Tales from the loop



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does amazon release whole seasons? and how kino is it?

Yeah, whole season is released at once

I’d give it 9/10

oh sweet, guess I'll give it a watch then

this looks like the most generic deepity garbage ever. maybe if I was 8
though this looks like it wasn't made for 8 year olds?

>10 seconds in
>2 bootlipped niggers are on screen
yeah I’m thinking dropped

Awesome. I've been looking forward to this.


Attached: Tales From the Loop Official Trailer.webm (1920x1080, 537.65K)

Episode Directors -
Jodie Foster
So Yong Kim
Charlie McDowell
Tim Mielants
Mark Romanek
Andrew Stanton
Dearbhla Walsh
Ti West

I only recognise Foster and Ti West from that list

Are the others literally who’s?

just started watching this today, only seen the first two eps, pretty good so far, just a q, do all these seperate stories tie into each other

Stanton - John Carter and Pixar films
Romanek - One Hour Photo and tons of music videos

How many nigs and sjw shit does it have

First episode features a blonde haired blue eyed teenager getting Blacked


this looks like a Simon Stalenhag painting


Fuck Amazon shills and fuck Amazon Studios. It's gone to shit ever since that cunt took over.

That’s because it’s based on his work

>Most of Stålenhag's artwork was initially available online, before later being released for sale as prints.[8][3] Since then, it has been turned into two narrative art books, Tales from the Loop in 2014 and Things from the Flood in 2016. Both focus on the construction of a supermassive particle accelerator called the Loop.

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I'm sold

Looks like cookie cutter garbage

I understand not liking it, but how is it generic or cookie cutter? It looks very distinct

I've developed an eye for souless shit. Also, after 5 seasons of Black Mirror and Electric Dreams (which was already meh) i guarentee there's no novelty in this series

>Magical kids and diversity
YaaAs!! Oh my GOOOOD! I spilled my onions when i saw the kid doing magical stuf! OMG so original! I'm going to call my wife's bull to celebrate! Im going to hear them fuck while i watch this series!

This is what you sound like

Alright, how good is it? And how pozzed? I have just entered Prime and saw this. Never heard about it, and tough about asking Yas Forums about it. What a coincidence.

Literally never heard of this and the trailer doesn't look interesting

Attached: 1536396213084.jpg (659x525, 40.64K)

That cast looks hella diverse

Looks faggy and boring if im being honest.

Lots of tribe members as well.

It looks aesthetically very interesting, but what's the actual plot?

>drab women talking
>slow piano
>drab violin
>inspirational quotes

when is this shit going to stop, Its clear by now nothing interesting is going to happen and the show is going to be based on over used platitudes as a plot device

Attached: DcWCT5qWAAEvt-g.jpg (1200x675, 73.79K)

>how pozzed?

umpteen people have already asked that in this thread before you. Learn to read, numb nuts.


It's based on an art book so I don't know what the plot is going to be. The premise is there's this big machine underground that changes the laws of physics on the land above it.

A narrative art book, so it’s not like it didn’t have a plot before

Based post

thats tonight's viewing in order then

>It's gone to shit ever since that cunt took over.
Tell me more. Even I felt Amazon exclusive stuff is worse than before. Havent seen much tough.

I’m on episode 2 and it’s interesting as fuck

Wonder how this body swap thing is gonna work out

>it's a simple small city but actually... there's a government experiment going on
what new and exciting concept

sounds based hopefully there good at visual story telling or else it will be meh

>virgin body swaps with Chad
>immediately starts laying pipe and living it up

I’m betting he refuses to swap back

Is this real?

No lol

That makes me want to see it less than I did before I watched the video. "Here's a bunch of random unconnected scenes with haunting music. That's how you know we're deep shit."

Of fucking course

Score from Philip glass is kino as always

How fucking gullible are you

Well shit this story went a different direction to what I was expecting.

well. At this point, with every show on tv and streaming service working as hard as possible to be the PG and PG13 version of BLACKED.com, it's a fair assumption.

This. They even call themselves "groundbreaking new series". Add some pseudointellectual slow piano music with ominous scenes and Pryce plays Anthony Hopkins' Westworld character.
Looks like an empty mystery box with an entire season of nothing and a "worldshattering" reveal in the finale. Don't miss next season of Feel More Sophisticated Than You Are - The Show.

Yes please

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It’s more of an anthology series with the Loop being used as the origin of “insert crazy sci fi concept here”

Not really much mystery box stuff about the sci fi, some about characters though

Any streaming links?

>oh cool a sci-fi show based on Simon Stalenhags art
>trailer is just some shitty, slow moving emotional drama with child actors and a multi-ethnic cast

looks like 'nothing happening/2deep4u' the show; with a cgi robot once per episode and the last episode being some lame cliffhanger that is never resolved, just leads you into the next season if it gets renewed.

how did it get this bad? that I can just watch a trailer and 9/10 know exactly what formula it's gonna follow. everything is generic cookie cutter garbage now.

Just get a free trial of amazon prime

you mean it's already out ?
i honestly feel bad for people like you who can't just enjoy something for whatever it is and instead just bitch all the time. Sad

Attached: ETYyEMYU4AA0xCY.jpg (400x440, 44.85K)

Yeah, the trailer looked pretty boring. There doesn't seem to be any action at all just introvert existentialist melodrama shit.

Just finished episode 3 and you couldn’t be more wrong.

>there doesn’t seem to be any action at all