The great debate

The great debate

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how is this even a debate. the bitch on the left is ugly

It is heavily implied in the film that Sharon Stone is objectively the best.

who would ever pick a gypsy over a white gal

You think this is the real Quaid?

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Sweaty Sharon Stone is peak female

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...How is this even a debate?

this. amerifats must have a strange mexican woman fetish.

remake with Margot Robbie when ?

Stone is hotter but she's also a psychotic bitch working to assassinate Arnie, so left obviously.

Gross she has nothing on Stone

He was in a dream.

It is

I honestly think it's Arnold's fetish. This, The Running Man, Predator, all of them are spics who all look similar. Then he goes on to bang his maid and have an illegitimate love-child, it can't be a coincidence.

Did Arnie fuck her?

better jaw

Sharon is way hotter than Milena. Milena wins on personality though.

rooney > mara

Sharon is like a genius or something

the REAL debate

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Sweaty Sharon pussy all day long.

2, Daughter of 1, 1

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Don't know where this is from but right.

The three titty prostitute

Total Recall

Fucking hell, no wonder it looks so bland. The actresses look like they come from a CW show, they have that attractive but uninteresting quality about them.

left is a findom who will lock you up in chastity and call your penis small while letting you lick her taint
right will slap your nuts during sex and wrap her legs around your neck while you try to play destiny 2

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Her, the brunette, the lady with three tits, and the midget

wtf even is the context for this?


shit nigger all this time i thought they were the same

you need to end yourself

What is this shit? Not sure if it's hilariously bad or just cringey


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Lilly Mo acts? Name of show?


My guess is a promotion on ellen with Kate and Jessica's kids.

>Jessica's kid

everyone picking sharon stone is a fag

Keep calm Arnie

i normally dont go for blonds but i cant fucking stand curly poofy 80s hair

It's hot as fuck on attractive women. You might be gay user, sorry...


The one in Commando was also brown, curly haired and ugly. Though I think she was some kind of pacific islander.

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I meant in real life.

fuck off lad

fuck off moron

>but i cant fucking stand curly poofy 80s hair

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it's insane how hot she is in that movie


arnolds wife is almost never a knock out except DAMNN JAMIE LEE CURTIS

>Looking up how she died
um wtf? i was not ready for that
was she a coke head or something?

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aneurysms can just be very bad luck

I would build a 3rd temple in that

Off the top of my head, his girls in Twins and Conan are hot.


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>Kelly Preston
certainly surpasses Sharon

forgot pic

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