Yo dude, i'm gunna eat a caloric surplus without exercise

>yo dude, i'm gunna eat a caloric surplus without exercise.
>what i got fat! clearly the CEO of mcdonald's is satan incarnate.

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This film is by and for people who don't know what a calorie is

What if you only ate apples for a month? Body wouldn’t like that either.

This film opened my eyes. I'm never watching a documentary again.

wtf I hate documentaries now

The movie was staged and fake.

Pretty much this.

do ameritards actually think you can eat mcdonalds every day and be healthy?

I might try that because i love apples and don't care about negative health consequences. Also i want to BTFO this cuck. You know what i am buying a camera, a shit ton of apples, living off of apples alone for a month, then putting it on youtube. Sounds fun.

>I'm gonna do it again.. with chicken
>aaah it happened again, nooo

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There's already some crazy couple that were shilling a banana-only diet on YouTube

he's a raging alcoholic too

Tom naughton already made a documentary called fathead which completely destroyed Morgan's argument in supersize me. Also, Tom naughton is actually a decent comedian.

Morgan omitting being a raging alcoholic since the age of 13 and had the nerve to act shocked and dismayed that he had a fatty liver during a doctor’s appointment in the Documentary like it was all McDonald’s fault. McDonald’s should unironically sue his ass or should have sent him a cyst and diseased order or something.

I like Tom Naughton as much as the next guy but if i hear the word baloney one more time i am going to blow my fucking brains out.

After being forced to watch this documentary in school about 3 times, I still do not understand the part of him asking schoolchildren which figures in various media they recognized. Wow, you're telling me people know one of the biggest brands in the world? What purpose did that even serve to the main message of EATING MCDONALDS = FAT

take your medicine, it dulls the voices...i know it doesn't make you feel good but you need to take your meds

I'm trying to find the video where the guy says the calorie intact doesn't match what he was saying. Effectively saying the movie was bullshit.

Its clear he was trying to go for the "Mcdonald's is indoctrinating our kids its literally 1984 irl" vibe but he fumbled it pretty hard.
Ok Morgan


based it was on Hulu like 8 years ago

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We had to watch this at school too. I've never been the smartest person but as I kid this movie did not pass my bullshit detector. It seemed fake and forced to me from the get go.

his wife was really hot
you've been fed baloney


wow he can fit 6 dicks in his mouth

kek this movie really rattled the amerifat cage. almost going on two decades and it still makes them seethe.

Holy shit that was fake? I watched this in school and never ate at mcdonalds ever since

I'm getting some tomorrow first thing. Any recommendations?

Pick me up a vanilla cone brah

You would die of deficiencies. You could only eat potatoes and still live though, but that would fuck up your teeth because of the starch

bologna dicks and he lost weight good guy
I want my super size

>You would die of deficiencies

if you could live off potatoes for a month you could with apples what if you cant cook your potatoes your fucked

Why does this movie make Amerifats seethe so much lol. What this guy did is just your average American diet. The average American day consists of squeezing out the door, lumbering to his minivan, deforming the roof of his car as he tries to fit in, pushing the car seat all the way back to make space for his massive gut before driving to McDonald’s. The American will then repeat this for the 3 main meals of the day, he shits once a week and his piss is as yellow as a crayon, he then dies.

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That much soda is poisonous for you no matter how much exercise you get or how well you count calories.

>should have sent him a cyst and diseased order

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This. Amerifats are disgustingly fat. Stop take the side of giant corporations. Your free market has made you all fat, weak and borderline depressed. Get your shit together.

What if they remade this but called it Impregnate Me and instead of a guy with food it was a petite asian girl with semen

>Why does this movie make Amerifats seethe so much lol
Being from some 3rd world trash hole like Canada or France, Im sure you could never understand. Youre probably calorie deficient and live in an apartment smaller than my car. But, I will try to help you understand.

See, in the US prior to this film, you had standard sizes for meals and drinks. Small Medium Large, and then there was XL which was, super size or in the case of Wendys Big E. Well, thanks to this movie those XL sizes got taken away.
In addition to this though, all serving sizes were down sized. A large became a medium roughly at most fast food places. Even the burgers got smaller, to the point that I feel as though I am eating an appetizer. Then I go to get a drink and its like a thimble. Sure not a big deal if youre in the restaurant and can go get a refill easy, but if youre in your car driving you aint got nothing.
Also, the "healthy" menu started getting pushed hard. This meant certain items were replaced with salads and grilled chicken.

Now I can no longer enjoy a borderline bucket of coke with a hamburger that requires two hands to eat and an order of fries with more salt and potatos than a 3rd worlder sees in a year.

What has happened is a tragedy and its thanks to the faggot that did this documentary.

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Yeah or like sued him for decimation of character or something.

Cringe, its not some evil corporations fault your fat, its your own.

would you like gay sex with your blackout?

thank god McDonalds introduced $1 any size sodas but the damage has been done

what did reviewbrah think of it?

I never thought about it that way user. The poor Americans are missing out on their chemical sludge fillings because of this silly documentary

Do Americans unironically defend fast food culture?

Learn to eat less, you absolute fatass obsessive eater.

Have you ever thought of just learning to eat less yourself instead of relying on the government?

look its fatass pretending he has no agency over his weight and its the big bad corporations making him over eat
how much do you weigh now lard ass?

The problem is that Americans simply aren't capable of eating less going by their average BMI. You have freedom and you completely wasted it you absolute fatasses.

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It was a documentary made by an uninformed idiot that appealed to other uniformed idiots that took it as a "wake up call", all while he was drinking like a fish behind the scenes, going well over his supposed caloric intake.

The Jungle was influential, but this piece of shit documentary was damning in every sense of the word and caused the massive outbreak of faggots you see today pushing avocado and that fucking keen-waah shit I can't figure out how to spell.

Not at all abt what this one was about, it's about the chicken farming industry and their shitty practices. Kinda based

I weigh 70 kg 182cm. Luckily I don't live in a country where Cola is cleaner than tap water.

>Fast-Food Culture

Lotta fatties ITT. Learn to not eat garbage k thanks

lot of europoors ITT. Learn to not eat garbage without the government holding a gun to your head k thanks

>nooo you can’t stop people from eating disgusting shit and eating healthy instead that’s wrong!!!!!
Fuck off fatty

Indeed the damage has been done. I don't even know if I can get a Danish at white castle anymore

Im sure you didn't think of anything relating to the documentary like an American would. Your brain is likely starved for food to the point you cant even do basic math.

>Learn to eat less
Why bother learning? Im forced to eat less thanks to supersize me, and yet ironically America is still fat AF and somehow im a healthy weight.

Potatoes are a ‘super food’ that have all the vitamins and minerals you need to not die. Just about any other food, whether it’s fruits, vegetables, or meat, would kill you if that’s all you ever ate

some people actually enjoy being able to eat what they want and maintaining a healthy weight on their own, but i wouldnt expect some third world monkey to understand when their government controls their every action


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>Im lucky I dont have the freedom to enjoy sugary drinks because I cant be pained to control my weight
Poverty tier

>Learn to not eat garbage without the government holding a gun to your head
We have absolute proof that Americans are completely incapable of this. Capitalism has defeated you. You are slaves to their blood sugar rushes.

But I said he was drinking and drastically increasing his caloric intake. Nothing I said even implied I eat at McShit, just that he's a disingenuous moron.

There was a documentary that debunked this shit but then it gets cringy when it starts whining about muh body positivity.

Brag about freedom all you want. The truth remains that the majority of Americans are incapable of navigating freedom but end up becoming drones of mass corporations. It's not even a matter of intelligence. It's a matter of culture where literally everywhere you are, there is a product to be sold to you.