Misunderstood masterpiece or mediocre cliche ridden story with good atmosphere...

misunderstood masterpiece or mediocre cliche ridden story with good atmosphere, paper thin characters and above average animation?

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It was kino

Can you elaborate please? You can’t just throw in a buzzword and expect your opinion to be taken seriously

dunno lol

>mediocre cliche ridden story with good atmosphere, paper thin characters and above average animation?
That one.
Stopped the movie when I rented it as a kid.
Rewatched it a few years ago and it was pretty middling

It was kino

Having a nuanced father figure in cartoon films is a rare occurrence.

It sucked


its funny how few people know its treasure island with a coat of sci-fi paint.

is it kinda titan-AE-ish?

That's the fucking point

I have never read Treasure Island, is it worth the read?

the latter, which makes is an underrated movie


I don't know

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But it formulated the popular pirate archetype.

It’s got nothing on Atlantis

you dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out my man

it was kind of neat, I really liked the animation. Something was a bit off with the story though


genuinely enjoyable

it's one of those movies that looked amazing visually but it's all meaningless when the plot and characters all range from boring to messy

The bad:
CGI whales looked like ass
Robot is super annoying
Treasure Island 347

The good:
Silver and Jim interaction
Silver's arm
Some other good character design

Mixed bag/10

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it's a classic, an utter classic


The mom

If you watched it as a little kid it's kino. Not because it's good but because it reminds you of being a kid.
For everyone else it's a pile of shit.

It's not that good. You'll already know everything by cultural osmosis anyway due to how much it's been copied. It's like some other well known "classics". Dracula, Moby Dick, Frankenstein etc. They're pretty shit reads. Out-dated boring text with no thought to pacing and ideas/plots you've seen a million times before (again because they've been copied so much).

I'm not impressed with this take



They're good stories, but reading the actual original books are a fucking chore. Especially Moby Dick. The longer time goes by the shitter they are to read. That's why none of you fuckers are sitting down to read Chaucer or Shakespeare for fun.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is relentlessly handsome.

I get it, you don't like literature

fortunately there are comicbooks for you

>misunderstood masterpiece or mediocre cliche ridden story with good atmosphere, paper thin characters
Yes to all.
>and above average animation?
No. It was and is still a fucking treasure.

post lewds of the hot mom

Get a load of Einstein here.

Frankenstein is still hella readable.

Best laugh I’ve had all day. Now I got a stitch in my side.

what went so wrong in your life that rotted your soul this badly?

If you don't know the plot it's a fun read. Stevonson's adventure books are all fun to read if you are the type of person that enjoys reading that genre.

buddy if you dont wanna fuck that bigg tiddies and fat ass on that cartoon u r gay roflmao

She’s probably the hottest woman ever animated

My headcannon is that the father was a total fucking homo that left them to be with his gay fuck buddies

Is this a movie you have to grow up with to like?

Cause I grew up with it and I don't understand the hate at all

it did the disney animated film technique of taking a classic literary source and adapting it for kids. The futuristic, but still old timey steam punk space world was a clever and brave attempt at something different. A lot of other factors came into play that hurt the film in the longrun

its kino because they gave a shit and took a risk, something disney doesnt do anymore

It's a sci-fi version of Treasure Island. What's not to love?

Actually it's more like
>the disney animated film technique of taking classic literary for children and adapting it for retards and autistic 16yo girls.
Fuck disney.

I love that song but its kinda sad no one ever talks about the just as good credits song. probably cause I think they cut out most of it in the movie.

normally I would agree with you but dude its in SPACEEEEE

also which is better? disneys 1950 version of tresure island or tresure planet?

>The futuristic, but still old timey steam punk space world was a clever
> and brave
Lol what?

Attached: spaceport.webm (854x480, 2.45M)

The superior Treasure Island adaptation coming through.

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I need webms of the Captain.

>He thinks either of those is the best.

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What exactly are you expecting from a children’s movie?

My captain my captain

You forgot the badass happy meal toys in the good column.

the big point is everything that's good about treasure planet (character/writing wise) is cribbed from treasure island.

And yes, its a timeless classic.

you'd be surprised how little actually borrows from treasure island.

Under developed script most of all or rushed production. Either way, third act doesnt have any build up to it since there is little development in the second act. John Silver is just an ass because he wants to be rich, he needed some sappy backstory about growing up poor as shit and abandoned, that way, him and Hawkins would have had something in common to bond over and he have some justification for his obsession about the treasure.

As it is, it doesnt have the emotional weight it needed at the climax. Silver having to let go of his dream and Jim not having a father figure disappear on him for the second time in his life.

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