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Even if I wanted to see it I wouldn't risk there being some government database on everyone that includes what movies you've purchased tickets to and the word "cuck" being on my permanent record.
take them
you post on 4channel your permanent record is already completely cucked
have it
how much personal information do you think google alone collects?
I guess you can say the movie got cucked
B..But the Guardian told me to forget Joker and watch this instead!
Tons of it
If you own a phone with a camera, literally everybody has watched you jerk off
your choice in movies doesn't really matter to anyone though
Neither does what you jerk off too
>yeah I was an actor in my youth
>I played a fat guy who stared in cuck porn and then no more work after that
That's his legacy
They took too long to release it. When it came out, "cuck" was already replaced by "tranny" as the trendy internet insult.
Alright i did, now what
It matters to me.
That's because you're a fucking loser
but people enjoyed watching me jerk off right
I know I did user
>o-one ticket for c-cuck please
>joker defeated star wars
>cuck made nothing
It's not fair disneybros.........
You got issues buddy.
I think it's possible that literally no single person wanted to pay money to see a movie named Cuck
Literally 0 audience for this flick. Say what you want about Joker being McDonald's arthouse but at least it pandered to a certain demographic.
We have like 40 threads about this movie a day. We know it made $0.
just like everything here
There's not much else to talk about though and this is pretty funny
Get woke go broke libtards
>what is the Corona lockdown
>what is the Corona lockdown
>what is the Corona lockdown
>what is the Corona lockdown
>what is the Corona lockdown
Irrelevant since this came out in October
Noooo how was this not more successful than the joker?!
>Brooding loner Ronnie lives with his possessive mother in the wasteland of Van Nuys. Rejected from the military for mental instability and petty crime, he ekes out a dismal existence. Ronnie’s only world is the one he makes online on his computer. After creating a Vlog channel on the downfall of “real America,” he rails from his video platform against those he perceives as enemies. As Ronnie gains confidence from the online extremist community, his channel grows. Meanwhile, sexual frustration leads him to a local swinger couple who pay him to play cuckold in their homemade amateur pornography. Unaware that they are exploiting him, he accepts the role and its rewards. Ronnie buys an unregistered handgun and strokes his ego at firing ranges. He meets his online idol, a charismatic leader of the Alt-Right. However, when his identity as a “cuck” emerges, his macho persona shatters. Facing online shaming, Ronnie takes solace in the one symbol of masculinity he has left: his gun.
fucking hell this is so indulgent. hatred porn. embarrassing.
>The film had its world premiere at the Cleveland International Film Festival on March 28, 2019.[2][3] It was released in theaters on October 4, 2019.[4]
How the fuck could a film not make money. Was it really empty for all the months it was in theaters!?
>last year
>corona lockdown
literally never heard of this movie outside of Yas Forums
doubt it's even real
Lmao it's the same buzzwords disneyshills used in their hundreds of threads
It's propaganda, making money is not the point.
Nooooooo the movie we made about a dumb strawman who disagrees with our political opinions isn't popular how could this happen
we got too cocky
That doesn’t answer my question
it probably cost more to make than it made back by people coming to theatres and paying to see it
It does answer your question. Yes, the theaters were empty. They let it run while making nothing because the point was to try to indoctrinate people, not to make a profit.
Lol at this retard sperging out over KEK
Hollywood deserves to burn. If society breaks down from this dumb coronavirus shit I hope celebrities, directors and politicians are the first to be hanged.
Yeah but for propaganda to work it has to be seen
it's a great movie though
You know the synopsis for that movie makes it sound possibly based if it only took up a "retribution on normalfaggot society" theme instead of the "incels bad" theme I'm sure it does
No that's just a regular bomb. This literally sold no tickets
all of it
>That zoom in shot
This sounds more jewish than Schindler's List.
Almost like the bbc meme is fake and made by shitposting bots.
That synopsis sounds identical to Joker
They know SJW shit doesn't sell. That has never stopped them from producing content.
oh. well i wasn't the guy you were talking to. that's interesting
lmao jesus fucking christ
That's why they wrote it that way, they wanted to say it was the better joker.
I don't understand, why did he sign up to be a cuck?
Do they seriously think anyone cares about shit movies like these? I barely have time to see movies I actually want to watch, I dont have time to go watch movies about "white men bad". And clearly no one else wants to waste their time and money either
Because he was poor and needed money
Why is Joker such a hated movie by progressives? Are journos mad that nobody shot up a theater despite their panic so they could use it for gun control narrative? Did they consume too many internet memes and projected the autistic gamer stereotype onto Joker's character?