Any movies about the tiktok phenom?

Any movies about the tiktok phenom?

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Other urls found in this thread: 'Em Dry

i don't get it

>mods deleted the other thread
post qts

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all wh*te tiktok whores belong to big black cock


can someone explain

Chang, please stop. This makes me very upset.

cant wait for all the suburban white incel teenager seethe in this thread

With all the free attention these average whores get, the next generation of men won't have sex unless they're literal millionaires.

Black people have big noses compared to whites.

But i am have big nose too, i am white, but russian

I have no idea what 4/5 of those hashtags mean.

Man I'm glad I got out of school before smartphones were a thing.

This, I wouldn't be surprised if almsot every white girl in an American high school since 08/90 didn't get about 50 BBC dick pics. Holy fuck it must be a great time to be black.

>be generic white girl #52321143 with 1k followers
>make vids pandering to thirsty shitskins
>get 100k+ followers

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all race traitors will be imprisoned




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Neither does she, you just search for the most popular trending hashtags and put them in your vid so more people will see it

Why are Asian men like this?

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could be rural,urban or airborne why you fixated on suburban?

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It isn't
t. Black

Then again, I'd say these are shit days for everyone.

>post qts
>post picture of mature women

she's not wrong

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>that incel in the background
holy shit that picture is right they do wear baggy fucking jeans

Cuckolds must have a great time on tiktok.
I support this desu because I belive in accelerationism.

Who started all this crap and why?

Oh no how will the white race ever recover from some stupid whore fucking niggers and becoming a single mother.

Future meth head on the way.

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You're here, so, you're most likely not the kind of niggers they want to fuck. They want drug dealers hip hop wannabes, not anime posters. They want to fuck the kind of retarded niggers they see in rap clips.

>he literally shoves her away
I lol everytime

Yas Forums cope ITT

Teenage white girls idolize black men. Deal with it nerds.

Women have free rights now and they don't have to settle for your tiny white dicks anymore.

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me... I started the bite of 87...

Urban white teens tend to be wigger Chads and rural white teens tend to be redneck Chads, suburbs have the worst of both worlds

just work the algorithm for a bit. once you do your feed becomes exclusively big bouncing tits/asses and bikinis

chink spyware

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Yes they can settle for STDs and single parenthood. Probably drug addiction too

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Ironically the one thing that all black and white men can agree on is that giving women rights was a terrible mistake

Lol all this asian cuckshit must really get to you. Stop being a sad Hapa loser.

I miss Vine so fucking much. Tiktok is turning white women into niggers

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>Ain Slove Iwith Awhite Nboys
these chinks are retarded

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what does she say at the end? "thats a fact"?

Jazz was already turning white women into niggers 120 years ago, it's not a new phenomenon

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>Tiktok is turning white women into niggers
Trust me, no matter what, you're way more likely to get cucked by Chads as white as you than by niggers. I live in Europe and even here, white girls into niggers are very rare and white trash tier.

There are no songs about white women with big fat ass in Jazz

I mean thai girls arent that hard to get. They fuck old guys so Im pretty sure everyone here has a chance lmao

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The jew, because they know women are followers of trends. This is why they advertise to them on all fronts, the porn culture we live in now is not exempt from this, especially considering it was the Jews themselves who created the whole industry.

The whole BBC thing is not organic, it was literally created by jews to weaken and divide the white race. White men need to start being less civilized and showing our women who the real men are.

You really flip a coin when you cum in a gook, you could either have an adorable hapa girl or an incel hapa boy

they're only cute if they're girls though thats the thing

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Jazz was legitimately good, people became naturally interested in it. Hip hop is forced trash shit that nobody can like except brainwashed people from our generation.

yeah why are hapa boys so fucking ugly and all are incels when hapa girls are just cute
like her, shes really cute

>hapa girls turn out fine and pretty
>hapa boys are mentally ill and ugly
Why is it like this?

yea I'm thinking white women are based

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Is tik tok just to younger zoomers what Vine was to older zoomers/the very youngest millenials?

What is the Millennial equivalent so I can understand it?

What is the purpose of these threads?
It's not to facilitate discussion, too many webms to be that.
Is it to push a message? If so, who's pushing that message, and what is to gain?

I don't understand why you guys save and post webms like this.

Whats the point? What are you after exactly?
>oh it looks like all white women are whores then, so fuck it
Is that it?


Maybe not Jazz but there were definitely Blues songs with lyrics like that almost a century ago 'Em Dry

>I got nipples on my titties
>Big as the end of my thumb
>I got somethin between my legs
>That'll make a dead-man come


Kek what a whore