Oh no, not the experts!

Oh no, not the experts!

Attached: CD2B0FFA-C86F-41D5-9458-3EAF22515F04.png (538x409, 306.51K)

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The experts who told us masks were inefficient, to trust the Chinese run WHO, called people who raised the alarm “fear-mongers”, shilled for China, said borders wouldn’t stop corona spread, and that “Its just the flu”. Yeah, I would want them in charge of me, problem is they already are.
Meanwhile, Tucker was one of the first to report on it.

Appeal to authority is a thing

that WHO nibba is not even a real doctor

Seems like whatever this is was taken out of context. Why is "experts" in brackets and what is it referring to?

>trust the experts, they said

Attached: paths of glory.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Don’t forget, cower when asked about Taiwan’s response

instead of watching tucker just go to the source and read christopher lasch

There are some who don’t see that problem. To them anyone with expertise can’t possibly have bias, unless their expertise disagrees with this person’s own bias.
There’s a problem where people fall into three groups, bias making 2 groups think numbers are either too high or low, and the other group who accepts the numbers. Problem is the research shows people won’t read articles because of being in the first two groups. The article might have other valuable data or concepts but they totally ignore all of it because their own bias.

The news is garbage sensationalism. Just go back to reading the events and facts, none of this conjecture and opinion piece segments.

Experts on what?

This. Lmao leftists are literal retards, they cry about muh ebil gubbymint fascism but blindly follow whoever is on their box

>Tucker was one of the first to report on it.
you lot are always heros fuck

Shouldn't FOX be concerned since boomers are their core audience, Trump voters and also the most at risk?


How they receive any form of respect is beyond me. Not only are they incompetent they're clearly corrupt.

How will I win internet arguments if the "experts" are wrong?

I don't trust experts to not overreact and start locking everything down for months thinking "yeah the economy is gonna tank but if we can save 10,000 more lives doing this, it's worth it. I mean sure by doing this theres a chance millions of lives are going to be ruined, but that's worth the risk. But not people getting physically sick, no no no."

>his head obscures the rod of asclepius and makes it look like a dollar sign
holy kino

Attached: lying who, lying chicoms, corona wuhan flu.png (982x946, 294.24K)

Who even watches this pos windbag lol. Trump boomers?

I guess you can say he's a........... LITERALLY WHO?

Attached: 1570861736615.jpg (633x758, 40.87K)

Shows you know nothing about Tucker.

>trust the technocrats
And you wonder why the EU is so shitty

Attached: face.jpg (1000x964, 390.98K)

Tucker is unironically the most trustworthy man on American television as far as a non US citizen like me knows. I don't think anyone else in your country's media has been willing to criticize both political parties.

Right because WHO was on top of this shit from day one after all
experts should always be trusted


Actually I do. He's a whiny bitch who hides behind conspiracy theories and a false reality. Take anything from Faux News with a grain of sand.

What conspiracy theory and which false reality in particular?

The corona virus is a democrat hoax

As somebody who's actually in the medical field, it baffles me when people go "uh he's the expert on this, it's literally his job"
I dont think people have any idea how fucking incompetent people are in medicine
The average doctor is fucking retarded
They know only the most common disease that appears in their field, that's it
any slightly uncommon or even rare shit and you have to pray you have the typical signs and symptoms otherwise you'll just be tossed from ward to ward, hoping that maybe the next guy they send you to actually bothered to read a textbook after he finished medschool

This is fucking golden how come ive never seen this youtube gem before

Attached: B840F6D6-E405-40CE-88D2-D7A8C669C43F.jpg (512x468, 23.01K)

Yeah none of this is true, retard.

Get off Tucker's teet.

Clip? Sounds like you're making shit up.

cuz you're a goober



I am not. I am not your teacher. Go with what you want.

He’s right about most things.
Nigger what. Closest thing to that he said is China started it

>A month ago
>Leftists - Closing the borders is an over reaction and its racist to Chinese people
>Why didn't Trump and other (Insert western leader here) close the borders sooner. They have only made the situation worse.

Its time we start hanging academics and journalists.

You mean the same Democrats who were decrying the coronovirus as a false crisis and Trump as racist a few months ago when he enacted a travel ban from China? You have the memory of a goldfish.

Yeah, literally all of it is. Seethe more Winnie the pooh

Wheres your proof then. I'm willing to change my mind if you can provide it.

It is in quotation marks because it is implying that these people are not in fact experts in their supposed fields of expertise; simply having a degree in something does not make you a pure vessel of truth that is completely unaffected by other motivations or biases, especially when certain areas of your chosen field are considered "off-limits" if you want to maintain employment. Climatologists believe that global warming is real, historians believe that the Holocaust really happened, physicists believe in nonsense like Relativity theory and nuclear weapons, biologists (basically the academic refuse who couldn't hack math, engineering, or hard science) believe in pseudoscientific theories like Darwinian evolution, ambiogenesis, and germ theory. They believe it because that is what they were taught to believe, and anyone who questions any of it is simply denounced as a lunatic, fool, or worse. Reproducibility is a huge problem when it comes to biomedical research.

And now for a word from the owner of My Pillow

Attached: EUY0G-OUcAEcz_7.jpg (1200x675, 114.06K)

That's great and all but does anyone have the actual clip so I can see first hand what the context is?

Nope. He flip flopped on in middle of March. At first he was calling it part of impeachment scheme. Then he flip flopped. He was one of the first. Know about a thing before speaking about it.

It helps.

the absolute fucking state of globalists. the worst part is they've got the average joe eating out the palm of their hands. we're fucked

Post it

Memes aside, if you have a form of government in which experts wield power, all that will happen is that the rules and systems for becoming an expert will become absurdly corrupt.

No you arent. Independent like me get that about you trumptards. You have battered wife syndrome. There is no point in dialogue with you anymore orher thsn shit on you. 200,000 americans dying of a plague isnt a good job.

Democrats are going to crush you with our help.

based and redpilled

He seems pretty decent.

>its not my job to educate you
you people are so tiresome. Why did you even post in the thread then

All this deflection to avoid posting proof of what you alleged Tucker said

To shit on you of course. Do you guys not understand how low the entire world views trumpfans?

You are cucks

yeah you sound very 'independent' and not at all a bootlicking prog

>The experts who told us masks were inefficient
I still feel shameful that I believed this shit. One of the most retarded beliefs I've ever had.

>watch one episode of Tucker Carlson in full
>complains about guy who shot robbers and was sent to jail
>2 minute google search shows the guy chased down some of the robbers who were fleeing
>that's highly illegal
>Tucker never mentions it
>complains Cuomo is storing ventilators in warehouse
>fails to mention Cuomo wanted them in preparation for the exponential growth
>fails to mention that 350 ventilators are being taken out for use a day from the warehouse
>continues to report for days the same number of vents in the warehouse

Don't get me started on Sean Hannity. Guy posted a video compilation of how he warned about covid from the start and didn't actually show the video or audio of him saying the exact opposite. Today Tucker whined how everyone was wrong about the virus and that it's okay, we're human, failing to take mention the weeks of bitching he did about democrats and anyone else who was wrong too for weeks and not bringing up the republicans who were wrong too.

Hmm ok. So since you're this reluctant to provide proof I'm going to assume you lied.

No Im just shitting on you.

There is no argument or debate. Its just me. Shitting on you.

Well, you are morons. Below me. Do you understand

>it baffles me when people go "uh he's the expert on this, it's literally his job"
We've been conditioned to see doctors as important and trustworthy for decades, and also the average patient has no standard to measure their doctor against. But honestly it's not just doctors, that's every career field. We have to trust that a "professional" knows what they're doing for our own sanity, because the alternative acceptance is that our society, which is built around the division of labor and specialty of knowledge, is inherently flawed