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If you got mad at fat jokes you are a liberal
If you think this movie which revolves around Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Cap, Hulk, and Iron Man was emasculated you need to dilate

>big ass beard and gut

He's actually more relatable.

he looks like 80% of American men

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This desu
If anything I wanna have a beer with him even more now

he was far more relatable in endgame than he ever was before
also the russos wanted thor to go back to being ripped about half-way through but hemsworth changed their minds and insisted he stay fat so take it up with him

fat people are funny
fat thor was funny
him getting fat was the most character development of any marvel character
kys yourself nigger

literally a 5 second scene made to throw retarded feminists a bone

Fat people are masculine dummy

maybe for you because you're a fat soiboy

Fat people are cringe and disgusting

>also the russos wanted thor to go back to being ripped about half-way through but hemsworth changed their minds and insisted he stay fat so take it up with him
I would have been ok with that. Except he would still become cuck and give his kingdom to Nigkyrie.

Jeremy Renner is too based for this franchise, only character who has more range than quips and action


Tbh I'd like to see a movie about him becoming Ronin and killing scum all around the world.
Ninja Punisher was the best thing in that whole movie.

this honestly, it was terrible and contrived for them all to line up together, especially considering how wildly underpowered some of them were as if they coudl do anything to cover marvel, but it was 30 seconds in a 3 hour movie, the amount it made autists on here sperg out was unreal.

They butchered his character. He was the biggest chad and a fan favorite by the end of Infinity War, then the next film he’s a fat loser that’s given up and the Asgardians are now being led by the goblina

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All capeshit is for emasculated zoomers

>le silly fat guy xD marvel is so FUNNY
Fucking cringe. Grass-eating chimps like you are the reason the MCU became nothing but SUPER FUNNY quips every six fucking seconds.

Its fucking capeshit.

Wind River had him doing something similar

>MCU became nothing but SUPER FUNNY quips every six fucking seconds.
That's literally how it started. These movies are for children and chinks.

No it didnt

Didn't they all get butchered in the beginning of infinity war?

fat women are disgusting, fat men are based, retard
>he takes capeshit meant for 12 yr old seriously

They destoyed your childhood hero because they made him fat? Its supposed to be comedy you sad fuck. You are like the incel who told idubbz he ruined his life for being a simp

I like how ppl started calling him "Fat Thor" so then Disney started releasing stuff calling him "Bro Thor" because making fun of fattys is not pc.


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Not really, he just killed that one guy. Still a great movie though.
Any other Renner kinos? Other than Senior Trip of course.

>never really liked Thor that much at first
>grow to like him more and more
>this scene cemented him as my favorite character
>his character completely does a 180 in Endgame for the sake of comic relief and is a huge letdown
I imagine a lot of people felt like this too. Infinity War Thor was a fucking chad, then they turn him into a fat fuck Fortnite playing faggot

This was cringe, but a good setup for my favorite part of the movie.

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They made him too strong and had to depower him. He could have ended the entire conflict of the movie single-handed and could have worn the infinity gauntlet with no issues and nobody would have had to die and none of those stupid gurrllll power scenes would have had to happen and spiderman wouldn't have had to cry because tom holland doesn't know how to act and can't cry and who the fuck am I kidding this is CAPESHIT DUDE THIS IS CAPESHIT THIS IS CAPESHIT THIS IS CAPESHIT THIS IS CAPESHIT THIS IS CAPESHIT

have sex zoomer

Watch better movies you fucking faggot

Why DID he get like this again? I can't remember the reasoning they used in the movie

No shit?
They were back and forth with it
>End of Ragnarok
“Asgard isn’t a place it’s a people”
>start of Infinity War
All Asgardians massacred
>End of Endgame
They’re living in a shitty seaside port?

>Being fat is feminine.
>Powerlifters are all literally obese just like fat thor

Skinny people are feminine and even muscular people are more feminine. Some muscular prettyboy. Fat is rugged and robust

>cucked and outsmarted by black widow, can't even kill himself properly
>laughing stock beta male who is only there for comic relief
>becomes a hipster soi-hulk
Iron Manlet
>his girlfriend becomes just as powerful as him with her own suit the first time she puts it on. Dies unnecessarily, could've used the stones to bring him back afterwards
>hyper stylized goatee and passive agressively confrontational with quips

Thor was the only male character with testosterone

He's funnier and more grounded that way, he also overcame it and had an arc about it.

Jaded from loss of family and seeks retribution, it's a bit of a stretch though I'll admit.
He was a redeeming quality in 28 weeks later

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RDJ was a real actor once.

>They made him too strong and had to depower him. He could have ended the entire conflict of the movie single-handed and could have worn the infinity gauntlet with no issues
Somewhat this.
He got so insanely powerful in Ragnarok that it made no sense he even had to get a new weapon to replace Mjolnir in Infinity War.

Remember how Tony's PTSD and Panic attack were taken seriously in Iron Man 3
Remember how Thor's PTSD and Panic attack used as a tool for Jokes in Endgame

>If you got mad at fat jokes you are a liberal
>completely misuderstanind the op

What would you do if he started dancing towards you like this

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Captain Marvel is such a cringe fucking character.

I didn’t give a shit about Fat Thor because it’s capeshit and character development isn’t a thing so who cares, but it’s really telling that all the female heroes like Cpt Marvel, Black Widow, Gammora etc are stoic “badasses” with zero character flaws whatsoever, while the male heroes are all goofy fucking quipsters who can’t be taken seriously because they’re cracking jokes every other second.

>Fan Favorite
Sorry I'm on Team Cap

You are just a man version of a disgusting feminist

There’s a difference between bodybuilder fat and incel neckbeard fat

>give him a dad bod so now makes relate to him more and females still want him
You played yourself.

Lel cope harder fatass, there’s nothing masculine about stuffing your face every meal and getting out of breath after one flight of stairs

Being overweight lowers testosterone, fertility and strength

TAG is kinda dumb but Renner goes fucking mental on some dudes playing tag

>the simp seethes with impotent rage when he is confronted with truth

>You are just a man version of a disgusting feminist

In that case I am sure that a corporate contract to help push his worldview is right around the corner.


He blamed himself for not being able to stop Thanos when he had the chance so during the 5 year timeskip he became depressed and got fat from eating and drinking to bury his guilt


Kinda amazing to think this hyper sterilized no-fun allowed franchise started with Tony Stark killing ethnic minority terrorists in middle eastern caves and fucking the feminism out of independent strong willed women.

The thing that made me fucking pissed is that they couldn’t stop him from cracking le funneh reddit jokes for ONE fucking second during the one scene in the movie that could’ve been touching, when he reunites with his mother, but no, he has to blurt out some retarded fucking bullshit IM TOTALLY FROM THE FUTURE instead of letting him have a touching moment with his dead mother, despite the fact that grief for his dead loved ones was supposed to be his major theme in Infinity War.

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that would make sense except they introduced captain marvel and etablished that she could do that anyways

the explanation why she wasn't around was just "she's busy fighting on other planets!!!"

Then she shows up and wrecks Thanos shit with no problem. So this theory doesn't make sense. They just hate men.

Marvel's target audience would get too uncomfortable, they eat this shit up due to fractured family units

My normie friends all said this was possibly the cringiest thing they've seen in any movie.


People talk about cultural appropriation all the time, how do scandinavianss feel about their mythology being turned into a capeshit zoomer meme?

you'd have to be blind to not see the feminist agenda in infinity war 2

they had a whole fucking cringe inducing scene where every female hero lines up and poses dramatically for the camera. it makes no sense in universe, it's complete, 100 percent signalling to the feminist audience and their nu-male simp supporters

Everyone I know hated this shit, I have 2 nieces that love these fuckin movies and even THEY thought this was forced as hell.

the cringe was unbearable

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>expecting a emotinal moment in a Marvel movie

I'm more annoyed about my culture being represented as "everyone is scandinavian :)" multicultural Asgard with blacks and chinese everywhere

>THEY thought this was forced as hell.
Explain. What did they say or do explicitly?

I suspect that Phase Four will culminate with Queen Amidala becoming the new Thor. Screencap this shit.

Are you having a stroke?

Fat men are even more pathetic than fat women. Fat women can still get laid.

Honestly, if I was a feminist I would just feel mad at that moment.
>yeah we don't really have any memorable female characters in this franchise, but look ladies, here they are on screen together for a few seconds while the men are off doing something important, how quaint, you like that sweetie?

I thought his breakdown and collapse into a slob was fitting. He lost his brother, lost half of his people, lost his hammer, lost his parents, lost his home, and lost an eye. He has probably lost more than any other hero in the MCU at that point and withstood trauma that would have crushed a normal man a long time ago. Yet he still somehow held on and threw everything he had into getting that one last shot at Thanos. He ascended to elder god tier, tanked the full energy of a fucking star, rode on the full emotional strength from his mountain of losses and powered through a beam from a fully powered gauntlet... and it still wasn’t enough. He still wasn’t good enough to save the day since his problem that was there since his very first film, his pride, kept him from getting the job done since he wanted just a little more glory in the kill. At that point he probably realized that he still wasn’t strong enough and indirectly killed half the universe by not getting over his hubris. That straw broke the camel’s back after a lifetime of loss. Fuck it, if I can’t get over pride, I might as well indulge in whatever other vices I see fit. Fuck it all, I learned nothing and I am nothing. That’s why the pep talk with his mother to get him back on his feet was so vital and one of the few really good parts of Endgame.

Giving the kingdom to the nig was still dumb though.

>not Bloatmaxxing
Kys you weak low T twink