a while for the characters to grow on you, but give it a few more episodes. It gets really good around mid season 2. For now just watch for Claudia Black's hot space vests.

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Wrong, even the so-called "bad" episodes are fun and weird and interesting and you can't stop watching. A "bad" episode of Farscape is equivalent to an award-winning golden globe masterpiece episode of any other show

calm down

No, I'm drunk and ready to murder anyone who besmirches Farscape

the problem with season 1 is they do a bunch of standard star trek-esque shit like "go to planet and help the people stop being drug addicted" and whatever, but it really doesn't work out.

I'm currently watching Farscape after not having seen it since it was on TV.

I can't believe this wedding story is three fucking episodes

>I can't believe this wedding story is three fucking episodes
that was the fucking worst. It's like they spent too much money on the sets and had to milk them as much as possible. It's really, really boring.

And yet every single one of those episodes has important character moments that have impact on the later episodes. I implore you to rewatch season 1 and pay attention, it's by far the most important season in terms of character development. On first viewing these scenes seem inconsequential but they're not


I had trouble with it until this magnificent motherfucker shows up.

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Look at the Princess is the ultimate pleb filter, fags hate it but Farscapechads know it's one of the best arcs in the series

I hated it because the stakes are so low, but everyone acts like the fate of the universe is at stake

The show is always about personal stakes, if you're looking at the "fate of the universe" or whatever you're better off watching Babylon 5. John wants to get home and this is a huge wrench in his plans, and it's also a major turning point in his relationship with Aeryn.

>first scarran appearance
>based scorpius
>based john threatening to kill himself to escape scorpius
>qt peacekeeper alienfu
It was a kino arc you pleb.

what? The entire conflict in the show (after Scorpius is introduced) is John worrying that the Peacekeepers will take over the galaxy with the wormhole technology.

it's a one episode premise, two would be stretching it
I'm not saying it's bad, just that I can't believe it's three fucking episodes

That's background at best, it's clearly about the Moya crew and their internal conflicts and everything else is secondary

This in the affirmative, if him/pilot/rigel don't make you love the show you'll never like it.

Look, some are just shitty -
You can't tell me that these were good:

Thank God Its Friday Again
Jeremiah Crichton
Taking the Stone

>How long before it gets good?
it doesnt get good, it gets fucking weird and you keep watching, wondering if it will ever get good, but it just gets weirder, and then theres an imaginary bad guy with burned skin in a bdsm suit and then you realize its not weird at all and that you've been watching absolute kino the whole time.

It's a hugely important arc, and depends entirely on how much you care about these characters. If you got bored it only shows you aren't that invested

I liked Jeremiah Crichton. Never understood people's problems with it.

Oh, also
Dream a Little Dream - the one on the lawyer planet, this one was just hot garbage
The Locket

>the locket
Way to expose yourself as just baiting.

>the one on the lawyer planet
FUCK courtroom episodes. Every space opera does them and they're shit every single time.

damn you got me bro im a fake farscape fan only in it for clout and pussy

The first batch of episodes are hit and miss. They were going for a family-friendly adventure show and midway into season 1 the network told them it wasn't working and to try something else. If you want, you can skip to "Durka Returns" and you won't miss much. That's when it starts getting good.

Dude, Taking the Stone is a hilarious episode that is infinitely rewatchable, and the script is based on a party the cast and crew had while on shrooms, and it's extremely unique and interesting.

Imagine not cracking up and loving this shit.
>We. Take. The. Stone.

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Listen I'm drunk and shitposting so take my posts with a grain of salt, anyone who likes the show is okay in my book

>the locket
I'm not baiting, that one was just boring as shit. I'm judging these based on a rewatch through, the episodes where I was saying 'ugh, fuck not this one' and had to power through.
Another one is the one where Chianna gets the picture from a space gypsy or whatever. It was just stupid and didn't make a lot of sense.
DESU Maldus as a villain was always shit to me. He didn't make logical sense. He's just some fucking space wizard or some shit, and the methods of 'winning' are just asspulls.

But don't skip "PK Tech Girl".

>Chianna gets the picture from a space gypsy
oh yeah, that was a terrible one. It was kind of cool briefly but then the twist was awful.

Weird space magic that was beyond conventional understanding was always a major element of Farscape. If you want technobabble explanations watch Star Trek

Also this one was just as bad:
The Ugly Truth - this was where they were on 'trial' and the story is retold from like 6 different perspectives. It was just shit, and while it's vaguely importantish plotwise to the point where you can't skip it, it's just shitty to sit through.

there's a difference between space magic and just putting a fantasy wizard in space

He was a telepath who fucked with people's heads. You shouldn't trust everything you see, just because it's on screen doesn't mean it's real

>this was where they were on 'trial' and the story is retold from like 6 different perspectives
I enjoyed how their different perspectives were slightly different, like D'Argo's perspective had John complimenting him a bunch.

There's really not. See Palpatine.

>hating rashomon comedy in space
wew lad

>weird space magic beyond understanding
Not. . . really.
I mean okay there were a lot of 'science' things that weren't really understood, but they were shit like dimensional rifts, energy riders, whatever. Like there were still sort of rules behind them. Even that fucking nigger who lived in the sun, okay that was just a different kind of life form.
Maldus is basically Farscape version of Q. In that he just snaps his fingers and shit happens. His 'powers' have no kind of grounding in reality and they don't try to even pretend they do. There's no limit or mechanism to them.

Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but to me Maldus was too far.

Why did they change the theme later on bros? the original was so good

Nah, Maldus was just a psychic con artist and you're reading too much into it. Farscape was unique in that it had no technobabble and didn't try to explain anything, either you accepted it or you didn't. Clearly you didn't

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I miss this show like you wouldn't believe. Fell in love with it in the first 5 min.

>psychic con artist
I would be okay with that if there was evidence of his shit being mental based. But it's not, I mean he creates a separate dimension for Crichton and it's not shown as being some kind of mental attack on him.
He teleports Craise to fight John and it's not some kind of mental thing.

>the Yotz! asgardian
Every time.


We don't of it's mental or not, or what powers he uses, that's what I love about the show. Nothing is explained, characters come first, lore second. You interpret as you will

>Farscape is so unknown and forgotten no one has webms to post

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>tfw you’ll never see the peacekeeper wars spread out over a whole season as was originally intended

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pilot is based but rygel is based and red pilled

I made like 300 Farscape webms but my laptop kicked the bucket and I lost them all, feels bad

Better get started on restoring that collection.

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Sorry I'm too busy jerking off to Aeryn, my need to provide others with content died years ago

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It would improve the quality of threads.

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PK Tech Girl