They're going to have to recast Ciri for Witcher S2, because Freya will look much older when they start production

They're going to have to recast Ciri for Witcher S2, because Freya will look much older when they start production.

Attached: freya2.webm (640x1138, 1.03M)


Attached: 1520777737513.png (292x307, 95.67K)

plus her face looks dirty in this .webm, what the fuck is up with that? did she fuck up her makeup somehow?

michael jacks0n skin disease?

Who the fuck cares, The Witcher series is an absolute shitshow.




I was just about to ask who this mutt is before I read the actual post

Freya Allan

Attached: freya4.webm (640x1136, 1.65M)

she's sunburnt, morons

Base and bogpilled

How the fuck do you hit the wall at 19?

Is she wearing pants?

she's 18

Attached: 91492149.webm (640x704, 2.99M)

bong genes

do they not understand that their fake lips look retarded as fuck?

What the fuck is wrong with her face? Why would anyone ever think this is a good idea?

they've been brainwashed by social media

Attached: 1584765314430.webm (720x1280, 489.52K)


Attached: call.jpg (600x640, 28.66K)

think about how stupid your average person is
then think about how stupid your average woman is
then think about how stupid the average teenage girl is


Attached: you_little_SHITS.jpg (395x395, 70.24K)

󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 Much.
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 This.

sloots gonna sloot

Hey casanova gal expert. Shes actually using that bronze full body make up. Its Chav culture

Girls who mantain even tan usually are prepared to be butt ass naked at any moment

It really weird; she LOOKS bogged, but why would someone get plastic surgery @ 18? doesn't make any sense.

Attached: 1575303914821.webm (400x170, 772.29K)

why does she look like she just cried or is about to?

she probably heard from somewhere that some guys on an anonymous anime image board are saying she's ugly

He might be, but the show actually is complete garbage

Bitches be like why boys dont like me for my personality

It sadly happens more than you would think, I had classmates at 15 years old getting their lips done, and that was fifteen years ago.

I can’t watch webms because of I have an iPhone. Post gifs?

This is the exact progression of pornstars.

When they start they're fucking perfect. Then they become orange and semi-bogged. Then bolt-on titties and tattoos.Then a final bog which makes them unfilmable and nukes their own career.

she just took a bbc in her pooper

you would cry too (out of pleasure)

damn it feels good to be an anya bro

Attached: 1578759501935.jpg (960x720, 98.42K)

>Those dead Chad-fucked-and-dumped-me eyes

Innocence lost


>freya was a philipino all along

>henrycavill likes this

Jesus what went wrong

Why do you care about innocence? I mean you lost yours already, right?

Anyone who thought freya would win in this civil war is delusional. Anyabros are best bros.


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just because she's getting bogged doesn't mean your poo becomes a jacuzzi suddenly, they are both shite

Fuck no, Basedvill is a Chad cunnyseur. He would never stand for this boggening.

Attached: fc30ec7c6b40570f5f6c1dd9c5a44620.jpg (1080x1080, 196.19K)

>blonde hair
>black eyebrows

Comfy and smug anya poster

Decent prices

Yet another someanon who didn't grow up with the Action Pack...Xena, Hercules, Cleopatra 2525, Jack Of All Trades were the jam! The Witcher is a updated throwback to a time of great television programming.

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this is so sad alexa play 'another brick in the wall'

And thus, Geralt's mom retains her title of most beautiful woman on the show

Attached: D-6pGyJVAAA1E-g.jpg (1152x1442, 114.68K)

>Mfw you smash your mom because everyone else is Punjab

And the winner for the Ugliest Actress in a Netflix series goes to .... Anya Cholatra!

Attached: shes a looker.jpg (1280x720, 130.66K)

Does every girl "has hit the wall" if shes past the age of 11?


She is wearing no panties

post the leotard webm

Good, me neither

I’d buy the whole plate at that rate. What a deal desu

Oh no no no no no

Attached: laughing evan.gif (700x375, 2.22M)

They got the ugliest goblins in this garbage.

Just because Ready Player One was a throwback to Shillberg doesn’t make it good

>getting mogged so hard during the filming of 1 season by a poojeet that you take the bog pill

Would have made a better Ciri if the show had been made back in 2011. The show would have been better too.

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