Which movie did you to lose your virginity during or after?
Which movie did you to lose your virginity during or after?
Other urls found in this thread:
Human centipede
Freddy Got Fingered during THAT scene
You know the one
Twilight: Break of Dawn
Based Bobby P. helping a brother get laid
a trip to the moon
Sleepy hollow
Still havent seen past the first 5 minutes
american history x
The Flowers of War.
finding nemo at my uncles house
Some goddawful film with Robert Downey Junior and that fat bearded cunt about them taking some roadtrip. Can't be bothered to look up the name of it.
Went to see it with a girl at the cinema. She fancied me something fierce and my 18th birthday was around the corner and I was fucking stupid and was set on losing my virginity before that, so we went on this movie date and I had awkward unpleasant sex afterwards.
Say Anything
The Flowers of War.
Yup. Yup.
Adventures of Tintin
the good the bad and the ugly
schindler's list
Triumph of the Will
the my little pony movie
none. I had sex in a bar toilet
Grandmas boy
Specifically this scene
We watched Pulp Fiction for a bit after, but she got bored. A few years later she had a Pulp Fiction facebook cover photo. Go figure!
We didn't watch any movie that magical day, but during the recent years I've found out that Basic Instinct works like a charm every damn time.
Come and See
Haha whoa!
Based Verhoeven.
None. I'm still a virgin.
>Go figure!
Monsters Inc.
an episode of sex and the city, godbless that show.
After the American Grudge with Sarah Michelle Gellar in 2010
The SpongeBob SquarePants movie.
Got head during Labyrinth
RIP David Bowie
I never had sex
unironically dark knight rising
I've never watched a movie.
Was getting laid part of your plan?
Go figure!
I was camping when I lost it
Nutted raw in my wife for the first time watching White Christmas
I'm a wizard
Iirc Napoleon Dynamite.
i took a girls virginity during resovoir dogs
haven't seen that one, is it good?
Oh and I took a girl's v card after about halfway through Ponyo
Cannibal Holocaust
unironically this one
We watched aladdin after it was the only good thing on tv
How long did it take for the guy to cum? hehehe
The horse jack off scene?
How much do you hate yourself?
The Shining, kinda.
A Jack's Mannequin song
Predator 2, specifically this scene
Get Him to the Greek
That movie...hasn't been made yet...
Is it true that horror and thriller get women wet?
But these movies don't really get reported in this thread
Don't worry buddy, it has been made! I've got a copy of Brokeback Mountain on DVD. How about we watch it at your place? I'll bring a 6-pack of beer and a funnel.
Unironically The Bee Move
Do I have to thank Jerry Seinfeld for making such a shit movie that I was able to get pussy by making fun of it?
Jennifer's Body
t. faggot
Very allegorical. If one day I make a slice of life movie I will put this in
go back
But aren't gay people supposed to watch Brokeback Mountain?
Why would Jennifer's Body turn gay men on?
That one british comedy show about the royal family
I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl
Yes. They love vampire films especially because they like the idea of becoming a whore for Chadracula.
>lose your virginity
>megan fox trying to rape a frog girl
I wonder