Movies about being afraid girls lol?

Movies about being afraid girls lol?

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scared of intimacy? no no no obviously the hole that wrote this doesn't understand. milennial men don't want a used up whore. think about it this way, when buying a car do you want the 30 year old junker that has had 100 previous owners, or the 14 year old pristine right off the lot car? lowering the age of consent would solve numerous problems in this country

No female over 21 is a virgin. Particularly religious girls. So what this story actually means is that a quarter of all young millennial men are incels.

I wish I had a gf so much

Id agree. I have 2 gfs. One 25 one 35. They dont even give a shit. Competition is so week. Lol

As llong as i dont fuck other girls they are fine with it

I want whatever will last a few years and get great gas mileage with minimal maintenance.

fuck off pedo

I'm 34 and I gave up on ever having a gf. All women have at least 7 STDs by the time they're 20 and I'm much happier living alone and having friends and family to hang out with.


>World blames white men for literally everything
>Rape allegations everywhere
>Lazy mentally stunted money grabbing women who are only with you to make their moms happy.
Damn men must be afraid of intimacy. What a bunch of incels

have you seen most people? They're unattractive.


>scared of intimacy
No, scared of some shrill feminist screaming rape at the top of her lungs just because you somehow offended her snowflake sensibilities.

Based and redpilled
>having a victim mentality

Millennial men are pussies who don't fuck because they are permanently 12, and they are pathetic and autistic scrawny faggots.
This is what good times and peace creates, it's the societal equivalent of obesity.

Attached: millennial.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

they have a reason too. women are naturally evil and feminism has basically made the entire law system work for them. every single bias both socially and legally is pro-woman, and anti-male

Why are you not allowed to rape when all women basically want to be raped in the bedroom, dominated and borderline beaten, choked etc etc?

>girl starts sleeping with men as early as 14
>don't control themselves and develop "sexual preferences"
>now judge men for their ability to "sexually perform"
>guy has never slept with a woman and is being judged
>this is supposed to be an intimate, personal, and loving act
>woman is evaluating the male's performance
yes they are not scared, it's just not worth it

sex should be personal and loving, not judgmental

Unironically just don't get along with women because none of them are into anything cool. Why are women so boring, chaps?

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It's true for me though. I fear intimacy. I blame my mom who stopped giving me hugs when my autistic asked pushed her away.
And my dad who never corrected the behavior and forced me to act like a caring person, even if I was uncomfortable about it.

No I can't develop any close relationships with anyone. But at least I have enough in common with men to at least be friends. but I can't be romantic with women.

I literally had a virgin girl who wanted to see me over long distance, and I made an excuse for why I can't.

yeah except the dude in the webm is the textbook example of a so󠠭yboy who would call you an incel for refusing to "man" up and take care of tyrones child

Why are women absolved of all blame when it comes to this issue? You know, the other half of the population?

What's with Americans and their obsession with pretending their dystopian shithole full of whores, fatties and manchildren is a representation of the entire world?
Has no American ever stopped to think why everyone, including non-American whites, hate you?
You are the epitome of evil and degeneracy.

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Because I have a 4 inch penis and no girl would ever like me.

It's great that Europe's native population has such a high birthrate, right?

If you aren't afraid of sex then whats with all the posts demonizing it like Merryposting

Whats your zoomer abbreviation mean I don't speak fortnite

Im the 36 ear old. I live in houston. I wont date American raised women anymore. So much better life.

You really dont

I just feel like most women cheat and gaslight


incel cope is insane

>but muh euros

cope roastie

Those are zoomers. Millenials are 30 to 40.

Zoomer males... i just think they were all raised by single mothers step dads and absentee fathers.

The trump obessession and cucking are explained by this. And all the social media. Twitter, Instagram.. thats aome feminine teenage girl shit back in my day. Straight faggy

Conceivably, if I wanted to meet a based NEET girl who likes video games and anime and is a low key racist, how do I achieve this without going outside, or using social media?

This is my biggest problem, I've never had a female friend or met a woman who shares any of my interests. Maybe they're out there but at this point I doubt it.
At this point even if I managed to find a woman who I could even get along with I'd probably get bored of her within a month or two.

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I'm never going to have sex and you can't make me

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Why not just get a foreign girlfriend looking for a green card? So long as you have a good job you'll be set.

How the fuck did I get lucky enough to lose my virginity holy shit

Why would a woman share your interest. You have a penis right?

Fucking zoomers. Girls cannot be your friend



have sex

Foreign women always beat American women

Doesnt matter where from

Thanks brother. It seems very few people could live the lifestyle I have.

minimum you have to do is join an anime club to find those kinds of women

>tfw 27 year old virgin

I'm in my 30s, a virgin and frankly I don't really care about having sex I guess I'm just more comfortable by myself and a bit asexual. Or it's just I haven't had a special connection to anyone yet. It's not a big deal I have other things to worry about.

even women are remaining virgins longer than expected

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>Millenials are 30 to 40.
What the fuck is with this revisionist history of people trying to make millennials in their thirties at the youngest? Are you fucking retarded? Zoomers start at late 90's, fucking stop with this bullshit you little cunt. I see you everywhere.

Problem with this kind of thinking is it's very juvenile and indicates you never really got past that high school mentality. Sure, people can get together based on mutual interests, but it's not like they ADOPT each other's interests simply because they're now a couple.

Yeah faggot. Zoomers dont remeber 9/11 in an adult or teenage way. 30 to 10

I thought it was because of insecurity due to a hyper sexualized culture and electronic media addicted youth so it creates alot of young men who never got laid in their teen years so are afraid to have sex in their young adulthood from fear of being ridiculed for their lack of experience which could result in ED, PE or just bad sex in general. This creates a negative cycle in which the guy continues to never get laid


Wrong. It's because feminists created an entire generation of lying bitches that will destroy your life at the drop of a hat, for fun. If it can happen to a Supreme Court Justice, then it can happen to you.

Attached: democrat liars versus justice kavanaugh, fake rape.jpg (960x950, 85.09K)

Have mine. Shes pissing me off and I want to fuck a tranny before we all die anyway

>zoomers start late mid to late 90

Making them 30 to 20

SAME lol

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millenials know how pathetic millenials are and it kills them.

I don't like clubs. I can't stand enforced social environments. Also, I don't think those things exist once you're out of college.


Based age of consent poster

Get a black woman, they're low key racist

>annoying bitch fishing for complements on reddit
Social media was a mistake.

rent free

She's just trying to get people to subscribe to her onlyfans

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I don't want a 14 year old car

dont really see why I would need a roastie anyway.
>they are expensive so would need to get a job
>takes up a lot of time
>you have to deal with their annoying family and friends
>they expect you to buy them shit and drive them places
>they have all STDs
>average girls already fucked 10+ guys by the time they are 15

like what is in for me? seems like a bad deal overall.

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I lost my virginity at 26, AMA.

Fingered a girl at 24, couldn't get a boner left with even less confidence than before.

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Paul G's character is really frustrating to watch.

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>one in eight 26 years olds are virgins
statistics skewed by white men

if they didn't include them in the statistics, guaranteed it would be much lower. incel freaks.

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I just feel like I'm not ready to love someone else or let them into my life if I'm still incapable of loving myself. Once I have achieved a sense of self satisfaction and can see that my life is on a good track I'll begin searching for companionship. As things are I can only see myself letting others down and depending too much on them.

lmao are you actually retarded? the reason why incels don't have sex is because they are scared to ask a girl out, not because they think women are whores, you stupid mother fucker. And don't give me shit for using the word incel, its a perfect one to use in this case

No no no. We don't want to be lumped in with you. We grew up before 9/11 or were old enough to remember the world before. We were in clubs, everyone was fucking, i mean everyone.

You guys barely fuck and are anti social. No wonder your women get with us you constantly depressed, emotional negatice assholes. We maybe be loud and bitch, but atleast we have balls and fuck. You guys are cowards

Yup, there's no point to having a girlfriend, sex isn't worth the hassle of putting up with them and I can just jerk off in peace. The only issue is that I want kids at some point down the line and crying "artificial wombs!" seems like cope. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet at some point.

How can one man be this wrong?


Fucking zoomer. Dont pay attention to women when they bitch. Jesus. Be a man, you have to control them.

>Suicide attempt

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>I just feel like I'm not ready to love someone else or let them into my life if I'm still incapable of loving myself.
This is unironically the correct attitude to have, but the thing is you're meant to sort it out by the time you're 18 at the most when you're actually prepared for a serious, stable relationship. Then again maybe it's just a case of young people historically being treated as mature adults younger than today.

Women are scared of settling

Unironically, I've kind of been tempted. I'm kind of drawn to the way black people actually have pride in themselves, and don't seem to be perpetually apologising for being alive. Being around white people these days is like being around a mental patient who's forever grasping for bits of broken glass, trying to slash their wrists. After a point it's like "fucking kill yourself then, retard. I don't care anymore". Do you think they'd let me be black?

I won't deny it, I'm pretty damn immature. Working on it.

Imagine if they banned all social media, absolutely everything. How would this affect men and how women?

Minus the shitty chink animation vice, the country.

>The only issue is that I want kids at some point down the line
really? what for?
If they wont have a good mother why even bother, she will work against you and turn them against you
at best you created more taxpayer cattle and some jew profits from it while you pay for it.
it all seems like a bad deal and you would need to be mentally retarded to fall for it.
like there is no upside to any of this at all.

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All blacks have had sex by 13 it’s not fair bros

Redistribution of sex to pre-internet era. Right now we live in the Chad gap era where

Yas Forums would get flooded with more maga boomers