User, why don't you join us?

user, why don't you join us?
Your sister told us you stay in your room all day watching movies, do you have any recommendations?

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>watching movies
haha yea... m-my favorite right now is the joker have you seen it? haha

Listen up you cunts give me all your phones and we're watching Pi

Imagine all their periods syncing

Hopefully there’s no bears in the area


i descend with my bare ripped chest

hey user we're just hanging out did you bring your laptop?

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Haha user, you are so funny. I did a cosplay of it because my boyfriend loves that film, what do you think of it?

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I put on my robe and wizard hat

Still waiting too see the none shooped version of this

>Alright you faggots, listen up. All of us are watching Das Boot together and if I hear or see any laughing, giggling, phone checking, squirting or any other distractions. You better say your sphincter goodbye because I’m ramming it up there with my veiny king size love sausage.

How can she be fat but have very little ass and thighs to speak of?

I have a sister?

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wow thats accurate haha. nice job hehe

Hell yeah we are watching my favorite movie os all time

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bitch looks like syndrome from the incredibles

very based

Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2

Actually a real title

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Accursed trips

hortex pomarancza? siema dziewczyny, ktora pierwsza?

We’re watching Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla: Tokyo SOS tonight. Don’t like it? you can go back to the shelter

Why does my asian sister only have white friends

Because you're in Poland, which is the only place that drinks Hortex juice.

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>Sure. I liked everything Pixar put out before Cars 2. My favorite was "The Incredibles".

Shut the fuck up because everyone in the room is about to tell you their favorite Pixar movie, be a good listener.

>Besides that, Scorsese's "Goodfellas" is great too, I like how slick the cinematography is and that it's got a sense of humor even when it's being serious.
>Do you have any favorites?

Shut the fuck up, because everyone's about to tell you their favorite movie. Be a good listener. Whatever favorite movie suggestion actually gets the room amped up, suggest you all watch that.

Ask for either the number of the girl who invited you to film night after the show, because she wants to smash, or the one with the best taste in film, because you deserve it, slugger.

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Now post the edit version

nice digits fellas

does anyone else just become completely disinterested when they see this archetype of girl? like i get it they're not ugly but they're all cookie cutter versions of each other. there's no real difference. they're all the same person. is that why they travel in groups? makes it more likely that they'll all end up with the same kind of guy?

are you the user who writes out the entire script for a call to the pizza shop including guessing what the guy might say on the other line

Yeah you're totally normal. Some people find comfort in being exactly like their friends and exactly like some popular archetype. It doesn't mean they're scum or inferior, that's just their thing. They find other people like themselves and it makes them feel good. They meet guys who do the same thing. You aren't weird for not being into it. You probably have other interests and other types of friends and girls you're interested in. Keep being you. That's all you need to be.

Nope, just trying to help local TV social autists know how to respond to girl bantz and maybe get laid from it someday

Key's always three things
>Speak your piece quickly then shut the fuck up
>Be a good listener
>Ask for a girl's contact info if they're showing interest in you or you're interested in them.

Repeat for life and you'll never want for female companionship.

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bitch looking like my bannerlord character

>Armpits and hands become immediately drenched
O-oh, hey. S-seeya

either you base your entire opinion from Yas Forums or you are autistic and women dont want to talk to you, yea some of them are boring and dull but the same could be said about a lot of men,

>ummm why are they in a submarine :/?

"uhh, sure; what type of movie do y'all wanna watch?"
then recommend some semi obscure entry level movie normies would also enjoy and be there watching the movie ocasionally talking

Moonman, Moonman can't you see?

>I don't know, what do yoooou wanna watch?

>*pull out Glock*
>before we begin, does anyone want to get out?

What did he mean by this?

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>begin talking
>slur a word because of speech affectation and being out of practice speaking aloud
>by the time I repeat myself they've lost interest in what I have to say
>my asthma kicks up randomly as does my sinusitus, excuse myself to go to the bathroom to wipe off the snot and to take a breather
I'm exaggerating but not by much.

Yas Forums is the only board that gets this meme

well no i know that. there's the same type of archetype for guys too. and what's interesting is it's always those guys who try for and end up with these girls.

the guy version is literally just 5'10-6'2, 80% of the time brown hair, brown eyes, white, short hair cut, plaid shirt or some sort of button down, boot cut jeans and brown boots/shoes unless it's summer in which case it's just some color variation on board shorts and boat shoes. they all have the same names and the same interests and they always go out in groups.

it's just something i've observed. this type of person is the majority archetype of white person but they just bore me so entirely, guys and girls alike. i say this as a guy who's been in a relationship for 10 years to someone who is not one of these people and even she sees it. i just find it fascinating that it's almost like they just live and think entirely by white people meme osmosis.

there's plenty fo girls there, i'm sure at least one of them have an idea of what to watch

Being in a room full of girls is a lot less stressful than being in a room full of guys and one girl

In the latter the girl can pick any guy she wants, in the former at least one girl is peone ro like me, that's how I see it

trannies dont count

>Why won't you tell us, user? Are you scared? :(

You're judging them based entirely on looks. That's more shallow than you perceive them to be

"uhh, no, i just wanna have an idea of what y'all wanna watch"

Me: Based
Mom: Stop
Me: Why
Mom: We got a bigger based in the living room

i do uber in my off time for extra dollars and let me tell you, no. no i am not. they have an identifiable look, and i have spent longer than i ever wish to with people like this and i can confirm they are like clones.

>I'm really bad at socialization due to lack of practice and a speech impediment I haven't addressed!

Go find a speech therapist, hit the inhaler real quick, and practice more, but don't make excuses.

>Holy fuck why are there so many roastoids inside my house? Get the fuck out you filthy cuntoids! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
that will show them

Well hello there ladies,i don't actually watch that many movies because nowadays they're all trash,you see i spend my time on a forum called Yas Forums specially Yas Forums some real gems on there...where was i?oh yea you want me to choose a movie.
How about Scary Movie 1?

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Great taste, but I would go with Lost Highway or L.A Confidential

That you're hopelessly unlikeable, completely unfuckable, and a parasite on society? Yeah, it will show them.

Every country has its "archetypes" and often they differs from place to place. I guess you've described the American generic young white people of middle class. I do the same thing, but I noticed that often they've at least one point that makes them interesting and different from each other

Change unfuckable to fuckable and that's the perfect description of the average roastie. Nobody spends time with them because of their personality.

The girl 3rd from the right is my ex gf



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Here's your recommendations


>Calling women 'roasties'

How's the grape hunt going, user?

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ferret looking bitch fucker