Gerard Butler must save his family from meteors in GREENLAND

Looks pretty comfy.

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Holy duck kino incoming

Holy shit Graham Hancock was right this whole time wtf

Even says kino in the trailer, based

I was expecting real low quality shit, but this seems to be high quality shit. Might watch this.

Yeah I'm not sure a bunker is really gonna help

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It's probably underground or something.

Looks like some doom porn predictive programming. Would watch.

well yeah, if somthing hits the earth and make something like that the earth it self is doomed, i would explote or become a 2nd sun

cant stand this shrek sounding cocksucker

Impact of this kind turns earth in radius of thousands of miles into liquid like form up 10 km deep.Shits fucked.

Like a more interesting version of Deep Impact. I'll give it a shot.

Why did it feel I like watched the entire movie with that trailer.

Plot armor the movie

Looks like we just figured out the ending.

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Read a book called Hammerfall about a comet hitting earth, was pretty good.

I like how Hollywood has decided to just remake all the late 90s/early 2000s disaster films with Gerard Butler.

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>Gerard Butler

I bet Gail already bought a ticket.

It's a simulation the characters will see on TV not an actual event. That or the movie is retarded trashy shlock that I will watch because I'm a degenerate faggot who eats edibles and drinks every day

Has there every been a disaster film that actually ended like that? Everyone dies the end?


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>Like a more interesting version of Deep Impact. I'll give it a shot.

But no Sobieski...

...this reminds me that there have been no disaster movies for a while...
...since 2012?

That shitty romcom with Steve Carell and Keira Knightley about an asteroid coming to earth ended exactly that way.

The last one I remember was one that, coincidentally, also starred Gerard Butler about how scientist had created a machine out in space that controls the weather on earth to keep it pleasant all the time (no more hurricanes, tornadoes, etc) and some terrorist group hijacks it and drives shit crazy and destroys half the planet. I can't remember what it was called.


meteors are an metaphor for Somali refugees

Geostorm is easily the worst disaster movie I've ever seen. It's seriously terrible.

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Not everyone dies. Just everyone left behind

Worse than The Day After Tomorrow?

Yes. Way worse.

That's a pretty bold claim. The Day After Tomorrow was fucking awful.

Looks kino to me famalam

that actually looks pretty sick

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Geostorm is more like an action than a disaster movie
But yes GB has became the go to guy when you want to make this kind of things between capeshit and fast and furious


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San Andreas

and Skyscraper perhaps

Good kino

Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven? great book

Oh shit, I forgot all about San Andreas. As far as cheesy American disaster films go it was pretty okay.

I don't know man this looks iffy

I like how the movie looks like it's not a comedy
But the scene of little meteors hitting the traffic looks cheap.
And it seems they spent most of the screentime in normal places

The world can't even get enough face masks to everyone. I'm supposed to believe they've got somewhere to put everyone in the event of a surface catastrophe? Everyone's just fucked. That's why These Final Hours was pretty tight. Everyone dies.

yeah thats it

I would like to make a chart

Man, I was agape on the final sequence in the theater. The combination of music+visuals+story just hit perfectly for me.

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god i wish this would happen. Imagine all the rape that would occur in that 24 hours.

Is Gerard Butler ever going to not do schlock in his career?

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There's something to be said about only taking mediocre movies for consistent paychecks, and not having to worry about Oscar bait shit.

Nicolas Cage has been doing it for like 20 years

Nic is also in an ungodly amount of debt

I want to see a based Red Pill movie about Tom Clanceys Rainbow Six taking down Environmental Zealots.

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Right now schlock is alternative to ...
I don't know the whole thing is dying

heey, isn't that the Vine guy? Good for him, he found a real job!

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This movie is a fucking classic, and not even for meme reasons.

>I'm supposed to believe they've got somewhere to put everyone in the event of a surface catastrophe?
No, not everyone, That's why people were swarming the planes.

>no, not everyone
Nigger, not even like 1% of the population. The species as we know it will be almost wiped out if the surface gets fucked up this badly.

Yeah, I don't know why you're arguing with me or finding issue with the movie, it doesn't in any way claim that even a substantial proportion of people will get into bunkers.

I don't get the hate for The Day After Tomorrow.

I love Gerard Butler movies dude

Angel/London has Fallen, Den of Thieves, Hunter Killer, Geostorm, Law Abidingn Citizen... Just fucking enjoyable shit

No it wasn't. It has some problems but overall it's great.

>the menace are meteors
like just run bro

I did not care for Gamer.

looks kino

Law Abiding Citizen was a god damn bait and switch
>you thought I engineered all this cool shit and that everything is going to keikaku? no! I'm just sneaking out of jail.

I'm just saying that there's not going to be anywhere for anyone to go. I'm not picking on the movie. There are countless movies that have this same premise. I'm saying in reality, nobody's flying anywhere. Pretty much go be with your loved ones or do drugs and embrace inevitable obliteration. The number of people who would be able to A) find some kind of bunker and B) procure passage to it would be so small that it wouldn't even be a thing on people's radar. But these are movies, they can do what they want.

Same, I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm gay for him or something

Every disaster movie kills most people and spares only a few

The choice is about letting your guy act like saints while killing most people off screen
Or showing that it's a dog eats dog world out there

I liked that one bit with the dancing guys
it's also the only part of the movie I've seen