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What Did Jack Do was the biggest waste of time I've spent watching visual media.
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>idubbbz’s real name is ian
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Yeah but what about his girlfriend's OnlyFans?
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What's your problem with Ian?
every Ian Ive ever known has been a retarded prick
That's just bias.
My nephew is called Ian and he's a nice guy.
Adjust your thinking.
Deadass one of the best threads that's been on this board in awhile. Pat on the back to everyone involved!!!
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Ian's still better than Tyler. Tylers are the worst.
That wasn't very quixotic of you...
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plenty of those are valid brainlet
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I've always wondered if it's pronounced kwikz-otic or key-hotic
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Hey asshole my name's Ian
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Why didn't Jay and his fat bearded friend review Twin Peaks S3?
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That's Mondrianesque you absolute art fag
A true amphibian of culture
>tfw you're balls deep in deterritorialized slam pig
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Kafkaesque subversion inverted throught optics of 2000s emo culture
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