Is Julian the worst character in LOGH?
Is Julian the worst character in LOGH?
absolutely. Julian and the Earth Cult are the only two bad elements of the greatest anime of all time.
These two 2bqhwyf
This looks like some faggot from Iron Blooded Orphens. Is he a faggot?
How was he so bland? He had no personality at all in a show where there is also the liberal god and violence&authority guy.
Earth Cult gave us this
Poplin is a close second. His womanizer shtick got old so quick. I wish he had died instead of the blonde Aryan friend of his.
He is supposed to start dating this girl But everyone thinks it's just a beard.
He is just a perfect mary sue. Both Yang and Reinhard were flawed geniuses. Julian is just boring.
Fuck i meant
anime trash
what an insightful post
Theres only 2 weebs in this thread, effictivly using 4chat as there own chat room.
>tfw I discovered Julian wasn't a girl
wtf Wenli
Julian is inquisitive and can do chores. Katerose is annoying haughty and only has daddy issues.
he cute
she only appeared in like 20 eps vs Julian who appeared in every free planets alliance episode and got his stupid earth pilgramage.
Nah Fork was more infuriating and Annerose was less of a full character.
Post favorite Admirals.
>Fork was more infuriating
You mean the guy with little screentime and who was a haugthy retard that ended up going insane?
Shut the fuck up Mr. Lahey
yeah but most of the time Julian just fetched drinks and was someone to talk at. He only got "big" after Yang bite the dust and even then mostly because people expected yangs student to be good. Show more or less ended before the earth cult arc.
Why the fuck is Legend Galactic so fucking violent? Gundam wasn't this gory?
don't know anything about the show but I'm 90% sure OP's a tradlarper tweep who saw a gay meme and now hates this guy because of it
>when you bingewatch LOGH and TPB during Coronachan time and they just start to blend together
Since you asked
You clearly weren't pay attention, retard. Remember when he was a pilot for the alliance? The dude took out like a whole proper ship with just a shitty bomber.
You forgot
>ended up a feint in the assassination of one of three enjoyable Republic characters
LOL it's funny because one show is classy and the other crude on purpose.
I loved everything about this show
someone should make a special cut without all the earth cult shit though
cutting up commoners for fun
Fork was a weird character.
OVA's don't fuck around
Which mary sue twink would win in a fight, Julian or Wesley?
Technically Hentai is OVA too btw lol
I stand corrected
What is the moral/messages this show is attempting to get across to the viewer?
Honestly most of the alliance guys were bland. Yang, the two old admirals and the comically inefficient and corrupt bureaucrats were the main draw of the faction. The show remains watchable all the way through, but you just know the episode is going to be kino if it happens mostly empire side.
I mean, Reinhard is based and redpilled of course, but the empire was better to watch simply because it featured grand characters.
That himanity would be astronomically more beautiful and advanced if there were only white people and like 2 or 3 asians.
He's one of the most ipmortant. Yang needs his brandy, and no-one else is qualified to do the job. His wife can barely make sarnies.
An enlightened dictatorship is better than a corrupt democracy,
That democracy is totally cool and 200 iq people understand it but also that autocracy and conquering the whole galaxy is glorious and triumphant and honorable. I really don't know.
he is the best. I love fucking boy pussy.
>you have to be 200 iq to understand democracy
I can only imagine what kind of echochamber this underaged faggot has been sleeping in.
It says it at the start of the second season
Reuenthal was based.
Based on what?
is he trump?
He's worse.
LOGH is homoerotic garbage. Anyone who watches this and isn't a balding middle aged Japanese man reliving his childhood is stupid.
you sure showed them
Thanks. Kill yourself jerking off to generic 80s anime because space and pretense of having something interesting to say.
Nah Yang is, dude is clearly a wish-fulfilment for the author
>originally wants to be a historian but forced to be a soldier
>lazy as fuck but everyone fellate to him due to his mary sue tier military genius.
>2 hot chicks lust for his dick
>no charisma whatsoever compare to Reinhard and yet many would willingly die for him
As if a Jap is gonna make his self insert a chinese.
Gundam is a toy advertisement for children.
The author is a massive chinkaboo, look it up.
Ironic you shit on yang and then immediately praise the blonde bimbo for literally the same shit. Please, you've outed yourself fag.
Please don't project your homosexual tendencies to me homo.
Nice argument. You've literally outed yourself as a closet blonde bimbo fag. Next time you wanna shit on a character, try not to praise another for the same reasons homo.