This is why Star Wars is dying. The story group has zero respect for it and will continue to gaslight people like their behavior is appropriate. Star Wars is undeniably fucked.
"HaViNg No CaNoN iS a GoOd ThInG"
Other urls found in this thread:
They have a point but the solution is to just stop making new stuff for tired old franchises like Star Wars and come up with fresh ideas, not to write Star Wars stories that have nothing to do with Star Wars
Star Wars is a childrens franchise, that’s your number one problem OP, first and foremost.
Disney is cancer
Canon is important. The actual issue would be that currently most things sharing canon also share the same atmosphere, ie Marvelshit.
Then what makes something what it is if not the parts that made it what it is?
NuFans with NuCanon now complaining. Lmao.
RIP EU. I'm glad your not around to suffer the same fate.
Remember when one of the selling points of Disney buying Marvel from the shills was that Disney was going to have a tight continuity and not fuck up things like the EU? Good times.
>gf's sperm
I thought star wars died because the last 8 films were horseshit
This. Canon is just another word for consistency. Denying canon is denying consistency, and without consistency, suspension of disbelief and overall quality is fucked.
These faggots are defending blatant laziness.
>I don't want to put in minimal effort to know IP I was given, I just want to shovel propaganda
Leftshittism everyone.
Yeah, that is why Marvel Studios is a failure and not popular. Oh wait!
Yup. They just keep screwing up and want you to buy it anyways.
You can't maintain a coherent canon across a hundred different Marvel properties but you CAN maintain canon in a contained universe like Star Wars. Instead they spit all over the canon with Nu Wars and ruined it forever.
>come up with fresh ideas
It's 'Seize the means' not 'Create the means'.
Then why not just erase the shitty sequel trilogy already?
nu-canon is like canon except nobody is white
Then why even write for Star Wars (or any Sci-fi/fantasy show) if you don’t care about the Lore and continuity?
star wars is dead. i still havent seen the last movie.
Yeah, I remember. It was Disney's main talking point, complaining that there are inconsistencies in the EU.
Imagine saying that and then use the dumbest EU storyline about Emperor's clones for episode 9.
>force yourself into a franchise you don't respect
>don't even have any talent
This is literally what happens when someone who isn't actually a fan of something takes it over, and wants it to be something completely different. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, but why wouldn't they just create a new universe?
Oh right, it's because no one wants to watch a movie about progressive trans wars.
I hope this guy isn't a writer. Surely it'd be a bit weird for a writer to be unable to articulate their thoughts using words.
>Matt Martin
Fuck this faggot. His one exchange over TRoS on Twatter further confirmed how much they don't oversee their own projects.
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg
>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness
>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg
>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin
>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro Iñárritu
>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- Alan Moore
>“I tried ‘Black Panther.’ I escaped from the cinema after 20 minutes,” Noé said. “I thought it was as bad as ‘Star Wars.’ I hated ‘Star Wars.’ I hated the R&B music. The music was so bad that I had to escape.
- Gaspar Noé
Because without that foundation audience no one will give a shit about the terrible content they produce.
You should. I guarantee you that you have never seen anything like. It is as if a bunch of tumblr Yas Forumscksuckers got together and just wrote and then and then and then and then.
Might be the worst movie I have ever seen.
Or maybe because Star Wars is a license that produces content on the side? You don't even like it, by your own admission. Where is this alleged fury coming from if not from uninformed seething?
>Alan Moore
>wrote pic related
>Simon Pegg
Didn't read the rest.
>Creative Executive, Lucasfilm Story Group
Well this explains a lot
Kek. No one knows what is going on at LF.
>having established lore in the setting people love is not good
I don’t understand this logic
Easy success breeds massive jealousy.
But he's right
Good stories > Stories that have to sacrifice something to stay "canon"
If someone has a great idea for a story where Luke dies on Cloud City, fucking let them write it. Only a true, honest to God autist, would rather not hear the story because it contradicts the movies
>If someone has a great idea for a story where Hitler won WW2, fucking let them write it.
kek who cares you cant write 'good' star wars stories its all just product for profit, anyone trying to produce quality will start with their own world
>The music was so bad that I had to escape.
Reminder that the people that liked TLJ don't give a fuck about the canon/world continuity.
Even the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a success because of it.
I thought they were mostly disbanded by now. Was that another of Kathleen's lies?
I unironically agree that obsession over canon, in general, isn't healthy. Like the idea that a story, or a piece of media doesn't 'count,' because it's not part of some elaborate timeline or series of events. It's insulting on multiple degrees. Like the worth of literature, or film, is based solely off of whether or not character X can crossover with character Y, cause it would be "epic." That said, entirely ignoring canon because you're a hack writer is different. If you're working within someone else's world of setting, you should do your best to respect it.
lmao based
>Star Wars is a license that produces content on the side
I mean, I guess that's the point of debate, right? The current producers we're talking about certainly see it this way. I'd assume most of the fans who do find this upsetting are angry because they see Star Wars as the totality of its mythos. That might not be a healthy thing to get attached to, but I get the annoyance, and it's worth noting that without that mythos and its fans, Star Wars isn't really worth anything. If the mythos isn't there, what's the point of the license - what is Star Wars without its canon, really?
youve convinced me. im watching tonight. im gonna smoke a fat doob too just prior.
Hard to shovel propaganda when you have to know anything about the subject you try to subvert.
Because they need the IP to push their propaganda.
What could have been...
I used to get angry at shit like this, but now I welcome it, because it just enervates everyone who cares about [redacted], fueling & hastening the inevitable Big Luau.
My point is that some coloring book based on a cartoon isn't going to change your opinion of Star Wars: which is, according to your admission, mildly indifferent. You're literally virue signaling.
>consistency is oppression, bigot - the post
The new one is out? Holy shit, thanks, man!
YES! That's the one.
>"Whoa, that wasn't in the one I read"
>"Couple of months ago? I usually read the first or second draft. Typically first"
>Typically first
How the FUCK does Kathleen Kennedy still have a job as president aside from having a vagina?
>If someone has a great idea for a story where Luke dies on Cloud City, fucking let them write it. Only a true, honest to God autist, would rather not hear the story because it contradicts the movies
Except the movie was good BECAUSE Luke didn't die. And the sequels were trash BECAUSE Rey was an invincible god. The new stories that are written are trash BECAUSE they are trying to replace good stories.
imagine reading and keeping up with disney wars
for free
and engaging with these people on twitter
imagine enjoying a glib facsimile of star wars and it's glib facsimile tie-in content
I'm really not clear on what virtues I'm signalling here.
i didnt think it was possible to make something worse than attack of the clones, but they managed to pull it off. easily the shittiest sw movie.
>these are the people in charge of Star Wars
attack of the clones is a masterpiece
You won't get profit from bad products.
Yes, let them write it by all means, it might even be very entertaining, but it will never be canon.
Canon wasn’t an issue before Disney
Virtue signaling you're "one of the good ones" who "doesn't care for this SJW stuff, no sir", but who couldn't be fucked to even watched the films. It's not that hard to get, fag.
Ben Solo fighting on the light side was the best Star Wars moment since Empire
>that Han Solo Gungan page
Why? Why would someone write that? Who would think that is ever a good idea?
>It was good that Luke didn't die so that means there can't be any good stories where he DID die
This is the autism I'm talking about
The Han Solo Gungan page reads like a fucking fanfiction.
>Canon wasn’t an issue before Disney
>old-EU canon = optional side content that served to add to the universe + supplementary
>nu-EU """canon""" = required reading + mandatory plot hole filler in an attempt to make sense of main story points
every last person in this thread is retarded
What's your take, smart guy?
So I know this is more Yas Forums, but I'm a fan of Type Moon and the Fate franchise, and the thing about the series, its original story, is that it's three separate novel-length events that branch out from each other, and are in different continuities. Like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. What always amazes me, is 'fans' constantly debate over which branch is better. Actively insulting and degrading stories that THEY invested hours of their life into, because they prefer the purple route over the red, over the blue. It ends up being a ridiculous passive-aggressive pissing match, that whittles down their enjoyment to one specific narrative in one specific game, that they then proceed to put on a pedestal and enshrine.
It kind of reminds me of the people who obsess over The Last Jedi. They love that movie so much, that they will take shots at JJ's films. At the prequels. At even the OT. The ONLY thing that matters is The Last Jedi. This shining beacon on the hill.
New canon is better than Legends EU. Cheers
>I mean yeah Rey may have been a bit OP lifting mountains, mind controlling and shooting mountains in 2 days but at least they got to try something new
This is the reddit tranny I'm talking about.
Canon (aka narrative coherency) is the bedrock of good literature and storytelling. It's like they don't even try to maintain basic fucking consistency anymore. These are all capeshit-related but still relevant:
In Scott Snyder's (canon) New 52 and Rebirth Batman runs, it's specifically shown that Alfred didn't become the Waynes' butler until Bruce was a toddler. Yet in Tom King's run, he says he was there when Bruce was born.
In Detective Comics Annual 3, released January 29, Alfred's full name is given as Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. Yet in the Pennyworth R.I.P. special, released TWO FUCKING WEEKS later, it is Alfred J. Pennyworth.
The Zero Year, Year One, and Detective #27 Batsuits have ALL been referred to as the "original Batsuit" in current canon within the last three years, with no attempt to reconcile them.
Why the fuck can't they just stick to a consistent story?
It’s just pathetic. I shouldn’t have to read tens of side books, comics and novels to understand the basic plot and motivations.
Wasn't he supposed to be the ONE "our guy" on the story group?
Star Wars should be public domain
>bad/lazy writers trying to save their jobs
nothing new. just a bunch of lifers making a living.
The fuck are you talking about? Did you respond to the wrong person? Not once did I imply anything about the sequels
>Real history is full of retcons
What does this even mean?
>It kind of reminds me of the people who obsess over The Last Jedi. They love that movie so much, that they will take shots at JJ's films.
It has more to do with the fact that TLJ fans were never fans of Star Wars to begin with. Seriously, go look up the people who praise Rian's abortion. The common theme amongst these """reviews""" is the self-projection & political ideologies. In other words, TLJ fans are SJW fans.
For the record, both TFA & TRoS are also dogshit.
>Why the fuck can't they just stick to a consistent story?
They used to at least try, in the 2010's they got incredibly sloppy.
This guy only got known for having a matching Porg tattoo like his gf. I think you're thinking of someone else, maybe Pablo Hidalgo who was there for the prequels.
>shooting mountains
*lightning, but I'm sure she could have shot mountains if we had another movie with that bitch
The fuck can't you understand implications? I was saying that when they got free reign to disregard canon and try something new they made garbage, you stupid fuck.
>People can't just have opinions
Ok well, whatever
*improves star wars in you're path*
>This is why Star Wars is dying
fuck off
prequels contradict the original trilogy all the fucking time. george didn't give a fuck about "lore" and "canon"
you're one of those faggots that has line or two about "life day" because "OMG we're acknowledging star wars holiday special isn't this EPIC AND FUNNY" and namedropping teras kasi because you played that shit game when you were a kid
have fucking sex
>come up with fresh ideas
But that's a bigger risk than selling stuff based off existing popularity. Please understand
>Cuck Wendig
Fuck this scat-fetish s o y boy.
Making bad movies and having free reign with canon are not mutually exclusive. I'm not defending Disney's shitty movies just because I think that they should be able to tell whatever stories they want. Fuck you are stupid ahaha
>My point is that some coloring book based on a cartoon
What about the regular books like in