

Why did people get so worked up over this? It tells you many things, how advanced science was before the empire, how misinterpreted the force was after decades being banned, in lore people really thought it was some religion, did fans think Obi wan was a miracle-working prophet of Christ instead of some space wizard?

Did people get this assblasted when they learned about mitochondria and chloroplasts in school?

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All the stuff we hear about the Force in the original trilogy was from three people (Kenobi, Vader, and Yoda) who were all later shown to be aware of all the science stuff.

Kind of shits all over the OT's explanation where it's a somewhat unknowable mystical energy.

>Why did people get so worked up over this?
The genetic selection wastes the myth of the hero journey.

Fuck off prequelfag

>hurr why people mad
It's a literal fucking powerlevel, it's dumb and it ruins the spirituality aspects of the Force. It's one thing to say that some people don't have any potential and some have a lot, but it's quite another to have a literal Force meter.

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That's not really even the main issue, Luke waxes about how "the force is strong in my family" in the OT which can only imply genetic selection to some degree. The issue is that it is literally spelled out to a point where a blood test can tell you if you're a space wizard or not, powerlevels are dumb tropes.

Yoda is senile, Vader is a delusional fanatic, Kenobi was a literal monk.

Nigger. Do you also shittalk the origin of species because it happens life was a bit more complex than stuff magically appearing out of nowhere?

Besides, saying midichlorian count makes you better at the force is as much retarded as saying having more lymphocytes makes you stronger to disease.

Really tells you how fucking dumb americans are. All the things did was introduce a character that suffers from his nature and the struggle of his duties vs desires.

>Kind of shits all over the OT's explanation where it's a somewhat unknowable mystical energy.
Except the Force is still mystical energy. How fucking hard is it to understand that midichlorians are not the force?

For some reasons people believe Midichlorians are the Force and not simply an indicator of its presence. These same people would blame lichen growing on trees for the Earth's orbit around the sun.

>Do you also shittalk the origin of species because it happens life was a bit more complex than stuff magically appearing out of nowhere?
What a moronic comparison. Science did not "regress" under the empire either mate so i'm not sure why you keep harping on this point? The end scenes in ROTJ show Coruscant exactly how it was, the creation of the Death Star (the most powerful "technological terror" in history) took place during the Imperial Era.
>saying midichlorian count makes you better at the force is as much retarded as saying having more lymphocytes makes you stronger to disease.
No it isn't. Midichlorian count is a literal power meter, the more of them you have the stronger your potential is. If Anakin trains hard nobody can ever be stronger than him because he has the bigger number, mystical energy my ass.
>Really tells you how fucking dumb americans are
kek, no you
>All the things did was introduce a character that suffers from his nature and the struggle of his duties vs desires.
No, they ruined Darth Vader. Turns out he was space Jesus and his supposed "seduction" was acktually just him getting tricked by Palpatine, it was fucking trash, the only thing worse than the Prequels are the Sequels.

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>Why did people get so worked up over this? It tells you many things, how advanced science was before the empire, how misinterpreted the force was after decades being banned, in lore people really thought it was some religion, did fans think Obi wan was a miracle-working prophet of Christ instead of some space wizard?

It's not supposed to be science fiction. It's fantasy in space.

I just find it boring and lazy. The whole reason for midichlorians in the film is to justify Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan going "WOAH THIS HERE ANAKIN SKYWALKER SURE IS SPECIAL." Same with the Chosen One bullshit, which is even worse.

>hurrr they aren't the force itself, they are little bug middle-men that talk to the force FOR you, that makes it okay! Anybody who doesn't like them is stupid, REEEEE

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Mark Hamill was relentlessly handsome. Hayden Christensen is relentlessly handsome.

Didn't Obi Wan have a low count but was still one of the strongest Jedi?

Yes. He spent his whole life devoting himself fully to the way of the Jedi and got nearly surpassed by his arrogant adolescent pupil because the kid had a higher force meter due to Lucas retconning him into space Jesus. Obi-Wan is on the backfoot the entire time and only wins their duel because of a random jump (and more accurately he only wins because he has to for the sake of the story, since Anakin is clearly shown to be stronger). Looking back on the line "When I met you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master." you always thought it actually meant something, that he was better when they last met, but it turns out Obi-Wan was the master of hacking the limbs of people jumping over him.

actual retard
midichlorian count is directly related to force power
they don't cause it but are found in greater numbers depending on how strong the force user is

Woud you kiss them relentlessly?

I would relentlessly kiss Hayden Christensen. If I relentlessly have a relentless time machine I would relentlessly go back in time to relentlessly kiss Mark Hamill.

The only people who got worked up were Gen X manbabbies

It's extremely difficult for brainletts to understand, the midichlorians were a minor plot device to explain to the audience how powerful Anakin was. Getting angry about it is pure autism

The accusation that Midichlorians demystify the Force is wrong. You spiritual babies never understood the physical grounding of Star Wars from the beginning. Humans are biological and the Force is infinite so the intersection of the two requires initiative from the imperfect, material physiology of humans. If you think the Force should be airy-fairy indescribable anything then you got your wish with Disney Wars.

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Liam Neeson is relentlessly handsome

Only a master of evil Darth.

and thinking it isn't pants on head retarded is pure cope

lol look at this retard

your faggot-point levels are off the charts. you see, we don't measure cope directly, we measure faggot-points. the more faggot-points you have, the harder the cope.

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Cope. Star Wars was never fantasy like your little lotr movies and Harry Potter. It always had a consistent basis that reflected physical reality with an extended element of the force and advanced technology. It was more like Star Trek than those nerds want to admit because it's also more entertaining.
>it wasn't supposed to be si-fi!
You're literally a faggot.

I've never seen this many faggot-points in another person before. It's like the faggot-points...are making more faggot-points. Let's go ask the space wizard about it who's totally not a fantasy archetype plunked into a scifi setting.

>muh physical reality
>also space jesus and magic bugs

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Yes. Star Wars is a sequel to Christianity. In case you haven't realized humanity has always looked forward to our epoch of comfort and technological capability just as Coruscant inspired millions at the turn of the millennium. Now we're fast approaching the colonization of our galaxy. Anakin isn't Jesus he's Adam and Luke is his son.

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hand me my cosh

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>sequel to Christianity, derived almost entirely from Eastern tropes of balance and spirituality and starring pseudo Buddist monk-samurais that only retconned its main villain to Space jesus decades after Darth Vader became an icon

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Kudos OP this is the only thing I have ever read that made me more open to why it's in there. Although I never really cared about it really.

>also implying Anakin isn't jesus, even though he is the Chosen One
You realize that until last year's movie Anakin was the one who destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the force? He absolutely was space jesus, the literal chosen one. How can someone be this retarded and yet still confident enough to post their idiocy? Luke is essentially retconned into a catalyst to force Vader to do the right thing and kill Palpatine, Luke was made basically irrelevant.

>Now let's see Paul Allen's midichlorian count

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And now Rey makes both Luke and Anakin basically irrelevant. I truly can't wait to see what monstrosity they concoct for whatever passes as a new star wars trilogy when disney is done licking their wounds.


Star Wars was always fantasy in space with WWII battles. Adding shitty, shallow sci-fi shit like trying to explain a magical concept does nothing but add useless, cringy fluff to the story. It adds nothing. You could do a hero's journey farmboy story with hard science fiction and it would be a decent premise but adding pseudo-sci-fi nonsense into a fantasy story adds nothing.

He didnt bring balance to the force ever. The balance was using the feeling-driven dark side with the sense-driven light side to restore peace and justice. This is the reason the Republic was depicted as a corrupt shitshow with ambiguous morality such as the persistence of slavery within their domain.

The Jedi were pushing Anakin out of the balance and Sidious was pulling him as well, so naturally he ended up shitting everything up. The high midichlorian count reflects high sensitivity to the force, including the feeling parts which jedi monks reject.

I'm just sitting back here laughing at all the faggots who thought the prequels were bad compared to what's coming out now. Real talk give the movies back to Lucas I'd kill myself if my creation was irredeemably ass raped to the degree it's been by Disney

My god, your retard-points are off the charts. See, we can't measure autism directly, so we measure retard-points. I've never seen this many retard-points in a person before.

> The balance was using the feeling-driven dark side with the sense-driven light side to restore peace and justice.
No. The balance was the destruction of the Sith who corrupted the force, this is a very basic trope of Eastern religion, balance does not mean "equal on both sides" it basically means "harmony". A polluted river is "out of balance" a clean one is "in balance".

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The prequels are bad like the meal Peter Pan and the lost boys ate in Hook. The sequels are bad like the meals they fed to the kids in Salo. The OT is like a perfectly good meat loaf sandwich that everyone makes a big deal about because it was plated nicely.

If they weren't faggots they'd have ran with it and revealed the truth that Sheeve was Anakin's father, he force raped Shmi before the events of Episode 1. After Vader killed him and Sheeve was eventually rebuilt, he used force rape again to create Rey which would actually tie the whole series together instead of just saying "Oh yeah palpatine fucked some random girl and the intense force powers skipped a generation.

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Both are bad, the reason we're complaining about them right now is because the topic of the thread is specifically about midichlorians. I still hate the Sequels more, but this is the topic of discussion. That being said, the fact that the Sequels are terrible does not make the Prequels magically better.

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>basically irrelevant
I think you mean totally irrelevant, but yes I agree.

The whole Chosen One/balance prophecy was stupid to begin with. A terrible idea.

Jesus didn't balance the world he disrupted it.

Adam is the father of humanity as Anakin is father to Luke. Anakin falls from grace and is only redeemed by the force of will in his son. Lucas is saying that humanity can overcome original sin which is why Star Wars is the best movie franchise of all time. Then the Jews killed it because they want gentiles guilty and obedient.

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This should have all been revealed in the final movie, it would have wrapped up the entire series, legitimized Rey's status as a hero who resisted the temptation of the dark side, and given far more significance to her identifying herself as a Skywalker in the final scene.

This simple plot could have saved the entire legacy of Star Wars, but Hollywood jew millionaires are retarded as fuck.

it's like you're listening to an Eagles album and then suddenly you get a Yes style solo and you're like fuck you Yes, you can suck a fat cock I wanted Americana not stupid fucking wankery you piece of fucking shit

You're straight faggot bro.

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Because they're dumb. The concept that the Force is hereditary has been in Star Wars since day one. Kenobi tells Luke he can be a Jedi because his dad was a Jedi. Luke tells Leia the Force runs strong in their family, and that she can use the Force because she's genetically related to both him and Vader. In the EU, Luke's kids and Leia's kids are all Force users. Midichlorians just gives a name to something that was already there. It also really doesn't explain anything since we're only ever given a very brief gloss over of what Midichlorians are. They never go into great detail as to what exactly they are or how exactly they work. Ultimately, if your panties are still in a twist over them, you can just ignore them. It's literally like a handful of lines from a movie where a cartoon alien rabbit man steps in a pile of poo poo doo doo. Who cares?

This. And anyone who disagrees needs to reevaluate their perspective on reality.

>the sequels sucked so bad they gave every body a mental illness thinking that the prequels weren't utter dogshit

this, an amazing feat really

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Jewbrained retard

He's right though, you're the Jewbrained one.

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And yet this shit is supposed to be in the same league as the original trilogy.

No, it turns an implication of inherit-ability into a fucking powerbar. The genetics-bad criticism is stupid, but the idea that microscopic bugs being inherited determines your potential of spiritual development is also fucking retarded.

The Prequels are actually an improvement on the Originals.

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ACKTUALY it's even better because of muh ring theory and muh references to old films, the prequels are a kino masterpiece bro, anybody who disagrees is a REDDIT LETTER MEDIA SHILL and a Dunning-Kruger retard lmao!

Jews hate the Prequels. You are going along with their social conditioning because you're a gen-x retard.

They're just obviously better.


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