Character is playing chess so theyre smart

>character is playing chess so theyre smart
>moves piece

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I'm so fucking bad at chess, bros. Am I retarded?

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>character is playing chess so they're smart
>moves piece across the board hitting several opponent pieces in a single move

>put a player into a position where there is nothing they can do to get out of it
>it's a draw
what a stupid game

wanna play? anyone please im bored

queen to B6

can't move queen on the first move Yas Forums bro

>mastermind is playing chess
>mastermind is also really old and senile
>they lose the game and die with a smile on their face

>character is playing chess so theyre smart
>moves piece
>"check meat"
>"Don't you mean checkmate"
>stands up, revealing their monster hog is hanging out.
>"check meat"
every fucking time

Chess is just a game you'll be good at if you practice. If you play it enough, you can pretty much predict whatever the fuck your opponent is going to do because you've seen it a million times already.

Mahjong is there real thinking mans sport. Seriously fuck mahjong. There is so much shit to memorize and keep an eye out for. Makes chess look like a kids game.

>character is playing mahjong to show they're smart
>does literally fucking anything because the audience won't understand anyway

Time control 5+3 if anyone wants to play a quick game

this, practice and memorization

we start at the end game

have you ever played chess with a stupid person though?

>character is smart
>plays chess against himself

gg user, that was intense. Do you have a rating?
You seemed to see a lot in the position

I'm tired of seeing this scene all over. Hollywood needs to be purged

when you have seen enough good games you notice they have similarities

>character is playing chess so they're smart
>reaches out to pick up a piece
>says j'adoube and adjusts the piece, then keeps thinking about what move to make


>character is playing chess so theyre smart
>moves piece
>opponent thinks for a moment then tips over his king

Knight takes queen.
What's on your mind, Sebastian?
What are you thinking about?

This is why I prefer Tafl games like Tablut

>put the game into a state where it's literally impossible for you to achieve the winning condition of checkmate
>think it should count as a win

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Based Akagi.

what an apt response in an apu thread

In the fight against evil stalemate is winning

>quick game

How did you even manage to work a computer well enough to make it here you sub room temperature IQ ape?

Is working a computer meant to be hard or something?

>characters are playing Go chess

Sniper to e3

I'm on my phone though.

In the original rules it counted as a win, but it was changed because of fags like you

If you take more than 10 seconds per move in the first 15 opening moves you are a scrub, there is no reason why two good players would ever spend more than 20 minutes on one game

You're not alone, buddy. This girl I used to know kept teasing me about she doing anything I asked of her, but only if I could beat her in chess (heavily implying sending me nudes). She demolished me every single time and eventually got bored of me.

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Stupid frogposter, the word you're looking for is "checkmate".

a stalemate in chess is incredibly rare, I've played at a semiprofessional level and still never actually witnessed a stalemate in real time

>not moving the pieces before they expire
Rookie mistake.

You realize that the world championship games take like six hours, right?

You sank my battleship.

>good guy has a royal flush because he's good at poker

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yeah, I play with myself all the time.

>>characters are playing Go so they are smart

>someone brags at how good at chess they are
>get into a bet
>they send me an online game
>load up windows chess on hard mode
>copy chess player on windows game
>I copy the computer
>they lose
>act like a genius because the game was over fast

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tv poker is complete bs

I remember the poker sport fad that got idiots into poker thinking they could play the stats

unless you are a computer there is no strategy, Its all luck

the best a human can do to increase their odds is

>character is playing backgammon so he's humble and down to earth

I'm stealing your idea and never giving you credit

not completely true, but you're more right than you are wrong. there are ways to advantage play poker, it's just super hard to get it consistently. and in online poker it is impossible unless you have a team together

Nigga whenever I played chess I'd just move pieces at random because chess is a gay ass faggot game for nerds who wanna larp like they're in the 1800's or Sherlock Holmes or some shit. I garauntee I'd beat them all 1v1 in a duel on WoW though.

Name ten movies that do this.


only because one wrong move against a grandmaster fucks you over completely. You could play perfectly and still lose, that's how complex a game chess is. This is also the reason that artificial intelligence can beat the best players in the world easily, there are too many variables for the human brain to process efficiently at once time, even for a genius

so, pretty much like any other game or sport?

I don't think I've ever seen backgammon depicted on screen

Bond played it in Octopussy.

I have no idea how to play backgammon. Who even plays it and why?

>let her go first
>open up a virtual chess game, and put the bot at the hardest difficulty
>put every move she makes into the game, and copy how the bot reacts as your moves in the other game
>win, or at least draw
Assuming that you weren’t playing chess in-person, because how would a girl send you nudes if you are both in the same room together?

it's chess for non autists. I played a lot when I was younger.

Just play tight passive bro.