Oh? You have a little crush on the weird girl from Gingersnaps? That's cute. Loser

Oh? You have a little crush on the weird girl from Gingersnaps? That's cute. Loser.

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Why did they get a jewish girl to play Rosanne's daughter?

She really is cute.

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Corey Feldman? Yike.ss,

A jew getting a part they aren't suited for? Don't be ridiculous.

>tfw no blue collar tomboy GF in highschool despite living in the rust belt

thankfully most are fat and look like dudes now, but still
>wasted years

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...to this?

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>tfw no sarcastic grunge gf

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No, that was the little brother.

She looks a lot like Rosanne, actually. Just not fat.

The 90's were a magical time for the grungey bitchy outcast type, too. Which Im a sucker for, for some reason.
Now all we have to choose from are pink hair liberals and girls that talk like theyre black. What the fuck happned?

Same, fren. Same. How long until grunge makes a comeback?

It's strange to remember I found Darlene and Daria more interesting than the more attractive women. Non-sexually of course because Tiffany Amber Thiesen, Carmen Electra & Rogue were my go to faps. Now after getting older and having both dated and been friends with women like them I prefer to avoid them. They're so tiring. It just wears you down dealing with them. It's easier and more fullfilling to be with an attractive but not overly intelligent woman.


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Her or Jaeane Garofalo who is best 90's ugly jew girl?

Jaeane's days are long gone. I'd take the chick from the CK tv series bout the failing actress mom and her 3 girls.

How does being with an intelligent woman wear you down? You gotta think of them more as a friend rather than a sexual figure, dude. A real relationship is based on someone who you could see being like, your life mate. If you marry a bimbo, youll look over at her 20 years later asking you if the word "ostracize" has anything to do with ostriches and you'll want to blow your brains out.

>asking you if the word "ostracize" has anything to do with ostriches
to be fair it does

Still would ngl

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For me? Aubrey Plaza. She's so much my type that I no joke only really get super interested in girls with her type of personality and looks. Tan skin, resting bitch face, funny goofy sarcastic personality. Id give anything for a girl like her.
I hope soulmates really are a thing, anons. I really do.

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Inadvertantly, but that wasn't the point. That was just the first dumb question example I could think of. Lol

Honestly? Same.
God, she looks really simular to Rosanne's stage sister. Odd.

it became cool to dress act like a nigger. This happened in the early 90s too, then grunge became popular. everything comes and goes in cycles. Maybe we'll see goth/emo/grunge again

We saw pseudo goth with the arthoes. But not really. But by the time grunge comes back we'll probably all be in our thirties and too far gone.

I didn't say bimbo. And it's not entirely about intelligence. Those kind women are always "On". It's always something. If its not your relationship it's politics, or women rights, or save the animals, or this or that. There is no chill period because they always have to be doing something to "better the world" in their opinion. Which is fine in doses. But if you aren't following along 100% then it becomes about the relationship. They prefer submissive servant men. Don't you remember David? Now. If you're the same type of person that's fine, that is different. But when everything has some issue involved it gets real tiring. Sometimes you just want to watch a movie and not listen to her nitpick it. I don't mean being sarcastic or joking either.

tldr it's fine in doses, but these women don't have dosages

Roseanne is Jewish

>mfw we'll probably all be in our thirties
Um. When exactly do you think grunge took place?

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Shit, yeah. I do remember David. I dated a girl that was super sarcastic for a few months. She wanted me to ask her to go steady but I was just sorta enjoying my time with her. The night I planned to actually ask her, she made up some big fight about me not caring enough or whatever and then that was that. Great in bed, but damn, she was fucking grueling to be around in long periods of time because shed always get mad about something.
Why cant I find a chick thats, Idk, like me. Smart but not so hardass intense about things. Its always intense straight edge girls or loose brainlet rap loving girls. No in between. It sucks. Even when I do find girls like that, theyre not interested or are in a long term relationship. Kills me.

The 90s. But Im 25. I just had older siblings that introduced me to 90s shit at a young age, so I have more of a boomer grounding of the times.

Look at all those cookies

Yep, been there a few times. We broke up once at the comic store because I was oogling a special edition glossy X-Men cover that Jean Grey's tits were a lil too large. Got the whole lecture about women only being sexual objects, I was a pig, etc. An hour later we were making out in the crazy taxi game at the arcade.

Honestly, I've questioned that myself. It may actually be their intensity that attracts us and once we're involved and with them for prolong periods of time we just don't mesh fully. I can only imagine how many divorces may happen because this whole lock down with people realizing they can't be with their partners for long periods of time.

After I posted that I did stop and think you may have been winged on re-runs. Sorry!


You're fine, man. Lol I can appreciate another dude with a fine taste in women.


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Now see, thats explained away by jealousy. Yes, even with comic book characters. Lol Primal instinct to try and win you over after an argument like that.
And that's exactly it. They seem funny and differenr on the surface. Men like women with depth. Thats why we bond with other dudes that like simular interests. Its in our nature. But the intensity gets old. You need someone whoz a happy medium. Sarcastic yet submissive, if that even exists.

Which one though? Far right is the obvious chad of the group.

>Sarcastic yet submissive
They exist. Normally it's because the submissiveness is a fun game to them and they know how to not be when they don't want to be. unlike someone really submissive who can't even stand up for themselves. And I'll add from experience these are normally the ones who came from good families where they saw a loving father or Step-dad treating their mother with love and respect. Not really sure if losing a father and gaining a positive male role model (aka Step-Dad) factors into this. So they want that comfiness but also wanna be able to state their opinion with out some macho bs shutting them down. But that's not like fully researched with documentation or citation.

So I need to marry a rici girl. Got it. Lol

We did it Becky bros..

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Beckys a blonde slut.

>I hope soulmates really are a thing, anons. I really do.
Well, the bad news is that they aren't, but the good news is that there's a lot more than one women out there who's perfect for you. Hope you meet one of them, mate.

>What the fuck happned?
Social media

Roseanne is jewish you fucking retard.

Jackie>>>Darlene>Becky>>Nu-Becky>>Roseanne>>Grandma Bev>>>Nancy

(((they))) denounced her

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yeah she was cute back then, shame she grew up into a hardcore lesbian vegan activist.

me in the back

Most western Jews are liberals but there’s a small amount of conservative ones.

She looks really good

Im willing to live with that. Thank you.

>small amount of conservative ones.
Like the president's daughter and her husband

Zuckerberg needs to burn.

God, Rosanne is so based.

We can still hold onto the memories though.

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Put Jackie behind Nu-Becky and its perfect.
Wasnt a fan if Jackie. Her personality was kinda funny but she always looked like an ex-drug addict to me for some reason. Has that strung out look.

You didn't.
Becky became an ex-bikers wife who's husband wasn't good enough for the pack to support her.
They made Mark, a licensed bad ass from day one, into a loser.
They made David, a loser from day one, into a bigger dead-beat dad loser.
They made Dan, a previously supportive father who defended women by beating Jackies abuse husband up into a "woke joke".
Then made Becky a bigger Fuck Up, even tho she had a job, than Darlene.
You know Darlene. The epitome of fuck ups for a liberal female.
Hey, but at least she fucked her boss and gained control over the company.
You know ... through sex.

I see it, she did hit the wall really hard.

The Conner's isn't cannon, user. Everybody knows that. It was Rosanne's quick cashgrab fanfic. Dan dies at the end and life goes on from there.

And, you know, she ended up being a "lesbian" or whatever. Why was Rosanne hellbent on ruining the one good thing in her career? I dont get it. Season 10 was shit.


>see this post
>think who the fuck is Nancy?
>Sandra Bernhard
You are correct, good sir.

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Disconnected from this thread. Jackie was always a Joke when she went for a "Man's Job". They dismissed her for grabbing a man's penis she thought was a gun then following down a flight of chairs.

Sounds pretty based to me, user.